[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth
" The only 6-link you need is the bow. 6-link Kintsugi is totally optional, not really worth it and basically last thing you should ever do. Vaal implicits such as the one you have here are much more important. You can potentially 6-socket it (350 vaal orbs needed) and maybe change the socket colours if needed. GMP in the frenzy setup is used so you don't have to precisely click the enemy. Ultimate bow doesn't really exist, and if it did then you wouldn't acquire it without selling your kidney. Synthesised bows are currently the strongest in many regards, list of mods can be found in the section dedicated to the league. " It's hard for me to say, since different people play in different ways and speed. I know that i consistently reach red maps in first 5-6 days playing around 8 hours each in SSF. In trade league/softcore you can do it faster if you only want to. It is not the fastest build, which is gated by how the skill works rather than the build itself. It's still quick enough to be competitive with majority of other skills. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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Been away from POE for a while. came back using this build. pretty straightforward build that does what it should. Great guide, very neatly put!
Exiled for Eternity
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So the 3.7.0 tree has a bunch of nodes that are marked from "increased phys damage with bows" to "Increased damage with bow". CA has the bow tag on it, does anyone think these will apply to CA like minion damage does when you take the minion damage applies to you?
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3.6 Guide Archive Post #1
![]() Overview ====== Starting with the most important question: "Why Raider of all classes?" For powerful defensive abilities, QoL features and speed. When damage is not a problem, these are more valuable qualities than slightly higher dps number. That's why i believe this is the best ascendancy choice for life based CA. This build features over 6000 life, very high evasion with up to 95% evade chance cap, 46/40% dodge/spell dodge. It's also immune to all ailments and can run absolutely any map mod. Any incoming damage can be easily solved with two instant life flasks healing you back to full life. Capable of clearing all content in the game. Everything with possiblity to use some magic find gear. Pros + Cheap starting cost, great league starter + Very easy to play + Tanky end game, over 6000 life and very high evasion + dodge + Fast without flasks (over 90% ms, high AS) + Flexible build, adjust how much you want to go MF / damage / tanky + Can run any map mod, including "No regen" + Capable of clearing all end game content + Permanent flask uptime while mapping (except bosses) Cons - Mediocre single target damage - Slightly expensive end game gear - Weak against spells ![]()
Passive Tree and Bandits
There are two basic trees you can use:
Level 94 - Base passive tree This is the recommended path for majority of the players, focuses on scaling Caustic Arrow only. Budget and beginner friendly. Guide will be focused on this tree. Level 96 - Classic tree Old school tree for experienced players. Focuses on generic chaos/DoT increases to scale Caustic Arrow and Essence Drain. The latter skill is used in second weapon slot to further increase damage output. This playstyle has it's own section at the end of the guide's main post. It's a straight upgrade to CA only tree. Beware, it's really expensive. If you've reached level 94 using any of the trees, start picking up closest jewel slots. You can also replace some life/damage nodes for 2 point jewels if you have the money for it. Bandit Reward: Kill All (recommended) OR spare Oak Ascendancy: Avatar of Veil (Phasing) + Avatar of Chase (Onslaught) Avatar of Veil and Chase provides amazing defensive, speed and QoL features. No other ascendancy can really match it. Best used for pure mapping, but still works against end game bosses. Build uses Way of Poacher for levelling purposes, before finishing merciless Labyrinth. Other Ascendancy Classes
Allright, i get it. You dislike Raider for some reason, probably not enough damage. There are alternative ascendancies using the exact same passive tree. Starting with the best one:
![]() Trickster Ascendancy: Patient Reaper -> Prolonged Pain -> Ghost Dance -> Escape Artist Balanced passive tree (Level 95) - CA focused tree Classic tree (Level 96) - CA+ED Classic tree Highest damage output out of all ascendancy classes. Amazing survivability against all type of content. Suitable for both CA only and classic CA+ED version. Lower speed and QoL compared to Raider. ![]() Pathfinder Ascendancy: Nature's Reprisal -> Master Toxicist -> Nature's Boon -> Master Alchemist Base passive tree (Level 94) - Same as Raider's Great middle ground between Raider and Trickster. Almost as high damage as Trickster while having elemental ailment immunity like Raider. Flask recharge is incredible as well. You can sacrifice one of the Master nodes to take Nature's Adrenaline node for additional speed. ![]() Champion Ascendancy: Unstoppable Hero -> Fortitude -> Conqueror -> Worthy Foe Base passive tree (Level 96) If you hate dying, here's your choice. Perma fortify makes Champion strongest against big hits. Taunt branch is also great for clearing packs of mobs. Low QoL with great defence and decent damage. You can use Inspirational and First to Strike, Last to Fall nodes instead of Taunt branch. Gives massive conditional damage and defence. ![]() Deadeye Ascendancy: Gathering Winds -> Far Shot -> Endless Munitions -> Fast and Deadly Base passive tree (Level 94) - Same as Raider's Good option for mapping. Great offensive QoL features with good damage. Quite weak defensively. You can pick Ricochet as 4th point if you prefer. Gives higher damage output at cost of mobility. ![]()
Major God: Soul of Lunaris
Nuff said, straight up has the best synergy with the build. Others barely do anything except few specific cases. Minor God: Soul of Shakari OR Ryslatha OR Garukhan All three of them are pretty good, but my personal favorite is Shakari. Having full ailment immunity simply feels great. Use it only if you upgraded it. Ryslatha is 2nd most useful minor god, i use it for any end game boss encounter. It's great for labyrinth as well and overall best choice if you don't want to look at pantheon ever again. Garukhan is also great option for defence during mapping. Additional evade chance is very powerful combined with high evasion. ![]()
Gem Setups
Main Skill (GGGGBR):
Caustic Arrow - Void Manipulation - Swift Affliction - Vicious Projectiles - Concentrated Effect 6th Link: Damage on Full Life OR Empower lvl 3/4 Your primary damage setup. First 3 support gems have no real downsides and should always be included in the build. Conc Effect and Damage on Full Life have downsides, which one you prefer is up to you (i recommend first one). Empower has no downside but requires level 3 or 4 to be worth using. Costs a lot of money or time. In case you feel that your damage is good enough, you can use Greater Multiple Projectiles for clearing instead of Swift Affliction. Wither Totem (BRRR): Wither - Spell Totem - Multiple Totems - Increased Duration Nearly doubles damage against bosses. Place the totem and let it do the work. It also slows their movement speed, so keep that in mind against some bosses. Cursed Frenzy Setup (GGBB): Frenzy - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Curse on Hit - Despair Setup designed for additional damage against bosses. You can generate Frenzy charges (12% more damage) and curse enemies at the same time. CWDT Immortal Call (RRR): Cast when Damage Taken lvl 3 - Immortal Call lvl 5 - Increased Duration lvl 20 Standard CWDT setup. Immortal Call is useful against random bleeding from bosses / lab traps. Not a mandatory setup, but very much recommended. Aura: Malevolence OR Grace Grace gives high amount of flat evasion, making it extremely easy to reach 95% evade chance cap. Useful especially early on before you can max out your defences. Better suited for beginners, because with it flasks are not nearly as important to stay alive. Malevolence significantly increases your damage, stronger end game potential. You should be using it once you acquire necessary gear to max out evade chance without help of Grace. Temporary Aura: Vaal Grace Vaal Grace allows us to cap Dodge / Spell dodge. It's a temporary aura which is best used during abyss/breaches/harbingers etc. Vaal Grace can be linked with CWDT Immortal Call setup for longer aura duration, it will not trigger automatically but still benefit from Increased Duration. Banner: Dread Banner - Increased AoE (optional) Used for it's massive 21% less accuracy to nearby enemies. Great defense for tiny mana reservation. It doesn't require you to impale enemies in order to gain the primary benefit. You can link it with Increased AoE support for bigger and more reliable aura range, however it's not necessary. Bonus Mana Regen: Clarity lvl 10 Not a mandatory setup, but it's the easiest way to greatly increase mana regeneration. Without it, you will find yourself running out of mana all the time. Movement Skill: Blink Arrow Used to cross gaps and escape tough situations quickly. Your primary way of moving around is still on foot. These are the only mandatory gems and we still got 2 free gem slots. How you fill the rest of them is your choice. Optional Setups
Withering Rain (GGGR):
Toxic Rain - Mirage Archer - Withering Touch - Increased Duration Optional setup to Wither Totem. It's much, much worse when it comes to raw damage increase and reliability. However this setup can be used in any situation for additional utility/damage which is not possible with totem. Bestiary Aspect: Aspect of the Crab Any source of damage mitigation is great for evasion characters. With very high evasion numbers it can easily act as permanent 20% physical damage reduction. End game only, otherwise low mana pool might cause troubles. Cursed Frenzy Setup (GGGGBB): Frenzy - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Curse on Hit - Despair - Enhance - Culling Strike If you're rich, that's probably the best 6-link body armour setup. Enhance for extra damage from Despair. Culling strike is for finishing the bosses, but i personally hate it. Essence Drain Swap (BBBGGR): Essence Drain - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction - Void Mani - Swift Affliction - Empower Used in classic version of this build. To learn more, head over to the Classic CA+ED Build section. Fortify: Vigilant Strike with The Vigil threshold jewel Only usable if you have melee weapon swap. Gives ~35 second long Fortify, awesome bonus for hard hitting bosses. Without threshold jewel the duration is only ~12 seconds, but it's enough if you facetank a monster. Best used in classic build. Golem: Stone Golem OR Flame Golem OR Chaos Golem Stone Golem is most useful with his taunt and high flat health regeneration. Flame golem for the damage, Chaos golem if you want to try some phys dmg reduction shenanigans. Golems tend to die quite often in high tier maps, but are very useful in early mapping or against labyrith traps (stone golem). Portal Gem If you have a free gem slot, why not? Best socketed inside 6-linked cursing setup instead of culling strike. ![]()
My current gear / TL;DR:
