[On Hold] Kinetic Blast Deadeye [Magic Find Speed Mapper]

Last edited by Sutone#3518 on May 4, 2018, 3:29:48 PM
This might be the worst league starting build I've ever used. Obviously the IIQ/IIR gear is going to be expensive. Damage is meh and survivability is awful, even in poorly rolled low tier maps.
Pythonmsh wrote:
This might be the worst league starting build I've ever used. Obviously the IIQ/IIR gear is going to be expensive. Damage is meh and survivability is awful, even in poorly rolled low tier maps.

Sadima's and Goldwyrms (even Bisco's Leash) are perfectly affordable, and Abyss jewels have completely eradicated the traditional affordability problems for ele atk builds for two leagues now. Piscator's isn't expensive from the standpoint of a starting budget and it's common understanding at this point that most currency-generating characters compromise survivability unless heavily invested in.

Not everyone is disciplined/efficient enough to make a wander work as a league/race starter (and you run into a harsh cost-scaling wall fairly quickly while you are trying to push atlas depending on how you are set up), but why would you ever imply a build is inherently at fault for your own poor individual decision-making?
Last edited by svara_eir#7477 on May 6, 2018, 12:35:15 PM
svara_eir wrote:
Pythonmsh wrote:
This might be the worst league starting build I've ever used. Obviously the IIQ/IIR gear is going to be expensive. Damage is meh and survivability is awful, even in poorly rolled low tier maps.

Sadima's and Goldwyrms (even Bisco's Leash) are perfectly affordable, and Abyss jewels have completely eradicated the traditional affordability problems for ele atk builds for two leagues now. Piscator's isn't expensive from the standpoint of a starting budget and it's common understanding at this point that most currency-generating characters compromise survivability unless heavily invested in.

Not everyone is disciplined/efficient enough to make a wander work as a league/race starter (and you run into a harsh cost-scaling wall fairly quickly while you are trying to push atlas depending on how you are set up), but why would you ever imply a build is inherently at fault for your own poor individual decision-making?

I pretty much always play glass cannons. You pretty much have to run a thief's torment on this build to even make it semi comfortable.
Using this as a starter build, the race is going pretty well. Is the pob up to date on this? Asking because I'm finding it hard to decide what items I should prioritize at this point.
Am I blind or is there no skill tree guide? I can't find it
Hi there!,
Nice builds BTW!

Is this a good build to play in the Flashback RACE ?
I really like to play with GC, I saw your Hiero Totems build and I LOVE IT! I sell all my stuff in Bestiary to make it as close as I can to your build, It was pretty fun, safe and tons of dmg, I was thinking of which build will be better to reach lvl 95 and farm items to another build, which one do you think is better for a starter in this race!!

Thanks for all your effort ( Sorry for my bad English)
Well if you're reading this Tuesday it's probably too late, but I do think this is a fine starter as long as your expectations aren't to do all content. This is a speed low level mapper. To take it into higher tier content you need a good map layout, or losing quant for power.

This might be the worst league starting build I've ever used. Obviously the IIQ/IIR gear is going to be expensive. Damage is meh and survivability is awful, even in poorly rolled low tier maps.
Sucks it didn't work out for you. Hopefully you found a way to salvage your character or rolled a new one.

Using this as a starter build, the race is going pretty well. Is the pob up to date on this? Asking because I'm finding it hard to decide what items I should prioritize at this point.
Glad to hear you're having success! My "In Depth Gearing" section has some gear suggestions but I don't have a priority or item progression guide as it's pretty individual depending on if you feel your bottleneck is movespeed, damage, or survivability.

Why are we taking Vaal Pact with no % leech on the tree?
The life nodes outside of shadow give life leech.

Am I blind or is there no skill tree guide? I can't find it
It's in the quick reference and in the leveling section.

Sucks it didn't work out for you. Hopefully you found a way to salvage your character or rolled a new one.

It's fine it's the flashback league and I work quite a bit to re-roll. I'll stick with it, it's no problem. It's fun but without thief's torment the build is an absolute nightmare to play. I'm not even in full MF gear.
Last edited by Pythonmsh#4406 on May 9, 2018, 5:11:10 AM
You're doing something wrong then. I've got no abyss jewels, bisco's leash, sadima's, goldwyrm and 3.4k life and this thing is doing exactly what it said on the tin: teabagging low tier maps. I've got no thief's torment.

I've only done up to tier 3 maps so far, but the right maps go in 2 mins and the money just comes in.

First time trying a wander, not sure if I like the lack of atlas progression, but hey after a week of this I'll be able to afford whatever to push map tiers.
Ok, so I don't know if this has been asked before, but you use enfeeble and assassins mark together. But I don't see any source for double curse on enemies. Did I miss something ?

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