3.1 GC Mines Killer Cheap! 1.5M-5.23M DPS

Full Buffed Shaper 3.10M

Full equip real DPS before mods reductions:
Sustained: 1.55M
Mapping: 2.44M
Full Buffed 5.23M


Good morning exiles, in this video I will explain
the build of Glacial Cascade Mines to Saboteur,
this build is designed for softcore since we totally prioritize in maximizing our damage.

-Build cheap and leveable with the same main
-Much damage to bosses.
-Very acceptable cleaning speed.

-Mine, you have to press many buttons.
-Glass Cannon.
The build is based on converting the spell of Glacial Cascade to mines. This spell is 100% physical damage, but converts 60% to cold damage. So we must convert the remaining 40% to be able to raise elemental or cold damage in the tree. And we will also focus on mine damage, critical chance and multiplier.
To convert said 40% we have 3 options:

1st Enchant in the helmet of 40% conversion. (I do not recommend it).

2nd Hrimsorrow, gloves that convert 50% of the physical to cold.
3rd This is the advisable option, x2 the long winter will give us the necessary conversion and allows us to have the gloves and the helmet charm to our liking.

Being a mine build, I recommend setting the Attack in place key, attacking without moving in a Numpad number and then deactivating the Numpad while pressing the number. In this way the game will think that we have always activated the button of attack in place and we can put the mines on our feet no matter where the courses are at that time.

Spell totem + detonate mines. While using Vaal Clarity it will convert our continuous mine spam into an incredible burst of damage against bosess. Vaal lightning trap increases our damage in static enemies.

As a defensive mechanic we have a low life pool that we will compensate with Mind over matter. Vaal Clarity will allow us to attack without spending mana, since many times the mana will mitigate a lot of damage, along with Cast When Damage Taken Combos. It never hurts a
decoy totem to ward off damage from us.

Let's review the equipment and gems:
Remember that 4L and 3L can change them unless otherwise indicated.

The best chest for this build is the carcas jack, Main skill in order of priority:

2L Glacial cascade + remote mine

3L Minefield
4L Trap and Mine Damage

5L Controlled Destruction

6L Concentrated Effect The saboteur gives us so much area that we can always go with Concentrated.

As a weapon we will use 99% of the time the BrightBeak endgame hammer for its speed of attack is the fastest we can move.

Shield Charge + Faster Attacks Support + Fortify

For more damage we will use a dagger with crit chance, crit multiplier and spell. The modifiers of Shaper Gain x% of physical damage as extra cold or lightning are the best option to increase our damage.

Shield with life, chance, resis and crit (if possible).
Vaal Clarity + Increased Duration + Vaal Lightning Trap

Belt of life and resis, in this case with jewel de abyss, the mod of increased critical strike chance when we have not done crit recently is great because the game considers that we do not attack, the mines do ;-) Shhhhsh is not Say it to GGG.

Jewelery: Essence Worm with hatred, saves us the reserve of mana and we have all the mana for mind over matter.
The other ring, life and resis !!!!

Amulet with a lot of strenght, Life and resis.
Multiplier if you also want damage. Or even The Shaper Gain mod x physical as elemental.

In the helmet for a change we will look for life and resis. As mods of Shaper Place an additional mine is great, it will allow us to put 4 mines each time, instead of 3. Increased mine damage is also very good. And as an enchantment, Glacial Cascade damage would be ideal.

High level of: CWDT + Immortal Call + Molten Shell. Ice Golem.

Gloves here my option is a maligaro, since the chance and multiplier are great and the dex that gives us also comes from pearls.

Detonate Mines + Spell Totem + Faster Casting + Decoy Totem.

The flask that will hurt us the most is:

1Atziri's Promise
2Diamond Flask

3Taste of Hate

But we will need a mana potion and at least one of life. I recommend bleeding in the mana, curses in the diamond and freeze in the life.

The pantheon goes by tastes, God greater: Soul of the Brine King for stun

Younger God: Soul of Shakari, Soul of Ryslatha

Saboteur Ascendancy. Demolitions Specialist & Explosives Expert.

The 2 points of the uber lab are put in the small intermediate points since there is no principal that serves us.

In the tree we will prioritize in the points of mines. Templar points are the last to put.

We leave the links of interest and the pastebin for Path of Building.


Buenos días exiliados en este video voy a explicar la build de Glacial Cascade Mines a Saboteador, esta build esta pensada para softcore ya que priorizamos totalmente en maximizar nuestro daño.

-Build barata y leveable con la misma habilidad principal.
-Muchisimo daño para boses.
-Velocidad de limpieza muy aceptable.

-Minas, hay que pulsar muchos botones.
-Glass Cannon.

La build se basa en convertir a minas la spell de Glacial Cascade. Esta spell es 100% daño fisico, pero convierte el 60% a daño de cold. Por lo que deberemos convertir el 40% restante para poder subir elemental o cold damage en el arbol. Y nos centraremos también en mine damage, critical chance y multiplier.
Para convertir dicho 40% tenemos 3 opciones:
1º Enchant en el casco de 40% de conversion. (no lo recomiendo).
2º Hrimsorrow, unos guantes que convierten un 50% del fisico a cold.
3º Esta es la opción aconsejable, x2 the long winter nos dará la conversión necesaria y nos permite tener los guantes y el encantamiento del casco a nuestro gusto.

Al ser una build de minas recomiendo configurar la tecla de Attack in place, atacar sin moverse en un numero del Numpad y despues desactivar el BloqNum mientras pulsamos el numero. De esta forma el juego pensará que siempre tenemos activado el botos de atacar en el sitio y podremos poner las minas en nuestros pies dando igual el lugar donde se encuentre el cursos en dicho momento.