Weapons: +3 CA Bow (self-crafting recommended, see crafting section) Quiver: Life and Resists, late game get +1 Arrow shaper quiver Armour: Kintsugi Helmet: Life and Resists, 30% CA duration enchantment Boots: Life and Resists or Atziri's Step unique, 8% chance to Dodge Spells enchantment. Gloves: Life and Resists Belt: Life and Resists, Leather / Heavy Belt with Elder mods if possible Rings: Life and Resists, can be Ventor's Amulet: Life and Resists, Agate/Lapis/Marble rare preferred, can be Bisco's Flasks: 2 Life flasks, 3 utility flasks recommended. Flexible, however you need Jade Flask with 90%+ increased evasion rating and another one with curse immunity. Jewels: Life and damage on all of them, very efficient if you have at least 3 good mods. Notes: High evasion is important. Not as much as life, but use evasion bases if possible. Aim to have ~160 strength and intelligence, so you can use lvl 20 gems. It's good to cap elemental weakness curse (109%). X% Mana regen is very good QoL. Below you will find the gear explained in-depth. Piece by piece. +3 Caustic Arrow Bow
The first core item of this build. Caustic Arrow's cloud has very limited options when it comes to increasing it's damage output. Additional levels and crafted mods are the only way to make your bow actually benefit the build in the first place. CA setup socketed inside +3 bow easily increases the damage output by ~50-60% more compared to a normal 6-link. To make it clear, on the bow we NEED: * +1 to Level of Socketed Gems (prefix) * +2 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems (prefix) * +33-40% Non-ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier (prefix, crafted) You can also use super budget version with only +2 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems, it's enough to actually beat almost any encounter in the game. However the more damage, the easier it gets. Crafting +3 bow is not that expensive and massively boosts the damage. I recommend to self-craft the bow as it's the cheapest way to do so. Plus, you can directly upgrade the +2 6-linked bow into +3 once you acquire currency. Chaos DoT Multiplier doesn't have to be highest level, 2nd tier already gives really good bonus. Elder versions of the bow can roll few amazing QoL mods on top of +3 bow gems, but crafting one is extremely expensive and you shouldn't bother with it until there's no other significant upgrade you can make. Bow crafting and elder versions of the bow are fully covered in crafting section. Chaos Staff/Bow (Classic)
Used in Classic ED+CA Build, check it's section at the end of the guide's main post. The second and last core item of this build. Reasoning for this is pretty much the same as +3 CA Bow above. It is a core item, but most likely you won't be using it until VERY late game. It's not going to be cheap either. You can either use Cane of Unraveling unique staff that's slightly inferior OR a crafted weapon that's much hard to acquire. Stats we NEED on the crafted weapon: * +1 to Level of Socketed Gems (prefix) * +2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems (prefix, crafted) * +33-40% Non-ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier (prefix, crafted) The easiest way to create the weapon is through multimodding. Crafting method is fully covered in the crafting section. Armour
Kintsugi My personal choice of body armour. I use it to mitigate potential oneshots from bosses, and it saved me multiple times in the past. Additional 50% evasion if you get hit is a really nice bonus for mapping. The "20% Less Damage Taken if you've not been hit Recently" also works against degens (LAB TRAPS!) until you've been hit. Kintsugi is a mandatory end game body armour for Raider. Combined with with very high evasion + dodge, the unique passive acts as 25% more life. It is true for many bosses. Before you reach the end game, you might want to use Carcass Jack or Cherrubim's for additional DPS. If you're non-Raider ascendancy, you might want to consider Queen of the Forest instead. You will find more explainations below. Optional Armours:
Carcass Jack Best chest for start of the league. Good amount of additional damage, life and some resistances. Also massively boosts the AoE which is a bit small without high gem level. It's still inferior in the long run and should be used only for league start. Cherrubim's Maleficence Best choice if you want more damage. It has up to 80% increased chaos damage, giving around ~15% more damage in the final build. Has a lot of life as well, making it OK defense wise. Can be used instead of Kintsugi in the end game, but i wouldn't recommend it for hardcore characters. Queen of the Forest Option for non-Raider ascendancies. Movement speed is our primary way of moving around the map and dodging skills. Raider has enough speed on her own, allowing the use of defensive chests. Others ascendancies don't have that luxury, so you should consider using it. Quiver
A rare pierce quiver with life and resistances. Later on you'll want to craft or buy shaper quiver. Something like the first one i linked, the more life and resists the better. Shaper quivers can roll +1 arrow. It's a quite rare mod, so getting one with high health is going to be damn hard. Crafted 41-55 life is going to suffice for majority of the game. Shooting 2 arrows feels a bit weird at first, but it's a huge QoL and effective AoE increase. Shaper quivers are fully covered in crafting section. Helmet, Gloves and Boots
Packed into same category, as you want same thing from all of them:
* Life * Resistances * Open Suffix (optional) * Movement Speed (boots only) Evasion based preferred, especially the helmet (can achieve really high evasion). Atziri's Step unique boots are amazing defensive option if your resistances allow it. That's pretty much it, what's left is to look at the enchantments: Gloves: of Spite Nothing else is useful, really. You can totally ignore the gloves enchantments. Boots: 8% chance to Spell Dodge if you've taken Spell Damage Recently. Best late game enchantment. The build is nearly invincible against attacks, but spells still hit quite often. 80% chance to avoid stuns is also a great alternative. Helmet: #1 - 40% increased Caustic Arrow Damage #2 - 30% increased Caustic Arrow Duration Damage enchant is always good, gives around around ~7% more damage. It's default without any drawbacks. Duration enchant allows to drop skill effect duration nodes in exchange for even higher damage, at cost of QoL/utility of other skills. Belt
Once again, life and resistances. Strength is also a desirable stat. Leather Belt is the best base, with Heavy Belt being slightly weaker option.
I also have to remind that elder influenced belts are absolutely amazing. They can roll few VERY good mods: * 8–10% increased maximum Life (prefix) * 16–20% increased Life Recovery rate (suffix) * 13–15% to all Elemental Resistances (suffix) That's not even all of the good mods. If you ever accumulate enough money to buy/craft it for yourself, i recommend getting one. Rings and Amulet
Like majority of other gear and little more: * Life * Resistances * Strength and Intelligence * #% Mana Regeneration * +(4-5)% chance to Evade Attacks (elder mod) Attributes to reach ~160 requirement for lvl 20/21 gems. Mana regen is not required but allows to drop Clarity if you have enough of it. Once you hit the end game, i recommend buying a good Marble amulet. Life regen is really helpful in mitigating degens / small hits. Elder rings are also necessary to hit evade chance cap with their "+(4–5)% chance to Evade Attacks" mod. It's required in the end game maps, for safety reasons. Jewellery also have the best uniques for magic finding. Well rolled Ventor's Gamble is great addition to this build, even if you don't want to focus on MF. Shaper amulets fall in the same category since they can roll 10% IIQ. Combined together they give great IIQ+IIR mix without hurting your defences too much. Magic Finding has it's own section. Flasks
This is the setup i run personally and recommend it for everyone. 2 life flasks to quickly heal from 0% to 100% health in a single hand motion. 3 utility flasks which you use every ~6 seconds. The mods on those flasks combined with Raider ascedancy and Soul of Shakari allow for complete ailment and curse immunity during mapping plus very high evasion. Life flasks - i recommend 1 Bubbling and 1 Seething with bleeding/freeze/poison immunity for emergencies. Utility flasks - i suggest Quicksilver and Jade. You NEED curse immunity and 90%+ increased evasion rating on them. They should also have "Reduced Charges" mod, it's undoubtly the best affix for flask uptime in maps. For additional effects, curse/bleeding immunity and increased evasion rating are the only good options. Flask setup is flexible, you're not forced to use what i recommend if you don't want to. Adjust it to your liking. From unique flasks: * Dying Sun - Ultimate AoE flask. Luxury upgrade to the build, not required, very expensive. * The Writhing Jar - Great flask for end game bosses. Allows you to generate fortify and onslaught before the fight starts or to refresh frenzy charges during waiting phases. * Divination Distillate - for MFing purposes. Allows you to run "no regen" maps without changing a setup, at slower pace. You might want to use mana flask for some bosses/breaches/fast mapping instead. * Witchfire Brew - Good flask if you start out the build, but as you progress with the build it starts to feel like a dead weight. Especially against bosses, where the flask overrides the Curse on Hit setup and will "delete" the curse once you're out of blasphemy range. Jewels
There's not much to discuss, you want any 3 out of these 6 mods on your jewels: * 5-7% increased maximum life * 3–4% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier * 9–13% increased Chaos Damage * 10–12% increased Damage over Time * 10–12% increased Projectile Damage * 10–12% increased Area Damage * 8–10% increased Damage Life on the jewel is especially valued, get it if you can. Getting a jewel with all 4 good mods is kinda impossible, but finding one with 3 mods at once should be easy. Be sure to look out for other mods that can be beneficial for you: * 14–18% increased Evasion Rating * 7–13% to Chaos Resistance * 4–6% increased Rarity of Items found * Any resistance / strength / intelligence mods Watcher's Eye is an expensive jewel you want to acquire once you reach the end game maps. It is incredibly strong both offensively and defensively. Primary mod you would look for is 18-22% Chaos DoT multi while having Malevolence, as it provides around 10-15% more damage. Anything else is just a bonus. Worthwhile mods from strongest to weakest: * +(18–22)% to Non-Ailment Chaos DoT Multiplier while affected by Malevolence * +(5–8)% chance to Evade Attacks while affected by Grace (if you decide to keep using it) * Unaffected by Bleeding while affected by Malevolence * (15–20)% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield while affected by Malevolence * (-5 to -10) to Total Mana Cost of Skills while affected by Clarity * (20–30)% increased Mana Recovery Rate while affected by Clarity ![]()
Levelling and Progression
Caustic Arrow levelling (Act 1-10)
I've tried to be beginner friendly in this section, but didn't want to write essay either. If you're a veteran, i'm sure you can get all important information without reading guidelines. Please do read the short "Preparing for maps" section anyway.
