Path of Exile Talent Competition 2018
"There Were 16 of Them", Pencil on Paper, 8.5x11
This is NSFW. I love this game (please don't ban me).
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I am Nogrul, Path of Exile Streamer and enthusiast! I really enjoy making music so i sliced up the Soundtracks of the new Content into some Remixes! I´m not by any means a professional Artist or Digital music Content creator but i hope some folks might like my remixes!
This one is created after the Contest had started so it is my Entry yet i have 2 more on that soundcloud page and im working to create maybe even more in the future. Hope you guys Enjoy it! It´s a Remix of the "Abyssal Lich" Soundtrack. Keep up the amazing work GGG and good Luck all the amazing content Creators in here! :) Last edited by Lurgon#4447 on Jan 20, 2018, 3:49:19 PM
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Short intro
Path of Exile inspires for creating art even for those who are far from brush and paints. With a software dev background, my story is closer to keyboard and monospace text; however, when you look through the plenty of exciting arts, it's hard to just walk by and ignore the competition. The game has hard relations with ASCII art (all these toucans in chats, you know...). Nevertheless, I decided to opt in and spend some time doing my best with ASCII in the notepad. Although another challenge was to show off my work because one cannot simply put a monospaced thing in the post. The only acceptable way I found was to post a screenshot and use pastebin-like service to share the source. Here we go, hope you enjoy it. The work ![]() Source: Source, acidic coloured: Fragments you may also like: There's also an adopted expansion title in ASCII in my logo, you can always copy / update it as you like. Feel free to grab it and share!
Some details
Main work grid: ~80 x 40 chars Count of chars: 2300 with spaces / 1300 without Most popular character: M of course Total time spent: roughly 20h Tools used: Notepad++, FIGlET fonts as a baseline hardly modified (Georg18, Double) No, it's not just image to ASCII conversion. You may try yourself and see how ugly it would look.
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My owne Facebook MemePage completly dedicated to PoE memes including Twitch etc...
Had some drawback in case of Uploading and cerating stuff but now im back : ) Link |
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This is my submission: Daresso The Daring.
As you can see, he's wearing multiple well-known unique items. ![]() |
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Hi guys! Well to not waste any more time and since I'm going to win this contest I have the honor to introduce you:..., The new Rogue Exile "Rickar Invictus" with new brand armor set "Grand Arena Armor", new sword "Decipator Gladius" and new shield "Courage of the Braves"! Have a nice game and good luck to everyone!
![]() ![]() My name is Rickar Invictus but I was not always known as such. In the gutters of Oriath where I was born, I was known for "Turn Guts" because I was very thin. Life in Oriath was difficult for a poor farmer's son, working from sunrise to sunset, on the field cultivation to help my parents and my little brothers. In the short time I had free I played with the other boys of the gutters, pretending to be gladiators and great heroes of Oriath, this was a passion for me and my dream when I became a grown man! My father, like everyone else, had to pay taxes to the Dominus. But one time he could not afford it because of an extreme drought that had happened that year. The Captain who was in charge of the collecting gave my father an option: Either he paid or else, he would go to the dungeons of the arena. Seeing that the fate of my father would be traced, I proposed to serve as a slave to the Dominus so he could spare the life of my father and my family who would surely starve to death. In the villa of the Dominus, at the beginning I took care the horses from the guard of the Dominus and took care of the arrangement in the stables. With time I was detached to take care of the needs of the guards and in particular of the private gladiators of the Dominus, great warriors and very skilled men in the art of war! During the day I observed their training and their way of fighting and at night before going to sleep I trained to perfect my technique. One night while training as usual, without me noticing, the Captain of the guard, who was also the gladiator's coach, was watching me. Just before I finished and ready to rest in my bed, he approached. Knowing that I had been discovered and fearing to be grounded, I promptly apologized for my actions. Contrary to what I would expect he was not furious with me, but said it was a waste not take advantage of such a man with such skills and technique and even said that I could be worthy of training with his gladiators and even those who know to fight in the Grand Arena of Oriath! So before leaving he ordered me to appear the next morning at his gladiator training camp. The next morning I appeared in the training camp, he introduced me to his gladiators and without delay made me fight with one of them, saying that if I win, I would be part of his team or otherwise I would lose my life there. I was fast and agile and without much effort I overturned my opponent and he surrendered. The captain was impressed but his champion did not agree, saying that I was not worthy of such an honor and that he would have to test me in a fight to the death! The Captain did not object and so I caught my fierce combat until then! He was huge, very muscled and had a thunderous force. Every stroke of him that I defended, threw me back, making me recoil. After some time already practically cornered and immensely exhausted with such an effort to block his blows, I thought to myself that my life was going to end there; but the moment he struck the final blow, as our swords were swiftly flipped I instinctively swirled around him and stood in his rear where I slipped my Gladius on his neck giving him instant death! All the other gladiators were perplexed including the captain and for a few seconds could not be heard a single noise. The Captain broke the silence revealing everyone that I would from that moment on, be in charge of the camp and that I was his new champion. Everyone agreed by applauding and praising and all talking about my technique and combat ability! It goes without saying that shortly afterwards I was in the Great Arena fighting great warriors! One after another I surpass them all. Until then, they only called me by my real name "Rickar". After the great annual games of Oriath where I faced the best fighters of the whole continent and having defeated all of them one by one and won the title of "Champion of the Arena" and getting the ultimate reward, my freedom. All Oriath from that moment on called me "Rickar Invictus". Has a free man, I decided to hurry back to the house where I had been raised, because I had many homesickness for my parents and brothers, but unfortunately for my sadness I discovered that they had been dead for some time. They were murdered because they could not paid the taxes to the Dominus. The executioner was been the Captain himself, the man who had taken care of me until then! In an act of blind fury and hatred that dominated over me, I went to the Villa of the Dominus, facing the Captain. Looking him in the eyes, I confronted him with the report of his actions on my family, he frightened pulls from his gladius to striking me while ordering his guard to attack me, but like a lightning flash my gladius slides quickly penetrating his stomach from one end to the other letting his guts slip to the ground and put an end to it! And I also defeated his guards very quickly. After these acts, I was persecuted and captured and taken to the presence of the Dominos, who decreed me the death sentence, but due to the people, how they all loved and respected me and begged to live, the Dominos changed my death penalty, for the exile in wraeclast and that's is my story. Last edited by IComeYouDie#4904 on Feb 4, 2018, 6:37:40 PM
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Finally had some free time to play in Zbrush and I always wanted to make my favorite class - Marauder; heavily inspired by Maori, obviously :)
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Hey Guys,
i hope Tools like mine are also welcome in this Competition :) i programmed an Item Generator, simulating Drops, Mods and its Rolls like they are in Path of Exile. View on Reddit |
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Hi everybody, very nice nice things around here.