Spell totem + detonate mines. Mientras usamos Vaal Clarity convertirá nuestro spam continuo de minas en un burst increible de daño contra bosess. Vaal lightning trap incrementa nuestro daño en enemigos estaticos.

Como mecanica defensiva tenemos un pool de vida bajo que compensaremos con Mind over matter. Vaal Clarity nos permitirá atacar sin gastar mana, ya que muchas veces el mana será el que nos mitigue mucho el daño, junto con los combos de Cast when damage taken. Nunca esta de más un decoy totem para alejar el daño de nosotros.

Pasemos a revisar el equipamiento y gemas:
Recuerden que los 4L y 3L pueden cambiarlos de sitio a menos que se indique lo contrario.

La mejor pechera para esta build es la carcas jack, Main skill en orden de prioridad:
2L Glacial cascade + remote mine
3L Minefield
4L Trap and Mine Damage
5L Controlled Destruction
6L Concentrated Effect El saboteador nos da tanta area que podemos ir siempre con Concentrated.

Como arma usaremos el 99% del tiempo el martillo de end game BrightBeak por su velocidad de ataque es con el que más rapido nos podremos mover.
Shield Charge + Faster Attacks Support + Fortify

Para más daño usaremos una daga con crit chance, crit multiplier y spell. Los modificadores de Shaper Gain x% of physical damage as extra cold o lightning son la mejor opción para incrementar nuestro daño.

Escudo con vida, chance, resis y crit (si es posible).
Vaal Clarity + Increased Duration + Vaal Lightning Trap

Botas con vida y resis, no es imprecindible el Movemente Speed pero nunca esta de más. El mejor enchant sería Damage Penetrates 10%, Adds 1 to 160 Lightning Damage también es una buena opción.
A nivel bajo CWDT + Immortal Call + Frost Bomb. Flame Dash nivel alto para saltar de vez en cuando.

Cinturon de vida y resis, en este caso con jewel de abyss, el mod de increased critical strike chance cuando no hemos hecho critico recientemente nos viene genial ya que el juego considera que nosotros no atacamos, lo hacen las minas ;-) Shhhhsh no se lo digas a GGG.

Joyería: Essence Worm con hatred, nos ahorra la reserva de mana y nos queda todo el mana para el mind over matter.
El otro anillo, vida y resis!!!!

Amuleto con mucha fuerza, Vida y resis. Multiplier si también quieres daño. O incluso El mod de Shaper Gain x physical as elemental.

En el casco para variar buscaremos vida y resis. Como mods de Shaper Place an additional mine es genial, nos permitirá poner 4 minas cada vez, en lugar de 3. Increased mine damage también es muy bueno. Y como enchant, Glacial Cascade damage sería lo ideal.
Nivel alto de: CWDT + Immortal Call + Molten Shell. Ice Golem.

Gloves aquí mi opcion son unos maligaro, ya que el chance y multiplier estan genial y la dex que nos aporta también nos viene de perlas.

Detonate Mines + Spell Totem + Faster Casting + Decoy Totem.

Los flask que más daño nos van a dar son:
1Atziri's Promise
2Diamond Flask
3Taste of Hate

Pero necesitaremos una poción de maná y almenos una de vida. Recomiendo bleeding en la de mana, curses en la diamond y freeze en la de vida.

El panteon va por gustos, Dios mayor: Soul of the Brine King para stun
Dios menor: Soul of Shakari, Soul of Ryslatha

Ascendancy de Saboteador. Demolitions Specialist & Explosives Expert.
Los 2 puntos del uber lab se ponen en los puntos pequeños intermedios ya que no hay ningun principal que nos sirva.

En el arbol priorizaremos en los puntos de minas. Los puntos del templario son los ultimos en poner.

Os dejamos los enlaces de interes y el pastebin para Path of Building.





I hope you can ejoy, if you have any question, write it down!

Or ask in my stream: Spanish/English

Twitch: www.twitch.tv/anubisquall
Last edited by AnubiXtendeR#3394 on Jan 17, 2018, 8:56:19 AM
Last bumped on Apr 6, 2018, 9:26:02 AM
what is the difference between your build and windz?
B4ngg wrote:
what is the difference between your build and windz?

I'm using the new long winter gems, new shaper helmet mod 1additional mine, diferent gloves. The tree is really similar. Some gems in the combos.

I do it to maximize damage on bosses this time, windz is for maping and bosses 50/50.

This is just my version. You can choice what do you want.
Your gif shows you running low life, meaning you probably had Pain Attunement and possibly other gear to make the character far stronger than what you have posted for pastebin. You also use the Clear Mind jewel in the pastebin, yet you have most of your mana reserved (disabling Clear Mind) in the gif as well.
AllMud55 wrote:
Your gif shows you running low life, meaning you probably had Pain Attunement and possibly other gear to make the character far stronger than what you have posted for pastebin. You also use the Clear Mind jewel in the pastebin, yet you have most of your mana reserved (disabling Clear Mind) in the gif as well.

O no dude, the gif is a part of one friend stream that I helped to kill minotaur in 5seconds. In the video and PoB you can see the build is going life + Mind over matter. :-)
AnubiXtendeR wrote:

O no dude, the gif is a part of one friend stream that I helped to kill minotaur in 5seconds. In the video and PoB you can see the build is going life + Mind over matter. :-)

Ah okay, the gif threw me off since most people post pictures/gifs from their own view not a friends. My mistake. :P
What about information about bandits? did you killed all of them?
Alira Helped :-)
GIF looks like a low life shavrone wrappings build.
kan3 wrote:
GIF looks like a low life shavrone wrappings build.

Gif is from a friend streaming. (he play LL rf). I'm rushing minotaur in this gif... Down you have the build explained and have some video

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