Gem Progression: Caustic Arrow - Pierce / Swift Affliction - Void Manipulation - Vicious Projectiles You'll get Void Manipulation at lvl 8, Vicious Projectiles at lvl 18. Use Pierce Support gem until you pick up pierce nodes on passive tree, around level 40-45. Once you do, use Swift Affliction instead (buy from Siosa). Toxic Rain - Mirage Archer Additional utility/damage setup for bosses. Shoot Caustic Arrow, then attack once or twice and repeat. Slows enemies and can easily generate frenzy charges/onslaught from Raider ascendancy. Wither - Spell Totem - Multiple Totems Used for additional damage against bosses, can be used starting from level 38. Place and forget, single cast should be enough. You might need little bit of strength/intelligence to use it. Do NOT level up Wither until you reach act 9. Despair : Curses enemies to increase damage. Use on bosses, tough packs, rares etc. Do NOT level up Despair until you reach act 9. Blink Arrow : Your movement skill Grace : Your aura, grants additional evasion. Purity of Elements : If you really need resistances. Use instead of Grace if necessary. Gem Rewards: * lvl 2 - Caustic Arrow * lvl 3 - Mirage Archer (Medicine Chest side quest) * lvl 8 - Void Manipulation * lvl 10 - Blink Arrow * lvl 12 - Toxic Rain * lvl 18 - Vicious Projectiles * lvl 24 - Grace, Despair * lvl 38 - Greater Multiple Projectiles Any gems you don't receive as a quest reward can be bought from Siosa (act 3) or Lilly (act 6) once you complete their quests. Petarus and Vanja (act 4) also sell Multiple Totems after you enter Belly of the Beast. Passive Tree Progression: Level ~9 (Act 1) Level ~18 (Act 2) Level ~28 (Act 3) Level ~45 (Act 4-5) Level ~53 (Act 6-7) Level ~53 (After Respec) Level ~60 (Act 8) Level ~70 (Blood Acqueducts farm) Level ~73 (Before Kitava) Bandit Reward: Kill all (recommended) OR spare Oak Ascendancy Order: Way of a Poacher (1st Frenzy) -> Avatar of Chase (Onslaught) -> -> respec Way of the Poacher (merciless lab) -> Avatar of Veil (Phasing) Additional twink gear: * Silverbranch/Silverbough * Tabula Rasa * Goldrim * Wanderlust * Hyrri's Bite (Int/Str) * Karui Ward Important reminder: Don't forget to level additional CA gems in your weapon slot. They still level even if you don't use them. General levelling rule: First and most important to remember - when searching for equipment, your priority on them is Life and Resistances. Links are equally as important, be sure to look out for correct socket colors. This applies to all acts. Act by act guidelines:
Act 1-3 should be very easy in general. That's where you slowly shape up your main skill. Majority of the necessary gems are rewards from quests. The ones you can't, you can buy from a Nessa, Yeena and Siosa as you progress through the main story.
In act 4 it's important to have good resistances, especially fire resist. Outside of that, it should be a breeze. It's a good idea to enter Labyrinth after you find waypoint inside Crystal Veins. Should be trivial at this point. Act 5 is where things get little bit tougher. Monsters out there are quite dangerous and it's recommended to have capped fire and lightning resitances. It's also a time where bleed removal life flask becomes necessary. I suggest to farm Chambers of Innocence until you reach level 45 and then face the Innocence himself. Next boss is Kitava, 1600 life is enough to tank all of his abilities. Once you arrive in act 6, check your resistances. If they're below 60%, you should pick up Purity of Elements from Clarissa (act 3) - use it instead of Grace aura until you solve the resistance problem. It's recommended to have them capped before the final boss. Act 7 is quite easy. Beware of ghosts inside the Crypt, they can hit pretty hard. Around the end of this act, you should have all points from provided level ~53 passive tree and 10 respec points. Once you do, you should unallocate Ranger's starting nodes and take Atrophy chaos wheel. You might have to go back to earlier acts to have necessary amount of respec points. Act 8 features Deodre, the hardest boss you encounter during levelling. It's relatively safe if you have 2500 life, but that might be hard to acquire. After that, the act is going to be trivial. It's good to have freeze removal flask for Lunaris area, in case you don't have it already. Kill the final boss of this act and proceed to Blood Acqueducts. The area with a long stream of blood is where you'll spend next 1-2 hours. It's a great place to farm experience. Look for gear upgrades and slowly replace your gems to recommended final setups. Before you proceed, you need a Tabula Rasa which you can farm in Blood Acqueducts OR you can buy 5-link bow with ilvl 64, high attack speed base if possible. The second option is better in general. On your newly purchased 5-link you can craft +2 bow gems with alteration/augmentation orbs. You should roll it within ~100 tries, still a bit RNG dependant. The 5-link CA setup is: CA - Vicious Projectiles - Void Manipulation - Swift Affliction - Concentrated Effect Now you're ready to get into maps. Progress through last 2 acts and face Izaro in merciless Labyrinth before the final fight. After you complete 3rd labyrinth, you should respec 1st frenzy ascedancy node. You can acquire all necessary points from side quests. When you're ready, defeat Kitava once and for all. 4000 life is enough to not get one-shot in both fights. Mapping Progression
If you're here, i assume that you have at least lvl ~73 and CA gem lvl 17. Cursed Frenzy setup and Wither Totem should be included in your build as well. If you don't have all of them, you might find single target damage disappointing. This build is dependant on levels, especially if you're starting the league. Don't rush the content.
Before you begin mapping, it's wise to pack as many CA gems to level as possible (if you didn't already). Once they hit lvl 20, you can corrupt them with Vaal orbs for a chance to get lvl 21 gem. You can have up to 12 gems levelling at same time, as CWDT setup isn't very useful until red maps. White maps: Passive Tree Progression (level 81) - rush Phase Acrobatics They shouldn't be a problem at all. Most map mods are trivial, running them blue is completely viable. No real danger outside of few bosses like Pen, Grotto or Spider Lair. For this map tier, you have 3 very simple goals: * 6-linked bow with +2 gems (ilvl 64+) * Correct Flask setup * Carcass Jack / Cherrubim's Maleficence (optional) It's possible that you've acquired money for all of them before killing Kitava. If not, simple unid chaos recipe should do the trick. Body armours are optional boost to damage/clear. They're meant to help you early on, only to be replaced once you engage harder content. Your primary goal right now is acquiring 6-linked bow, it's very simple. Buy ilvl 64+ 6-link bow, then spam alts/augs to roll +2 bow gems (prefix). You should get it within ~100 alts. The links on the bow should look like this: CA - Vicious Projectiles - Void Manipulation - Swift Affliction - Concentrated Effect - - Damage on Full Life Keep in mind that you can always switch Swift Affliction with Greater Multiple Projectiles for map clearing. The AoE coverage is massive QoL in exchange for single target damage, which you can always solve by switching the gems again. You should also get flasks with right mods. They're very important. Not having right flasks will heavily affect your survivability. 2 instant Divine Life Flasks with at least one having bleeding removal, Jade Flask with at least 90% increased evasion and Quicksilver Flask with curse immunity. Yellow maps: Passive Tree Progression (level 88) This is where you'll spend quite a lot of time, recommended level is 80-90. This map tier isn't too risky, but some map mods might be deadly without proper defences/damage. Goals for this tier: * +3 gems 6-linked bow * Phasing path (uber Labyrinth) * Level 21 CA gem * 20% quality gems * General gear upgrades The +3 bow is the primary goal in yellow maps. You should craft it by yourself, as it's the cheapest way of acquiring one. Check crafting section for full details how to do it. Once you have proper damage and defences, you can face Izaro inside uber Labyrinth. You will be safe as long as you dodge his attacks, which you should do with ease. Allocate remaining points in phasing path and ignore elemental ailments! Do not forget you need to have phasing/onslaught/maximum frenzy charges in order to gain the immunity. Around the high tier yellow maps most of your gems will reach level 20. When that happens, the most important part is to vaal your maxed CA gems. Corrupting level 20 gem might increase it to 21, giving you significant damage boost. Non-CA gems shouldn't be vaaled, quality is much more important on them. You can easily raise it with following vendor recipe (sell to shopkeeper): Level 20 gem + 1 Gemcutter's Prism = Level 1 gem with 20% quality It will lower your damage/defence for a short while, but within an hour or two there will be barely any difference at all with higher end game potential. Do not forget about your other gear, it's equally important. Get more life and resistances, good jewels, CA helmet enchantment and all the other good stuff. Evasion gear is also important In short, upgrade it whenever you need, whenever you can. Red maps: Passive Tree Progression (level 94) That's where mapping becomes tough. Monsters can hit hard, map bosses become tanky, map mods are huge pain. Your damage should carry you through most maps easily, but the bosses combined with some map mods can be too scary. The 5 following goals of this map tier will fix all these issues tier: * Kintsugi * Elder Ring with +4-5% chance to Evade Attacks (one required, two for additional safety) * Malevolence aura * Empower 3/4 * 7-link +3 Elder bow. In that order. It's best to acquire Kintsugi as soon as possible. It's a cheap and underrated unique. Gives massive defensive boost for your character. Despite very high evasion and Kintsugi on top of it, some maps might still give you a lot of troubles. Elder Ring should solve these problems. Paired with Jade Flask, Dread Banner and 25% more evasion from Onslaught path, it can reach up to 95% evade chance cap. You need ~70% chance on character sheet with Jade Flask up to be evade capped. Two rings are recommended, but one should be enough. After you acquire Elder Ring/s, you will be able to switch aura from Grace to Malevolence without hurting your defensive capabilities... If you haven't switched earlier. However you can always stick with Grace for extra safety. Once you upgrade your defences, the next upgrade should be Empower gem. Level 3 is easily enough for majority of the content. Level 4 would be ideal, but it costs massive amounts of money. Price is very high early on and drops over time. Empower replaces Damage on Full Life OR Concentrated Effect, your call. Elder 7-link bow is a goal you probably won't reach. It increases damage output by ~15% more... for a price. It's not necessary to do all end game content, just makes it slightly easier. Once you get all other upgrades, optimize your gear and everything else - you can think about wasting money on crafting/buying one. After that, all you can do now is enjoy the build, kill some end game bosses and look for another build you want to play. End Game Bosses/Maps Guide
As a rule, you're capable of killing pretty much any boss deathless. Scary red maps, end game bosses, all of them. Some of them are not worth the risk tho. Learn to skip them.
