New Hack and Slash ARPG Last Epoch KickStarter April 2018
When I first heard of PoE I almost did not even try it due to the free to play stigma. So that shit is real.
I am honestly surprised that there is a sizeable group of people who thinks that f2p is immediately a stigma. And until I learnt about LE, I certainly thought clear speed meta is the only way to enjoy ARPG combat and again it looks like there are quite a number who thinks slower, more tactical combat can be as satisfying (I have not played grim dawn which many had implied to me as an ARPG which implemented this tactical combat quite well).
Guess one can always learn something new :) Hopefully LE can stay true to its vision and surprise me with a different ARPG experience. I might then perhaps concede that I have had too narrow an idea of what makes an ARPG great. It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
F2P IS a STIGMA...! F2P games mostly SUUUCK...! The good ones are in the TINY MINORITY of F2P games!
And the reason is simple: F2P usually means P2W.
Even PoE is pay2play with the stash tab nonsense, which many consider pay2win. If you ask me, the stigma is well deserved. Last Epoch's price tag may end up helping more than hurting it, ironically. Wash your hands, Exile!
She's gonna be a beaut! I'm in.