I will tell you a little noire story about the Shadow. PS: i am not native English, so apologies for the possible clumsiness. ---------- A ghostly shade vanishes in the foggy night of Theopolis... *"Well, here we are... again..."* For nearly a month now, the whole city was whispering with rumors. Since last full moon, about a dozen of the most eminent patricians were found in their bed in the morning, properly and definitely made quiet. *"It must be this house. The instructions that came with my payment were pretty damn clear... as usual."* Some of the highest ranked citizens -politicians from all sides, rich merchants, artists, influential people- were beginning to franticly barricade their homes and windows in frightening anxiety as dusk was taking it's rights. Night was a living nightmare for some of those who saw in this murderous frenzy the mark of some political purgation. *"OK... Some wood planks nailed on the ground floor windows... as well as second floor. But third floor windows are clean. Fatal mistake."* Of course nobody in Theopolis was stupid enough to say open and loud what many had in mind: the ambitious Templar Dominus seemed to benefit the most from the crimes, although some of the victims were favorable to him. *"Hmmm, clouds growing, air chilling, sky darkening: a little rain is incoming. Let's climb this façade right now."* Despite the rumors, relevant authorities had put Dominus at the head of the investigators charged to elucidate the case. Without any success. *"Finally, more than a little rain it seems... Let's try not to slip on these crappy wet stones..."* An indefinable shape hoisted itself to a window's edge. A third floor window. *"Window, my beautiful window, please tell me who's gonna open you?"* *Clic-crac* *"Smoothly and quietly, now. The wolf is in the sheepfold. Let's not scare the cattle by making too much noise. Bedroom should be right there, behind this wall."* Not a single floor slat creaked as it passes in the corridor and slipped on the next room by the slightly opened door. Which closed back after it. *"Hello mister! Who are you this time, ready to join your ancestors? Let's see the sleepy face in the quietness of his bed... Bloody hell! If this one is not Tellarus, Dominus' secretary and friend, Victario's not the people's poet... I begin to think this job is going a bit too far. Dominus is reknown for his absence of mercy. Wait! What's all that sticky thing the guy's covered on? Don't tell me that's blood!! Damn! It is! What the hell is going on here? Another cleaner has been sent? Why? I showed before that i can be trusted to handle this kind of job!"* The Shadow jumped and quickly turned on himself, raising his dagger by rote, as a light was lit behind him. His eyes opened widely and his face expressed all his disappointment when he faced the other. -"Yes, this one is already dead. I didn't need you to do personally the job this time; only had to be at the rendez-vous. As it is the last time. Your contract is finished, you've done a pretty good job so far. Now you only have the easiest part remaining." -"I can see when i'm caught. I guess there are guards hidden everywhere around us and this house, right? Now you got me, so tell me two things. You're the one who hired, that's crystal-clear. But why did you assassinate your own friend; and what are you going to do about me?" The other smiled, and raised his staff in sight. -"Politics, my dear, everything we do is politics! Now you've killed some of my toughest opponents very few will dare stand against me. This little purge was necessary. Despite having also partisans amongst the dead citizens didn't seem to hush the rumors. So I had to make a big hit. With that poor Tellarus being now cutted open in half, people will no more doubt of the role I'm playing in this story. Especially now that I've captured the murderer I'm quite sure to be promoted to the rank of High Templar. Sometimes you can always get what you want, if you try hard enough... and if you're supported by thaumaturgy." -"Let's finish this. Enough with the talking. Now kill me or deliver me to your black dog, you merciless bastard." -"You're right and you're wrong my little killer. Right: we've finished here, and there is not a lot more to say about it. Yes my Ebony Legionnaires will now take care of you. Wrong: I can be a little bit harsch, but I wouldn't say merciless or bastard. Here is the proof: if I didn't engineered the whole plan you would effectively now be an unknown dead amongst unknown deads. But you served my purpose well, even if you didn't know it, and I'm going to reward you with a much more attractive destiny than the loop at the end of a rope." Soon-to-be-named High Templar Dominus stroke his Commanding Staff on the face of the assassin, who just had the time to hear this before fainting: "Have a safe journey, exile!" *"I've got a terrible headache... My head is resonating with pain and Dominus's last words... I can feel the floor going up and down from my tiny dark cage... I think I'm on a boat... Storm is raging out there, thunder is deafening... I hope this decrepit wreck will hold on..."* -------------- Last edited by Gwoemul#0636 on Jan 21, 2018, 7:20:18 PM
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