+3 6-linked bow is required. Shaper: Required gem setups: Decoy Totem Shaper himself isn't an issue, but the portal phase is problematic. The spawned monsters have too much health to die quickly. Decoy totem should be enough to protect Zana. Using The Writhing Jar for the talking phase is also recommended (otherwise you might lose frenzy charges). Shaper Guardians: You shouldn't have many issues with them. Chimera and Phoenix are the easiest. Hydra's turrets can be deadly if you don't watch out. Minotaur's lightning gates apply deadly debuff that can easily be a death sentence. Elder: Required gem setup: Frost Wall Once you get to know his moves, he's very easy. In first phase you should prioritize killing spawned minions, so they won't drop decaying ground (phys degen). Damage elder whenever you don't have to focus minions. Second phase, just protect Shaper with Frost Wall (see video). Third phase can be tricky and even deadly, but overall try to burst down the Elder while killing mobs to recover flask charges. Elder Guardians: They shouldn't be a problem. All of them have some scary attacks, but you can avoid them easily. Using Purity of Lightning against Eradicator is wise idea as well, his damage can be spiky sometimes. Uber Elder: Optional gem setup: * Enduring Cry - Immortal Call - Increased Duration * Aspect of the Crab Optional Pantheon: Soul of Arakaali (recovery upgrade), Soul of Ralakesh This is mostly mechanical fight. None of the above setups are required, just allow to make more mistakes and allow to handle the physical degen if you couldn't kill Elder's squids fast enough. Against Shaper balls, i recommend kiting. You're fast enough and playstyle allows for near indefinite kiting by simply running in circles. Everything else depends on your skill. You can do it. Uber Atziri: Required gem setup: Purity of Fire, Purity of Lightning, Vigilant Strike Required gear: The Writhing Jar, The Vigil, Topaz/Ruby Flask Thing with Atziri is, that she's mostly a mechanical fight. You can dodge almost anything... until RNG screws you over and you die. It's possible to kill her without getting hit at all (we got lots of speed after all), but you want to be prepared for anything. Vigilant Strike gives long lasting fortify, Kintsugi reduces damage by another 20%, Purities gives 4% resist each. It won't save you from everything, but gives you chance to actually take a single hit and live. Not sure which resistance flask is more important, so choose it yourself or take both (1 life flask left). As for Alluring Abyss itself, the zone can be really dangerous. Take it slow, don't tank mobs (rare soldiers hit super hard). It's nothing too hard. Vaals are probably the hardest part to be fair. Use The Writhing Jar to fortify and refresh frenzy charges in waiting phase. Trio is pretty easy, see Vaal Temple below. Disable Grace and start using PoF/PoL for Atziri, also fortify yourself between phases. Vaal Temple: Shouldn't be a problem. Additional speed, double damage mod, temp chains or twinned are probably too risky. Titty bitch -> Dual striker -> Cycloner. You can kite dual striker with Wither totem easily. Beware of Titty bitch's physical blade rain, it's good idea to remain mobile until it's on cooldown (after she casts it). Breachlords: Elemental breachlords are weak enough to be killed with ~22 level CA. Uul-Netol is more dangerous, CWDT-IC setup is required to prevent one shots. Chayula's domain might give you big troubles. It's doable tho, be sure to kill rare mobs as you go. Boss can be really dangerous, equipping Ming's Heart / Chaos resistance breach ring is a good idea. Hall of Grandmasters: Required gem setup: Scorching Ray Required gear: The Brass Dome Easy for the most part. The tough part are few exiles that can deal absurd damage in short time. Lethal map purely thanks to them. CI forces us to use Scorching Ray against them, Balefire unique is the easiest way to get the setup. Use it in or even 2 of them in a weapon swap. You need chaos resistance yourself, at least make it positive. Be elemental weakness capped. Poorjoy's Asylum: Since CA can't off-screen mobs and shatter / explode corpses, it's a scary map. Those DD assholes are capable of killing you in split second. I generally avoid this map. I recommend using Mirage Archer for it, you can even combine it with Writhing Jar to actually off-screen enemies. Uber Lab: This might not be the safest build for a full key run, but kills Izaro quickly enough for it to be possible. Kintsugi's amazing for lab traps, or you can also use QotF if you prefer. ![]()
Map Mods
As i already mentioned before, we can run pretty much anything... within common sense. So no Twinned Core with LMP + Turbo + -10% max res + 2x 100% bonus ele dmg, or anything like this. We're not immortal RF guardian.
I only mention actual deadly mods that you really gotta watch out for. Triple increased damage and stuff is obvious anyway. Dangerous mods: * Player Dodge chance is Unlucky / Monsters have #% increased Accuracy Rating This is actually one of the hardest mods. Very noticeable in high tier maps or breaches etc. Onslaught path negates the problems for the most part, but spells are problematic. * Monsters have #% increased Critical Strike Chance / +#% to Monster Critical Strike Multiplier With high evasion, attacks should almost never crit you. Spell on the other hand can still hit hard. * Monsters fire 2 additional Projectiles Scary mod on some bosses and monster types. Some monsters are still able to shotgun, like few new Oriath monsters. * Area contains two Unique Bosses This is dangerous mod in some maps as you know. You should be able to do majority of them quite easily. Some can be done safely only with enough damage. * #% increased Monster Movement Speed / #% increased Monster Attack Speed / #% increased Monster Cast Speed Speed might be deadly in some boss encounters. The faster boss is, the less damage you deal and the more time you spend kiting him. With temp chains + speed you might not be able to kite at all. Watch out for such combos. * Players are Cursed with Vulnerability Negated during mapping thanks to warding flask, but not against bosses. Can be very deadly if you receive bleeding. * Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains Not a problem most of the time, but worth mentioning. Mod can be easily negated by Timetwist ring, if you're against a tough boss. * Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield Not a deadly mod, but worth mentioning. You can do it easily, just bring mana flask instead of utility flask. Almost any high level mana flask can work. Don't forget to turn off Clarity for higher mana pool. Besides that, typical damage mod combinations shouldn't be understimated. Everything applies like to every other build out there. ![]()
Classic CA+ED Build
Old school version of the build that was used before 3.4 patch. With changes to the passive tree in 3.5, it once again is the most optimal way to play this build. You can squeeze ~60% more damage that way.
Pros: * MUCH Higher damage output * Awesome active playstyle (warning: personal opinion) Cons: * Very expensive * Significant gear limitations * Might be too mechanically intensive for some people If it's worth trying using it, it's up to you to decide. If you're still interested, read further: What changes compared to normal build: * Chaos Staff/Bow in weapon swap, Essence Drain setup. * No elemental resistances on Bow/Quiver - otherwise your resists might be negative after you swap weapons. * Level 96 - Classic tree - Big changes on passive tree. Focused on scaling DoT/Chaos/Global damage through tree and jewels to benefit both CA and ED. Uses Frenzy charges for the same reason. * Speaking of jewels, there are only 4 mods that truly benefit this build. %max Life and DoT/Chaos/Global damage increases. Much harder to acquire them. * If using a Staff, you must use Wither Totem, cannot use Wither Rain (MA disappears on weapon swap). * Skill Effect Duration nodes are NECESSARY for this build to work. Frenzy generation during mapping:
Since classic build focuses on Frenzy charges for additional damage/speed, it would be great to have them up all the time. With onslaught and phasing path you don't generate frenzies on kill, so you need another source. Without charges, the build doesn't have the same smooth feeling while mapping. Pick one of the following:
* ilvl 84 Elder Quiver: (7–10)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill * ilvl 84 Elder Gloves: (7–10)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill * Precursor's Emblem: 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill Cheapest way would be crafting the Quiver, but you lose potential for +1 arrow (not a problem if you use Dying Sun). The ring is new Azurite mine unique. Not the most efficient option but it's decent. Finding a good mod combination to make it worth is going to be hard. The best option and also most expensive of them all is crafting Elder Gloves. That way you can have a jewel slot and +1 arrow quiver at same time. 7-10% chance for frenzy is required to have reliable upkeep, the more the better. If you hit T1 affix, make sure it has at least 9% chance, otherwise you will lose charges constantly. Two more things: 1 - Keep in mind that you can deal damage with both of the skills at same time. CA's cloud doesn't disappear after you switch weapon, same goes to ED's DoT debuff after it hits the enemy. 2 - ED projectile has to hit enemy while you wield Staff, otherwise it flies through enemy like nothing happened. That's about it. This might appear trivial but it's a massive difference in gearing up. I don't think i need to explain playstyle, check out one of my 3.2 videos. The only difference is that since 3.5 patch CA's duration is short and ED's is long. Have fun https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides Last edited by DankawSL#2030 on Jun 5, 2019, 1:23:32 PM
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3.6 Guide Archive Post #2
![]() IMPORTANT NOTE: The videos are old, but show gameplay quite well. You can expect around ~50-100% more damage in end game than what you see in videos. Also, most videos have timestamps and commentary on the run in description - character info and DPS, what went wrong and what to improve etc. 3.5 Build Videos T11 Syndicate Mastermind 3.4 Build Videos Shaper kill Guardians: Minotaur / Phoenix / Chimera / Hydra T13 Elder kill T16 Shaped Scriptorium T15 Shaped Siege (~100% more monster life) T16 Uluman lich Azurite Mine: 300 depth Delve run 300 depth Abyssal City 300 depth Vaal Outpost 300 depth Primeval Ruins 200 depth Delve run (monster level 78) ![]()
Path of Building
PoB code:
https://pastebin.com/dkLjfuT4 This PoB is based on my character from Bestiary HC league. Some items are slightly different from the original for easier damage calculation and recommended gem setup. It also has CA+ED Tooltip bow for classic version of this build. It features 7 different passive trees, CA focused Raider is default. You can change them at any time for quick comparison. Number indicates required level for that tree. In Calcs tab, "In Combat" calculation shows tooltip dps. "Effective DPS" shows fully buffed damage with 15 stacks of Wither and Despair. When checking dps for +1 7-link Elder Bow and Classic build, do not forget to enable Empower support. To see boss damage, simply change the option in Configuration tab and look at number on the left. ![]()
Synthesis League
What Synthesis brings to the build:
* Bows stronger than Elder versions * Quivers MUCH stronger than Shaper versions * Extremely expensive and/or random way to craft items like these * I do NOT recommend it for beginner players. Proceed with caution, don't waste your money if you don't understand synthesiser/crafting mechanics. This section focuses on synthesised items and how to craft them. Other content of synthesis doesn't really differ from usual mapping, so i won't be covering it. Additional resources: Full list of ALL synthesised mods Synthesiser calculator Synthesiser Mechanics:
* You sacrifice 3 fractured items to get 1 synthesised item.
