Stories from Development: The Map System
I loved watching the evolution of this game and being part of it. I have played since becoming a founder in 2011 and I remember how it was, this was totally a gamer's dream that lived off of Diablo 2 for over 12 years and filled the gap that Diablo 3 was supposed to. Good times, I remember farming felshrine ruins nonstop on merciless as it was one of the easiest and best ways to yield gains haha... good times.
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good read
" its telling more about the gamers' mindset of today in 1998, players would play Baldurs Gate and quickly discover that you can go to any areas, but the enemies in a lot of areas would eat you for breakfast. through some trial and error, player would be directed through paths he could actually go through. today, companies feel like a gamer should be handheld, and god forbid if hes not and wanders too far away with high level mobs- you will hear his angry cries. the entitlement is real. " nothing have really changed much though. you introduced some very powerful artificial constraints like sextants but in the end only very few factors (including sextants) determine which maps/areas to farm. Last edited by grepman#2451 on Jan 12, 2018, 2:02:27 AM
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" I get the hardcore players. I do that for plenty of single player games.....but the thought of lagging out/crashing and dying makes me never do that for an online game. |
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It's funny how the same old issues rear their head time and time again. That issue with the end game being stale and repetitive is alive and well in the v3.1 version of maps -- even with nearly 160 to choose from.
In fact, it's far stronger than any other method of farming. Sextants, shaped maps, Elder/Shaper influence swapping, the Atlas bonus not making that much of a difference, map bosses not being rewarding, and divination cards all make running one map the best way to play. Whether or not you like it is irrelevant; it's the objectively "right" way to play PoE. Fixing this is the next big design challenge for the map system. Is it bad that I kinda want the old Maelstrom back? I didn't start until v1.0 so I didn't get to play it, but given the current situation with the Atlas and it being balanced around exploiting sextants and shaped maps, I kinda want something simpler.
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" Completely agree. It was of Chris to say that. That and I found myself somewhat disagreeing because I still play the *shit* out of Titan Quest and it has static levels. Endlessly Random Levels don't mean diddly squat if the only way to get through them is a tightly focused meta that is unrewarding to play in its bot-like repetition. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Jan 12, 2018, 2:10:08 AM
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" I totally agree on this. I am running every map rare but still I see no progression into higher tiers so buying is the only option to progress. With the war of the atlas going on and having to replay all kinds of maps to fight the elder and the shaper people hold on to their maps instead of selling cheap. I do like the fact that you “need” to run all kinds of maps for this reason as it makes the mapping system more diverse. However, since the map drops are still based on the old situation it is just harder to get higher tier maps. The new map stash tab also doesn’t help. I love it and any half serious player should have one but it also means people just chunk all their maps in this tab and have no need to clean up space and sell or give away maps. This is further supported by the fact that our guild’s map stash is dramatically empty. Last league it was stuffed with up to T9 maps and even t10 and 11 later in the league. What keeps us playing is the sense of progression and I can’t help escape the feeling I am somewhat stuck. People that can play many hours a day will make enough currency to buy whatever they need but for people with a day job and a family, who just want to play a few hours it’s not possible to sustain and build a higher tier map pool. Worst thing is running one of your very few (corrupted) T11 maps and coming out with only 1 T4 map. The number of maps dropped is still acceptable I guess, I do walk away with like 4 or 5 maps sometimes when running a T8 map but the chance for a higher level map to drop should be buffed. It’s ok to grind a bit to build a map pool but a larger portion should drop a higher tier. Boss rewards in terms of maps are also disappointing. When defeating a map boss the ground is littered with rares but maps are rare and same or higher tier maps from a boss even rarer. Why not make it so that defeating the map boss gives a guaranteed map drop of the same tier with a chance for a higher tier map drop. This will contribute to the sense of progression a lot and prevent the feeling of backward progression when seeing very low tier maps drop from one of your highest tier maps. You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing. Last edited by JohnnyV76#3764 on Jan 12, 2018, 2:17:15 AM
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I love developer commentary, thanks for this!
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" OP The least you can do is tell the truth and not outright lie. There are no pay to win elements in this game,at least none that are designed or sanctioned by GGG. All micro-transactions are cosmetic. Selling accounts is illegal and not sanctioned by GGG or the community in general. You say that there are no tutorials. That's a lie as well you get the option to turn them off right at the start of the game. You say there is no info available about this games machaincs. That's also a blatant lie. There is an entire wiki dedicated to it.Not to mention YouTube videos and twitch streams. You will say something like "I shouldn't have to use a wiki. Or watch a video" To which I will respond,no you don't i'm living proof of this. I started in hardcore mode,I have never played standered mode. I learned what works and what does not,by dieing over and over and figuring out the how and why. Now I understand that is not enjoyable for some people,this is why standered mode exists. There is little to no penalty for dieing in that mode from what I understand. If that's the case your complaints make even less sense. Your comments about the visual effects are an absolute cop out,used in place of any real arguments as well. However I understand. Consoles are really really bad for most games,it doesn't surprise me consoles have these frame rate problems. I'm glad i play on PC. I have a gameing PC, However I know that even low end PCs can run this game at low settings. I also don't think making this game look pretty is a waste of resources at all. As I said,I die many many times over,so i make very slow act progress. This makes each new act area look astonishing to me. The detail in these areas is wonderful. Its a large part of the draw for me,I tend to stay away from youtube videos for that very reason. I don't want to be spoiled. For me and many others the small details in this games visuals are a MAJOR part of the games charm. I can't help but think,this game may not be for you? Perhaps you should go play a game like diablo 3 or some other mindlessly easy cookie clicker game that holds your hand every step of the way. I'm also confused as to why you would post such a long post on this forum when you clearly do not like the game? Why not go play something you enjoy? Last edited by TheBonezKittah#1340 on Jan 12, 2018, 3:06:35 AM
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" Heh, that, the lack of progression throught the journey from 1 to 100 post storyline content, especially for those artificially walled last few levels, having end game content scarce and over-relying on "trading" or "RNG crafting" aka gambling to provide us humble "hamsters" with "worthwhile upgrades" instead of just "throwing" some well deserved "rewards" for actually overcoming dangerous opponents, once in a while to make you still "feel" progression, still give the feeling that PoE has a lot of place for further improvements... GGG can't seem to stop themselves to add "moar" content, "moar" RNG, "moar" shallow diversity... They might be taking things "a notch too much" from my humble perspective, and the worst aspect is that all those unaddressed QoL or "unfinished" and "unpolished" content are letting systematically down the invested long time players, that expected a lot fewer compromises and a more consistent involvment at times regarding certain aspects like "balance"... Although I'm very grateful to GGG for PoE even in it's current iteration, I can't help but wonder if wouldn't different choices at certain "forks" past or future make PoE even more epic and enjoyable... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"... Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Jan 12, 2018, 3:10:25 AM
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Thanks for the article, Bexx.
A lot of people feel now, that you have somehow ruined the mapping system in 3.1 since you decided to make higher map drops a lot less likely than before. For the first time since you introduced the Atlas, I personally ran out of my endgame maps, so T16 and even t15. Why did you decide to make it that hard to find new maps for these tiers? I have completely used all my old maps and the small amount of new maps that I got in return is gone as well. How are we now supposed to play the endgame? Pay 30c for a single map? You need to rethink that decision.... |
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