* Synthesiser TRANSFORMS a random mod into implicit. The implicit value/mod is based on combined values of that mod from all 3 items. The higher total mod value, the better the implicit becomes. * Synthesised implicit/s are randomly chosen from all available explicit mods from all 3 items, not just fractured mods. Implicits cannot be transformed. * Fractured items must be rare in order to create synthesised item. * Item level of synthesised item is based on highest ilvl fractured item. * Base of synthesised item is randomly chosen from the three fractured items. * One fractured base chosen at random determines amount of implicits. Amount of fractured affixes equals amount of implicits. * Very few mods have no implicit outcomes. * Fractured affixes cannot be changed in any way, including mod values. * If mod has two variable rolls, only the higher one is taken into account. Example: Adds 5 to 9 Physical Damage to Attacks - implicit threshold is based on 9 only. * Hybrid mods count towards single mod progressions. Example: +28 max life (hybrid) and 97 max (single) will count as 125 maximum life. * Some mods / mod tiers have more than 1 outcome. Synthesiser can pick multiple implicits from the same mod, but each one counts as a single implicit. Example: Total +350 to maximum Life can give you +(25–30) to maximum Life OR 4% increased maximum Life. It can also give you both of them if you rolled 2 implicits. In case you cannot understand the points above, you should watch ZiggyD's video instead. Almost everything is random and it is up to player to decide if they want to gamble, or if they want to gamble at all. There are ways to reduce or completely eliminate the rng factor. There are 5 bases that are worth crafting: Bow, Quiver, Boots, Helmet and Jewels. Every other base needs huge amount of luck to be worth more than your typical normal/elder item. I won't be covering jewels, as their bonuses are really minor for huge amount of work. Synthesised Implicit List:
NOTE: The list showcases info in following way:
* Synthesised implicit mod <-- minimum combined mod value to create implicit It also shows average minimum item level required to reach mod threshold and amount of possible outcomes from that mod if there's more than one. Bow Implicits: * +1 to Level of Socketed Gems <-- +3 to Level of Socketed Gems (ilvl 50) * +1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems <-- +6 to Level of Socketed Support Gems (craft) * +1 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems <-- +6 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems (ilvl 64) * Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow <-- 136% increased Projectile Speed (2 outcomes, ilvl 82) * Killed Enemies Explode, dealing 5% of their Life as Physical Damage <-- 36% increased Light Radius (2 outcomes + 1 if you have flat accuracy mod, ilvl 30) * (37–40)% increased Chaos Damage <-- 221% increased Chaos Damage (craft) * (33–36)% increased Chaos Damage <-- Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 45% Chaos Resistance (craft) The mods are listed in order of importance. +1 all gems is the strongest mod possible, effectively gives 2 bonus levels for CA (if you use Empower support). It gives higher damage with no downsides compared to +3 7-link elder bow. +1 Support and Bow gems are slightly weaker, but still worthwhile. Additional arrow is always amazing, but it's very hard to get as you need three maximum rolls (minus 2% at best) of T1 Projectile speed. Exploding enemies implicit is actually extremely strong defensively, especially useful in Azurite Mine. Increased chaos damage is obvious. Quiver Implicits: * Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow <-- 136% increased Projectile Speed (2 outcomes, ilvl 82) * Arrows Pierce 3 additional Targets <-- +1001 Accuracy Rating (ilvl 76) * Recover (1–2)% of Maximum Life on Kill <-- +36 Life gained on Kill (2 outcomes, ilvl 40) * (5–10)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill <-- +161 to Dexterity (2 outcomes, ilvl 82) * (7–8)% increased maximum Life <-- +281 to maximum Life (ilvl 64) Synthesised quiver with additional arrow is superior in every way compared to shaped quiver. It's much, MUCH easier to create good quiver with a lot of life that way. +3 pierce mod is incredibly valuable as you can ditch not very efficient pierce nodes from the passive tree in exchange for better nodes. Also compared to majority of the other mods, very easy to get. 2% max life on kill gives AMAZING sustain during mapping. Frenzy on kill is great QoL during mapping and bonus life is always great. Boots Implicits: * (5–10)% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill <-- 96% reduced Attribute Requirements (2 outcomes, ilvl 60) * (4–5)% chance to Dodge Spell Hits <-- 401% increased Evasion Rating (2 outcomes + 1 from hybrid mod, ilvl 84) * +(20–24) to maximum Life <-- +251 to maximum Life (ilvl 54) * 1% of Life Regenerated per second <-- 58,4 Life Regenerated per second (ilvl 83) You can have 2 mods which make elder boots so amazing... as an implicit. Of course it's not going to be easy to craft it, as spell dodge requires top tier and hybrid %evasion rating mods. Endurance charge on kill should be relatively simple to get tho. Life and life regen is always a nice bonus too. Movement speed implicits are not very important, since we already move really quickly anyway. Helmet Implicits: * +3% chance to Evade Attacks <-- +246 to Evasion Rating (2 outcomes, ilvl 42) * +(20–24) to maximum Life <-- +251 to maximum Life (ilvl 54) * 1% of Life Regenerated per second <-- 58,4 Life Regenerated per second (ilvl 83) Helmets are not incredibly interesting, but the evade chance is really good. Might even make elder ring unnecessary. And obviously, life is great. There are two more life tiers above the one i listed, but they're really hard to reach (326+ life). The primary downside of synthesised helmets is having to run uber lab to enchant them yourself/pay someone else to do it... So for the most part, you won't be crafting them. Crafting Methods:
There's a lot of methods to reduce randomness of synthesiser. I cannot list them all, only the most relevant ones. The key is to reduce amount of potential implicits to minimum. Keep in mind, all methods have risks and costs. Which one you want to use is up to you.
High chance +1 / Low chance +2 Bow gems implicits: Step 1: Get three bows with their fractured mod being the same two/three suffixes. (example: three bows with Dexterity and Cold Resistance) Step 2: Use Corroded - Jagged - Metallic fossil combo to roll +1 to Level of Gems and +2 to Level of Bow Gems on all three bows Step 3 (optional): Use annul to remove 3rd suffix from the bow/s to increase chance of success. If you removed any +X to Level mod, go back to step 2. Step 4: Synthesise all 3 for high chance of rolling +1 to Level of All/Bow Gems and small chance of rolling both of them. NOTE: above method should be relatively cheap way of crafting good and potentially insane bows. Just find cheap combo, spam fossils and pray. Very high chance, +1 all gems implicit (expensive): Step 1: Get three bows with their fractured mod being the same two suffixes. Step 2: Scour them and craft "Cannot roll Attack Mods" Step 3: Slam the bow with exalted orb for guaranteed +1 Socketed Gems Step 4 (optional): Craft +2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems Step 5: Synthesise all 3 for very high chance of rolling +1 to Level of Socketed Gems Guaranteed 1 implicit: Step 1: Get three items with their fractured mod being the one required for implicit. (example: three bows with fractured +2 Level to Bow Gems to get +1 Level to Bow Gems) Step 2: Scour the item and then regal it Step 3: Use annuls to remove the regaled mod Step 4: Synthesise all 3 for guaranteed implicit, assuming it doesn't have multiple outcomes Guaranteed 2 or 3 implicits: Step 1: Get three items with their two/three fractured mods being the ones required for implicits. Step 2: Scour the item Step 3: Synthesise all 3 for guaranteed implicits, assuming they don't have multiple outcomes 50% chance, 1 implicit: Step 1: Get three items with the same fractured mod (example: three quivers with Dexterity, tier doesn't matter) Step 2: Scour the item and then regal. Repeat this step until you hit mod required to create desired implicit. Step 3: Synthesise for 50% chance of success, assuming they don't have multiple outcomes ~25-33% chance, 1 implicit: Step 1: Get three items with the same fractured mod that's opposite affix type to your desired mod (suffix/prefix) (example: three quivers with Maximum Life [prefix] if you want to craft +1 arrow [suffix], tier doesn't matter) Step 2: Scour the items Step 3: Use alts and augs to roll mod required to create desired implicit. Step 4: Regal them and synthesise for small chance of success. Low chance, 2 implicits: Step 1: Get two items with a single fractured mod being the one required for implicit. (example: two bows with fractured +2 Level to Bow Gems to get +1 Level to Bow Gems) Step 2: Scour the item and then regal. Repeat this step until you hit another mod required to create desired implicit combo. Step 3: Get another item with two or three fractured mods. Craft it in a way it has two mods required to create desired implicits. Freestyle method, use what you want. Step 4: Synthesise for 33% chance of getting 2-3 implicits. Then you also need to hit correct implicits (small chance to hit them all). ![]()
Magic Finding Setups
One of the perks of Caustic Arrow, being able to go MF. You should be using any of the Ranger's ascendancies for that purpose, other ascendancies aren't nearly as good. Let's get started:
Pool of MF Items: * Divination Distillate * Goldwyrm * Ventor's Gamble * Bisco's Collar * Pariah * Sadima's Touch * Greed's Embrace * Shaper IIQ Amulet * Rare IIR Jewellery There's few MF items i didn't list. I have a very good reason for that, it's called opportunity cost. Items like Perandus Blazon just don't give enough benefits to justify wasting important life/resistance slot for them. There are compatibility problems with Goldwyrm and Divination Distillate. Any more regeneration than what you get from passive tree makes it impossible to gain benefits from MF flask. Div Distillate is better in general, but also big pain to use at the same time. I'll focus this guide on the flask rather than the boots. How to effectively use Divination Distillate
There are gear limitations in order to be able to run MF flask reasonably:
* You CANNOT have "X% mana regeneration" and "+X mana on kill" affixes on gear * You CANNOT use Clarity (unless you're fighting a boss/have mana sustain problems) * You MUST have at least have 6-link bow * It's a very good idea to use Greater Multiple Projectiles to increase mana consumption That's it, what's left is the proper way of using the flask to it's full effectiveness: Shoot CA, use utility + MF flasks, shoot again if mana regen is high enough. You get full benefit and refill flask charges that way. Quite simple, isn't it? It's the proper way to use flask nearly all builds to be fair. Semi-MF Items: 2x Ventor's, IIQ Amulet, Div Distillate Max IIQ: 48% Max IIR: 170% The optimal setup that allows you to clear all content without neglecting your defences too much. You can be Ele Weakness capped, don't lose too much life and still use Kintsugi. This is what i personally recommend if you want to go MF. Unfortunately, finding good Ventor's Gamble and IIQ amulet is going to be expensive. However, with Divination Distillate it's a perfect mix of decent IIQ and IIR. Full MF Items: 2x Ventor's, Sadima's Touch, Greed's Embrace, IIQ Amulet OR Bisco's, Div Distillate Max IIQ: 73% / 73% + 50% Bisco's Max IIR: 220% / 220% + 150% Bisco's Recommended full MF setup. High IIQ with a very decent IIR number. You should still have decent health and defense despite everything. Unfortunately it will have low movement speed. You should use Chemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline to counter that. This setup isn't suited for running high tier maps. It might be hard to cap ele weakness, lower HP pool, no Kintsugi, lower evasion. You can try it, but i can't guarantee your safety. It's a mapping setup, don't try T16s or any hard bosses. You get 60% mana regen from Goldwyrm so you don't need it on jewellery. Cheap MF Items: IIR Jewellery, Sadima's Touch, Greed's Embrace, Div Distillate Max IIQ: 43% Max IIR: ~200% In case you don't have money or want to invest a lot. Should be relatively cheap. Same potential as semi-MF, but inherits downsides of full MF. Just read the full MF setup for info. ![]()
Crafting Section
How to craft your own gear. To remind:
Magic items can have 2 affixes: 1 prefix and 1 suffix Rare items can have 6 affixes: 3 prefixes, 3 suffixes To check what mod is prefix or suffix, enable Advanced Mod Descriptions in game (Options -> UI) Additional resources: Poeaffix.net PoEDB.tw My personal cheat sheet In case you don't have required crafting recipe, ask a trusted mastercrafter. You can find them on forums under Trading -> [your league] - Shops. They'll require a small fee for their services. +3 Bow crafting
NOTE: Fossil crafting method is currently the cheapest way to craft +3 bow. It's not 100% reliable, but usually costs only a fraction of classic method in the long run. Should take below 10 attempts to get one. Fossil crafting:
Requirement: 6-linked bow ilvl 64+
Method: Corroded + Metallic + Jagged Step 1: Spam 3-fossil combo until you hit +2 Socketed Bow Gems AND +1 Socketed Gems Step 2: Craft 33-40% Non-ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier NOTE: You can also use Prismatic Fossil instead of Jagged, but the bow HAS TO be within 64-82 ilvl. Classic method:
Average cost: 6-link ilvl 64+ bow, 2 exalts, ~200 alts, 4 chaos, few regals, few scours, few tens of augs
Step 1: Spam alts/augs until you hit +2 to Socketed Bow Gems (prefix) Step 2: Add a suffix with augment orb if it doesn't have already Step 3: Regal and pray for another suffix. If it's a prefix, scour the bow and return to step 1 Step 4: Craft "Cannot roll attack mods" Step 5: Slam the bow with exalted orb for guaranteed +1 Socketed Gems Step 6: Remove the crafted mod, and then craft 33-40% Non-ailment Chaos DoT Multiplier Useful suffixes you might want on the bow: * +#% to Fire/Cold/Light/Chaos Resistance * #% increased Projectile Speed (makes CA feel more responsive) * +# Life gained on Kill * #% increased Attack Speed Bow bases, from best to worst: * Highest base attack speed OR Maraketh Bow (+6% MS) * Lowest base attack speed Elder Bow crafting
That's literally the last upgrade you should do for this build. Crafting one takes huge amount of currency on top of having to 6-link the bow yourself. Only craft it if you have no other upgrades to get. What can you roll on elder bow: * Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Vicious Projectiles (prefix, T3: lvl 16, T2: lvl 18) * Adds an additional Arrow (suffix) * 16–20% increased Area of Effect (suffix, T3: 5–10%, T2: 11–15%) * Culling Strike (suffix) There are two chase mods here, Level 20 Vicious Projectiles and +1 arrow. Prefix is easy to get and gives you additional ~15-20% more single target damage. Suffix on the other hand gives bonus utility/AoE while being more expensive to craft. Regardless of what you want to do, you should increase quality of the bow with perfect fossil or Hillock's transportation bench (25%+) and craft 15-18% quality mod. This will increase chance of 6-linking the bow, reducing the overall cost of crafting. Once the bow is 6-linked, proceed to real crafting: Alt -> Regal Crafting Method (7-link):
Required: 6-linked elder bow ilvl 80+
Average cost: 2 exalts, ~1500 alts, ~500 augmentations, 4 chaos, few regals, few scours Step 1: Spam alts/augs until you hit Level X Vicious Projectiles (prefix) Step 2: Add a suffix with augmentation orb if it doesn't have already Step 3: Regal and pray for another suffix. If it's a prefix, scour and return to step 1 Step 4: Craft "Cannot roll attack mods" Step 5: Slam the bow with exalted orb for guaranteed +1 Socketed Gems Step 6a: Remove the crafted mod, and then craft "33-40% Non-ailment Chaos DoT Multiplier" OR "+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems" (End of crafting) Expensive version (5-6 ex bonus cost): Step 6b: Remove the crafted mod, craft "Prefixes cannot be changed" and use a scouring orb on the bow Step 7b: Craft following mods in this order: * Can have multiple Crafted Mods * +2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems * 8–10% OR 11-13% Attack Speed * 13–16% increased Chaos Damage Alt -> Regal Crafting Method (+1 Arrow):
Required: 6-linked elder bow ilvl 82+
Average cost: 6-8 exalts, ~1000 alts, ~400 augs, 4 chaos, few regal, few scours, few annulment orbs Step 1: Spam alts/augs until you hit Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow Step 2: Regal the bow. If you hit a prefix, jump to step 4. If you hit a suffix, you have two choices: Step 3a: Use annulment orb in attempt to remove the suffix (recommended if you have only 2 affixes total) Step 3b: Scour the bow and return to step 1 Step 4: Craft "Can have multiple Crafted Mods" Step 5: If you have any prefix, craft "Suffixes cannot be changed" and scour the bow to remove prefixes Step 6: Craft "Cannot roll attack mods" Step 7: Slam the bow with exalted orb for guaranteed +1 Socketed Gems Step 8: (optional, 2ex cost) To gain a bonus suffix, remove crafted mods and re-craft "Can have multiple Crafted Mods" Step 9: Craft following mods in this order: * Can have multiple Crafted Mods * +2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems * 33-40% Non-ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier * 8–10% OR 11-13% Attack Speed (if you have a free suffix) Fossil Crafting (suffixes):
Requirement: 6-linked elder bow ilvl 82+
Method: Corroded + Metallic + Jagged Step 1: Spam 3-fossil combo until you hit +2 Socketed Bow Gems AND desired suffix Step 2: If you also hit +1 Socketed Gems prefix (+3 gems total), go to step 7 Step 3: You need 1 free suffix in order to craft +3 bow. If you don't have one, use Orb of Annulment to remove a random affix. Step 4: If you removed one of required affixes from step 1, scour the bow and go back to the beginning Step 5: Craft "Cannot roll attack mods" Step 6: Slam the bow with exalted orb for guaranteed +1 Socketed Gems Step 7: Remove the crafted mod and craft "33-40% Non-ailment Chaos DoT Multiplier" Shaper Quiver crafting
Let's start with a quick look at good exclusive shaper mods: * Adds an additional Arrow (prefix) * 7–10% increased Movement Speed (prefix, T2: 3-6%) * Attacks have 20% chance to Maim on Hit (suffix, T2: 15%) Chase affix here is obviously +1 arrow. Massive QoL that will increase your clear speed. It is a quite rare mod, it will take many tries before you get it. Cheap and reliable method is to use alterations and mastercraft life. RNG dependant method is with fossils, it will also have high chance of hitting life rolls. You can also try your luck spamming chaos orbs in order to hit both life and +1 arrow. Alt -> Regal Crafting Method
Required: shaper quiver ilvl 80+
Average cost: ~300 alts, ~150 augs, 1 regal, ~10 alchs, ~4 scours Step 1: Spam alts/augs until you hit "Adds an additional Arrow" prefix Step 2: Regal the quiver Step 3: If you regaled life that's below 50, scour the quiver and go back to step one. Step 4: Craft "+41-55 to maximum Life". If you already have life above 50, craft any suffix you need. Fossil Crafting Method
Required: shaper quiver ilvl 80+
Method: Corroded + Metallic + Serrated / Pristine Step 1: Use the 3-fossil combo until you hit +1 arrow AND at least 50+ life Step 2: Craft anything you need on the remaining affix (assuming you have one) First two fossils block majority of the prefixes. Serrated fossil should massively increase chances of rolling +1 arrow on top of low prefix pool. Pristine fossil is optional to Serrated, gives higher chance of hitting good suffixes but isn't nearly as good at hitting +1 arrow itself. Don't get your hopes up tho, hitting both prefixes at same time is still rare, or you might hit low hp roll. In the long run, it's best way to make +1 arrow quiver with over 55 life that you can mastercraft. Useful non-shaper mods you might want on the quiver: * +#% to Fire/Cold/Light/Chaos Resistance * #% increased Projectile Speed (makes CA feel more responsive) * +# Life gained on Kill * #% increased Attack Speed * Projectiles Pierce 2 Additional Targets (Deafening Essence of Misery) Chaos Bow/Staff crafting (Classic Build)
Before you craft, you think if you want to use a Staff or a Bow. The primary difference is that Staff can roll additional cast speed and can also use Vigilant Strike to generate Fortify buff - powerful defensive option. It's also easy to see which weapon setup you're using with a Staff/Bow combo. Bows should be easier to roll and can use quiver for additional life/resistances if you're relying on them. Primary benefit is from additional projectile speed from a quiver, since Essence Drain is really slow. Crafting Method:
Average cost: 6-link ilvl 50+ staff/bow, 3-4 exalts, 4 chaos, ~2000 alts, few regals, few scours, few annulment orbs
Step 1: Spam alts until you hit +1 to Socketed Gems Step 2: Regal the weapon Step 3: Use annulment orbs to delete 1 or 2 mods, so only +1 to Socketed Gems remains. If you annuled the required mod, scour the weapon and go back to step 1. Step 4: Once you only have +1 to Socketed Gems on the weapon, craft following mods on this order: * Can have multiple Crafted Mods * +2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems * +33-40% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier * 16-20% OR 21-28% Cast Speed (Staff only) * 13-16% increased Chaos Damage (Bow only) * 5-6% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge Note on the steps 1-3. Ideally you want to roll +1 Socketed Gems as a single mod on the weapon, so you would have to remove only 1 mod. However, from my experience it's better to try your luck and remove 2 mods than keep rolling. It should cost less in the long run. This method is currently the only guaranteed way of creating staff like that. Other methods rely heavily on luck, and require much higher currency investment. Getting +2 Socketed Support Gems craft might be really hard... You'll have to use a service for it. Staff's base doesn't really matter, but you should have one with block for that little bit extra defence. Jewellery crafts
Elder Leather Belt
Fossil method: Aberrant + Pristine Fossil mods: 20-30% increased Chaos Damage (prefix) Elder mods: * (8–10)% increased maximum Life * (16–20)% increased Life Recovery rate Crafted mods: * 17–20% increased Damage * 2% of Life Regenerated per second during any Flask Effect With this method it's insanely easy to roll a decent belt in ~10-20 tries. Pristine fossil removes majority of bad mods and makes rolling Life + Life Recovery rate really common. In case you crafted a good RF belt, you can sell it for money and buy another base and try again. Chaos Damage Amulet Fossil method: Aberrant + Pristine (opt) + Aetheric/Corroded (opt) Fossil mods: 20-30% increased Chaos Damage (prefix) Essence method: Screaming/Shrieking Essence of Envy Essence mods: 23-26%/27-30% increased Chaos Damage (suffix) Elder mods: * (1.6–2)% of Life Regenerated per second * (13–16)% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier * (3–5)% additional Physical Damage Reduction * (13–15)% increased Area of Effect * Projectiles Pierce an additional Target Crafted mods: * 13–16% increased Area Damage / 10–12% increased Area of Effect * 13–16% increased Projectile Damage / 17–20% increased Projectile Speed * -9 to -8 to Total Mana Cost of Skills * 0.7–1% of Life Regenerated per second * 13–16% increased Chaos Damage Rolling amulet is going to be tough. They have a lot of potential mods and you probably know from your experience that finding a good rare jewellery is hard. Pristine helps a bit with rolling life, Aberrant gives you the damage. I advice to only use it on Marble amulet or elder influenced Agate/Lapis. Elder's chaos DoT multiplier and chaos damage can turn your amulet into huge damage increase. You can also try blocking some undesirable mods with Aetheric (less attack mods, more caster mods) or Corroded (no elemental mods, more poison/bleed), but i'm not sure how effective it's going to be. Essences have a guaranteed effect, but it will take quite a lot of attempts to roll a good one. The mod also occupies valuable suffix slot. Fossil method is better in the long run. Elder Ring Crafting method: Chaos Orb spamming Elder mods: * +(4–5)% chance to Evade Attacks Crafted mods: * -9 to -8 to Total Mana Cost of Skills * 17–20% increased Damage * 13–16% increased Chaos Damage It's all about the evade chance mods. Not much can be done to increase chances of hitting it. Chaos spam should be the best way. You can also try using Dense fossils, but it's not very efficient since it prevents life roll from occuring. Armour crafts
Body Armour
Vaal implicits: * You take 50% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes * (40–50)% increased Damage * +1% to all maximum Resistances * (4–6)% increased maximum Life Considering we're using unique body armour and don't need it 6-linked, this is a great opportunity to acquire very powerful vaal implicits. Both 40-50% damage and 50% reduced crit damage mods are chase mods, for offensive / defensive purposes respectively. Next up is +1% to maximum resistances, in short it reduces elemental damage by a small but in reality significant amount. 4-6% max life is always good to have if you don't have anything better. Helmet Fossil method: Aberrant + Pristine (opt) Fossil mods: * Nearby enemies have -9% Chaos Resistance (suffix) * 1% Life Regeneration (suffix) * 2-3% increased maximum Life + 15-25 maximum Life (prefix) Crafted mods: * (36–40)% increased Evasion Rating / +(24–28) to maximum Life * Projectiles Pierce an additional Target / +1 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems * 7–8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage Aberrant for the reduced resistance mod. It's a huge damage boost, especially against bosses. Should be reasonably easy to craft. You can add Pristine fossil for high chance of rolling 100+ life, but it will remove possibility of getting evasion mods and make it harder to roll reduced chaos res mod. Elder Gloves Fossil method #1: Aberrant + Pristine + Aetheric (opt) Fossil method #2: Aetheric + Pristine + Metallic (opt) Fossil mods: * 1% Life Regeneration (suffix) * 2-3% increased maximum Life + 15-25 maximum Life (prefix) Elder mods: * (13–16)% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier * (7–10)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill Crafted mods: * (36–40)% increased Evasion Rating / +(24–28) to maximum Life * Projectiles Pierce an additional Target / +1 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems * (24–28)% increased Damage during any Flask Effect First method focuses on crafting chaos DoT multiplier with optional bonus Aetheric to increase chances of rolling frenzy on kill mod. The second method is aimed for the latter mod. Pristine as always for higher chance of rolling life mods. Aberrant for higher chance of rolling chaos DoT multi. Aetheric and Metallic block bad prefixes from spawning. Elder Boots Crafting method: Chaos Orb spamming Essence method: Screaming/Shrieking Essence of Greed Elder mods: * (7–10)% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill * (9–10)% chance to Dodge Spell Damage Crafted mods: * (36–40)% increased Evasion Rating / +(24–28) to maximum Life * (20–24)% increased Movement Speed * (17–20)% increased Movement Speed / (6–9)% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently Great defensive craft. Chaos spam should give highest chance of hitting any of these two mods. High life, desired mod and movement speed/open prefix are the key mods. 20%+ MS can be crafted, it's more than enough for the build. Essences will guarantee high life roll, but might be really costly. Other crafts (Jewels, Flasks)
Jewels / Abyssal Jewels
Fossil method: Aberrant + Pristine (opt) Fossil mods: 13-19% increased Chaos Damage (suffix) Jewels have a really high pool of mods, so prepare for a lot of failed attempts. Just keep spamming Aberrants until you hit 5-7% maximum life. Adding Pristine is probably not worth it, however it will crafting easier for sure. This method also allows Abyssal Jewels to be a decent option, since they're easier to craft than normal jewels (smaller affix pool) AND you can finally roll 2 damage mods that will actually boost your damage permanently. (10-14% damage when using 2-handed weapon + fossil 13-19% chaos damage) Flasks Crafted mods: * 3% of Life Regenerated per second during Flask Effect * (20–25)% reduced Mana Cost of Skills during Flask Effect * 50% Chance to avoid being Stunned during Flask Effect / (8–12)% increased Movement Speed during Flask effect There's not much to say. All 3 of those mods can be really, really good. 3% Life regen is amazing, equals ~2 mods on gear. Mana cost reduction should solve any mana problems during mapping. Stun avoidance can potentially save your life if you receive heavy hit. These mods can only be acquired by unveiling unique flask that drops only from Syndicate Mastermind. I should probably mention, use Beastcrafting for easy Warding/Staunching mods on your flasks. Simply roll a right prefix and finish it off in menagerie. ![]()
Q: Is this build good for a new player?
A: Yes. Assuming you understand basics of Path of Exile, this build should carry you through whole content. Caustic Arrow is really strong right now and that means forgiving, allowing you to be slightly inefficient and still have a great time. Q: How about Mirage Archer? A: Mirage Archer has few very annoying flaws for general mapping. It messes up flask uptime and doesn't even contribute to clear speed that much. It has troubles clearing a whole pack of monsters too, so you will end up attacking afterwards anyway. With that in mind, Greater Multiple Projectiles is simply better unless you're using Dying Sun + additional arrow quiver. However, Mirage Archer has few good uses. If you disconnect often, it might save your life by killing monsters during 6 second period. It's really good for maps with "Cannot regenerate" mod. You should also use it for speedrunning through zones, when you only want to refill the flask charges on the way (act carries/labyrinth/prophecy farming etc.) Q: How about additional Toxic Rain setup? A: Can be possible with some sacrifices. Toxic Rain has huge mana consumption, so you would need quite a lot of investment to sustain it. It also requires small passive tree changes in order to scale Toxic Rain's damage to reasonable levels. For easier way to gain more damage, take a look at classic CA+ED build. Q: How about scaling Herald of Agony minion? A: This build does not focus on poison and therefore Herald of Agony isn't going to be very reliable or powerful tool. The opportunity cost is simply too high. Primary issues are virulence stack generation and high mana reservation cost (4-link+) or underwhelming damage (3-link or worse). You can convert the build to include the scorpion, but it's not worth it at all. Q: (Classic) Wouldn't Blight be better for bossing? A: That's important question. Without doubt it kills bosses faster and you might want to use it against shaper guardians or shaper himself. That's not exactly the case for all bosses however. In some fights there are too short windows to get up close for Blight to be any useful. In other fight you might be forced to keep your distance. Generally, ED synergizes much better with CA playstyle. If you want to, you can use Blight instead, or even both Blight and ED depending on the boss you're facing. They use the same gem setup after all. Q: How about Abyssal Cry? A: You won't need it for clearing monsters quickly. Only useful for Null Portals or some bosses with adds, but that shouldn't be necessary. Q: I have problems sustaining mana, what can i do? A: Taking Druidic Route should solve all your mana issues. If not, a single ~40% mana regen mod OR -(6-7) mana cost of skills craft (Elreon's veiled) on jewellery is going to be sufficient. If the problem persists, that's due to incorrect playstyle. Only a single cloud can deal damage at the same. Your job is to spread degen or reapply it right before previous one expires, not to spam it. Q: What is Caustic Arrow's cloud scaling with? A: It's a degeneration area that scales off DoT / chaos / projectile / area / global damage increases. It's not a poison and doesn't scale with it. It's not an attack itself, but the gem has an attack tag allowing it to be scaled with chaos / DoT increases with attack/bow skills. I know it's a bit confusing, but it's exactly what i said. Q: Where can i find 33-40% Chaos DoT Multiplier and +2 Support Gems crafts? A: Both of them can be acquired through unveiling items. Chaos DoT Multi can appear on any weapon, relatively easy to acquire. +2 Levels to Socketed Support Gems is a Mastermind exclusive mod, so unlocking it will take a lot of time or luck. Item level 80+ items can give you +2 levels. Below ilvl 80 items only have +1 level. Q: What do you think about Impresence amulet? What about Despair aura? A: It's a good amulet that's usually quite expensive. It's main attribute is 0 mana reservation for Despair and really good stats. However it's not worth it's cost. Everything should be dead before it gets into range of Despair Aura. For bosses we use Cursed Frenzy setup. The stats on amulet are good but it's possible to craft better one with Essence of Envy on a better base. Q: Why do you link Vaal Grace with CWDT? You can't trigger it! A: It's linked so it can benefit from Increased Duration. You save one gem slot that way. CWDT won't trigger Vaal Grace, and that's for the better. It's best to manually activate it when you need it the most. Q: Why do you take Master of the Arena node on passive tree? A: For life regen and little bit of strength. Life regen is great for mitigating small degens for Damage on Full Life and defensive purposes. Strength for easier gearing and that little bit of life you get. Q: Why do you pick up skill effect duration nodes? A: Huge QoL and effective damage increase. They allow you to use CA in different ways like making path of degen or covering much bigger area. Any time you were forced to dodge instead of reapplying the degen is a massive damage gain compared to picking damage node. Duration is not to be underestimated. Q: Why don't you pick X node on the passive tree? A: Because jewels are better, period. I provide level 94 tree that's as efficient as possible, many people won't even reach it. If you're above that level, it probably means you have resources to make or buy good jewels that will be worth using over the nodes you have in mind. Q: I have troubles progressing through acts / maps, what can i do? A: Get more life and resists on gear, that's the most common answer to this question. If you've followed the guide, the damage shouldn't be a problem at all. That's true especially in maps. Not having enough defense is a common mistake among new players. All you gotta do is buy or find gear with high life and/or resistances on them. 75% resists is pretty much required starting from act 5. When it comes to life, the more the better. Q: Is it good for party play? A: Should be OK for ~3-4 man party. 5-6 is doable but not that great. ===== These are questions i've been asked a lot by random people i've spoke to in game. Keep more questions coming. ![]()
To do list (for myself mostly)
* Do something about Delve League, probably unify it as a master mission section.
* Minor adjustments everywhere i guess? I bet i've messed up somewhere. * Better formatting for the guide, second wave (colors in big sections, i guess?) ON HOLD, kinda looked bad when i tried. Maybe later. * How about you finally do that video guide? * Proof read every single time there's a new big update. Gem Setups: * Added Blink Arrow commentary Synthesis League: * Added one more synthesiser rule. April 9th, 2019 Synthesis League: * Added "Very high chance, +1 all gems implicit (expensive)" crafting method. * Added boots to the pool of crafting worthy bases. Implicits included of course. * Added one more synthesiser rule for mods that have two variable rolls. April 5th, 2019 Synthesis League: * Added "High chance +1 / Low chance +2 Bow gems implicits" crafting method * Fixed 5% of life corpse explosion implicit additional info, now correctly says there are total 2 outcomes + 1 from flat accuracy (can be avoided by having 3 top Light Radius rolls) March 27th, 2019 General: * Minor improvements all over the guide. * Fixed some typos/grammar. Overview: * Removed third paragraph, since Trickster is currently overpowered. Sythesis League: * Changed important note into quick overview what Synthesis league brings to the build. * Synthesiser mechanics should be slightly easier to understand now. They're also more consistent with wording. * Added one more bow implicit, extremely defensive one. * Added another quiver implicit Crafting Section: * Helmet fossil crafting no longer uses Pristine by default. Reason: so -9% res is easier to hit, also to potentially roll %evasion for defensive purposes. Still listed as an optional fossil. March 26th, 2019 NEW: Synthesis League * Crafting at synthesiser, explained! * Exact mechanics in brief format, with few examples * List of worthwhile mods and universal crafting methods. Classic Build: * Removed The Green Dream jewel as it doesn't work as i thought it does (requires allocating resistance nodes. To the guy who tried to explain it to me long time ago, i'm sorry, reading can be hard.) March 25th, 2019 Gem Setups: * Grace now coexists as main aura with Malevolence * Malevolence is now treated as an end game aura. Grace is for beginners/early-mid game. * Added Increased AoE as optional support for Dread Banner Equipment: * Watcher's Eye has returned, primary mod - 18-22% chaos DoT multiplier (Malevolence). * Brass Dome body armour removed to free up space (50k char limit). Not like anyone used it outside of Hall of Grandmasters. Levelling and Progression: * Added new goals for yellow and red maps. * Yellow maps now suggests using vendor recipe to get 20% quality gems. This should solve huge problem with people not having quality on their gems at 90+ levels. * Red maps suggest switching to Malevolence aura after you have necessary defences. Videos: * Note has been updated, now states the estimated damage in 3.6 build compared to the old versions. March 9th, 2019 Levelling and Progression: * Heavily optimized levelling and mapping passive trees. * Now you should respec Ranger's starting nodes around level 53. Path of Building: * Updated PoB to reflect newest changes to the passive tree. March 8th, 2019 Passive Tree: * Updated all passive trees to the newest version. Levelling and Progression: * Updated levelling passives trees to reflect newest changes. March 7th, 2019 - Synthesis League General: * In this patch, the build has higher damage at the cost of reliable defence. Majority of the changes come from Malevolence aura being default. * Old 3.5 build is still exactly the same, other than small passive tree change. You can keep using it if you want to. * Minor changes and improvements everywhere, not worthy of mentioning. Passive Tree: * Raider's and Trickster's passive tree have been updated. Will update other trees when official 3.6 online passive tree is live. * All ascendancies no longer take Avatar of the Hunt wheel. * Non-Trickster trees now pick up Exceptional Performance cluster. * Trickster now picks up Escape Artist ascendancy node instead of Swift Killer. Weave the Arcane is no longer an option. Gem Setups: * Malevolence is a new default aura * Grace aura is now optional replacement to Malevolence. Equipment: * Loreweave has been removed from being optional armour. * Watcher's Eye with +8% evade chance has been removed, since build no longer uses Grace as a default aura. * Elder Ring with 4-5% evade chance is a replacement to the Watcher's Eye. One is mandatory for end game, two to definitely cap evade chance. * Jade Flask with 90%+ increased evasion is now mandatory. * Helmet enchants updated. Same enchants, different approach. Equal in power Levelling and Progression: * Mapping updated to reflect Watcher's Eye -> Elder Ring changes. * Added "Correct Flask setup" as a goal for white map. Since Grace is no longer default, you NEED that Jade flask. Should solve problem of people running useless flasks. Path of Building: * Updated PoB link to include newest changes to the build. * Currently, a single jewel fulfills the role of Malevolence Aura for effective DPS calculation. * PoB will be updated once again after newest gems are included in the program. * Tooltips section has been removed. Crafting Section: * Updated ring crafting. Chaos spam Elder ring to hit evade chance mod. FAQ: * Added "Why do you pick up skill effect duration nodes?" Changelog's... changes: * Due to constant updates and really long list of changes, i'm removing old updates from it. * You can still find archived 3.5 build with changelog on page 94 inside archived guide. Final words ======== I'm really glad i've made this guide. I've spent tens of hours at this point, improving and polishing it to be the best it can possibly be. It wasn't the guide alone that improved over time, but the build itself too. I'll keep updating it for as long as i can. Of course, a big thank you to all people who are lurking and people who contacted me one way or another. No doubt that this guide wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for you, giving me a reason to do my best. Thanks for checking out the build, i hope you've had fun using it! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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Looks like a lot of global accuracy reductions with new tree. On the other hand, I believe there is actually going to be a decent damage boost now with the new passive tree (see Fatal Toxins wheel change to Hunter's Gambit). Too lazy to throw in some hypothetical numbers right now. I really suspect the accuracy changes will have little to no impact on this build because the general mobs will still get hit by piercing arrows resulting in the same multiple caustic arrow clouds melting mobs, whereas the accuracy loss against bosses won't matter because the caustic arrow clouds are the primary source of DPS in this build and do not rely on accuracy in the sense that we aren't trying to hit a boss with a piercing arrow.
Changes on the Base Passive tree: -Finesse reduced to 15% global accuracy from 20% -Art of the Gladiator reduced to 10% global accuracy from 20% -Master of the Arena reduced to +1 melee weapon and unarmed attack range (does not affect build) -Fury bolts reduced to 10% global accuracy from 20% -Fatal toxins wheel no longer provides chaos damage (55% increased chaos damage total lost for this build, but gained back elsewhere - see below) -Instead of Fatal toxins, Hunter's Gambit wheel should be used but this takes 4 skill points instead of the 3. The first 3 points give 30% increased damage with bows (unclear if this boosts caustic arrow at this time), 48% increased DoT and 20% chance to poison on hit. The fourth point gives a significant damage boost: 24% bow damage, 10% skill effect duration, 10% non-ailment DoT multi, 24% increased DoT, and poison deals damage 10% faster. -It MIGHT be worth while sacrificing two of the 5% life nodes around constitution to path to a fourth jewel slow (below constitution) with the new Hunter's Gambit wheel eating up a skill point as with a 7% life jewel + 20 strength will likely get pretty close to the same HP with the opportunity for a jewel that adds more DPS. -Thankfully not impacted by abyss jewel nerf as other jewels are still better for the build. Some other considerations for softcore players: -Heavy Draw/Deadly draw wheel now has been renamed to King of the Hill and Master Fletcher and has new wording that says "bow damage" instead of physical bow damage. The Master Fletcher offers 20% global accuracy compared to 0% before, but the first node in the wheel has reduced from 10% accuracy rating to 5%. Probably not worth pathing into for hardcore, but may be a good damage boost versus the life nodes around Constitution for softcore. Last edited by JBear#2284 on Jun 5, 2019, 1:30:24 PM
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June 5th, 2019 - Legion League
Passive Tree: * Updated main passive tree to 3.7 version of the game. * Classic passive tree received no changes at all this patch. * Other passive trees are going to be updated shortly before new league launches, when official passive tree is available. Path of Building: * Updated PoB link to 3.7 pre-launch version. * It already has updated trees for all ascendancies. * PoB will be updated once again after new gem data is available. REMOVED SECTION: Synthesis League * Synthesis is not going core, so there's no reason to keep it. * It won't be missed. Changelog's... changes: * Due to constant updates and really long list of changes, i'm removing old updates from it. * You can still find archived 3.6 build with changelog on page 94 inside archived guide. ======================== PoB link for convenience: https://pastebin.com/KkNCrrkP Not many changes to the build, outside of passive tree. Small breakdown: * No longer goes up to Scion's life wheel * Has ~20% more damage and additional 20% increased AoE. * Marginally lower life, ~3% total life pool or so * Lost 35% increased skill effect duration, but current values are OK with Malevolence aura + Hunter's Gambit notable. 30% CA duration helmet is now recommended (again). * Lost 50% increased life recovery from flasks - this is probably the * biggest blow. Previously you could heal up to full in 2/3 uses of life potion, now you'll need 3/4. Lower safety during emergency situations. In general, i'm fine with the trade off. Definitely helps with damage before you get all of the available upgrades. Defensively/QoL it's basically the same... but the flask effectiveness loss is significant. Another concern i have: Accuracy and evasion formula changes. This is something i must test in-game, unless GGG reveals it. For now there's no changes in that regard. Besides that, there's really not much else to talk about. I'm still waiting for 20/20 gems to fully update the guide. I did a quick update now so you can already check primary changes. I'll be polishing the guide and creating levelling passive tree and everything for the next two days. Everything should be ready before launch (unlike 3.6 with the shadow starting area changes screwing me over...) " CA degen is not bow damage. The change was made so elemental damage can also benefit from these nodes (rather than being purely for physical builds). It only works with hit damage. Secondary sources of damage are not affected. " Accuracy is not very important, but you should have some for clearing. Current playstyle wants you to pierce through whole pack to spread degen, but you cannot do that if you don't hit. Build has enough accuracy to not feel bad about it (currently), but it might change in Legion. We can only wait for info on that matter or test it in-game. I've already created the passive tree for the build. Old one still works if you prefer it that way. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides Last edited by DankawSL#2030 on Jun 5, 2019, 3:55:13 PM
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" Exactly. If the accuracy feels the same, then it does seem those additional changes you made will be a benefit for sure. Thanks for looking at the tree more closely - I just looked at how to keep the tree similar. Even more reason to use Ryslatha upgraded pantheon for that life recovery on low life. |
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Did they do something to the fossil crafting? When synthesis first started, I got it on the first couple tries for the +3 bow. Now I'm trying to do another one and I've tried about 30 times now and no dice. Was I just really lucky before or something?
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