Alt Right symbolism

A friend of mine called attention to the heavy usage of 'questionable' and overt Alt-Right symbolism in the new game expansion.

We see the black symbol in a white circle over a red plain constantly. Every time I see it now I feel like I am consuming racist propaganda.

I've seen Statues that use the Bellamy salute.

The heroic figure in act 5/10 is a blonde haired warrior named, "Bannon"

"Bannon" really?!?! I find it impossible to believe that this could be complete coincidence in the era of the Alt-Right; who find their main platform of association and bluntest expression on the internet, and on MMO's as much as social media.

Are the developers saying they never once thought of Steve Bannon, at the time still chief adviser to the President, when they chose that name..? Come on! Nobody thought of that? It didn't come up in one meeting?

I can't in good conscience consume a product that is either subtle propaganda for the Alt Right, or is created by folks so divorced from reality they could make this kind of mistake.

Please don't ignore this GGG!
Last edited by Ethan_GGG#0000 on Jan 11, 2018, 1:16:16 PM
Last bumped on Jan 11, 2018, 1:16:09 PM
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I have to admit, I read your entire post and was amused.

I’m not sure if you’re serious or just trolling but either way I was amused.
davemancke wrote:
Are the developers saying they never once thought of Steve Bannon, at the time still chief adviser to the President, when they chose that name..? Come on! Nobody thought of that? It didn't come up in one meeting?

This is not in jest. The internet is already often the go-to hideout of not-so-subtle deplorables. And if this product is made by fans of Steve Bannon or anyone from the Alt-right it has some serious problems.

How in heavens name could a name like that be coincidence? One of the plot heroes has the name of the self-proclaimed platform creator of the Alt-right who was literally working in the White House when they made this content.

I am 100% serious, and I want to hear from the top brass on it. Not players.
Vipermagi wrote:
davemancke wrote:
Are the developers saying they never once thought of Steve Bannon, at the time still chief adviser to the President, when they chose that name..? Come on! Nobody thought of that? It didn't come up in one meeting?


Steve Bannon is a leader of the Alt-right neo-nationalist movement. He until this week was CEO of Breitbart News, a "news" outlet that identifies itself as the platform of the Alt-Right. On it's best day this guy is a single step removed from Alex Jones.

I am not the first person to notice this or find it disturbing, not by a long shot. Do the folks at GGG honestly not know this, or are they not-so-secret fans of deplorable politics?

This is a legit question, and it deserves a legit answer from the folks that make and sell this product.
You do realize GGG is situated in New Zealand, right? American politics are precisely that - American. There's a lot of Bannons in the world, not all of them reference this specific dude.

(and tbh, he's far from a hero. He happens to be host to Innocence, but does nothing otherwise)
(Alex Jones? Who?)
[Removed by Support] You missed the part where your character is bringing that all crumbling down by killing their LITERAL GOD-EMPORER.

But besides that you are reading waaaaay too into it to somehow interpret it as pro alt-right in general. The connections between alt-right crap and the game may be a purposely funny Easter egg for the entire story but trying to claim that the specific story of the game is somehow pro-alt right propaganda is so difficult to justify it just isn't funny.

PC gets exiled by god-emperor-led community (logic for doing so irrelevant really, automatically established as an excessive punishment as there isn't even a guarantee you survive to Wraeclast as an exile -> PC fights way back to Oriath kills the LITERAL GOD-EMPEROR -> Despite God-Emperor being a massive egotistical power hungry dick that got his own brother burnt alive at the stake because reasons (pretty much my understanding of Sin and Innocence's story) he was sealing away the literal incarnation of chaos and destruction that seems to be dead set on devouring... everything -> Kill other gods that are also dicks for reasons to get the power to kill God Monster Omnomnomnom -> Still need to revive God-Emperor Dickhead to stand a chance, thankfully he finally realized he was a dickhead when his like only remaining loyal follower had enough hope and faith to allow himself to be Dickhead's vessel and sacrifice himself -> Kill God Monster Omnomnomnom, former Dickhead says something about traveling South(?) and pretty much just seeing the world now that he is no longer a Dickhead.

Pull out the specific details that entrench the story as a fiction story and yeah... Can't exactly find any correlation between Trump and the real life Bannon post Act 5 story. And even if you did, it isn't exactly a story alt-right would like. It would mean both turn a new leaf and Trump said "I fucked up, gonna go spend my last few years of progressive dementia life donating all my money and company resources into funding AIDs research for LGBTQ children of illegal immigrants while I spend any physical capabilities left helping rebuild Puerto Rico personally ala Carter-style." at minimum.
"It's all clearer now
And I hear her now
And I'm nearer to
The Salvation Code"
Last edited by Sam_GGG#0000 on Jan 10, 2018, 7:12:04 PM
PleiadesBlackstar wrote:
[Removed by Support] You missed the part where your character is bringing that all crumbling down by killing their LITERAL GOD-EMPORER.

But besides that you are reading waaaaay too into it to somehow interpret it as pro alt-right in general. The connections between alt-right crap and the game may be a purposely funny Easter egg for the entire story but trying to claim that the specific story of the game is somehow pro-alt right propaganda is so difficult to justify it just isn't funny.

PC gets exiled by god-emperor-led community (logic for doing so irrelevant really, automatically established as an excessive punishment as there isn't even a guarantee you survive to Wraeclast as an exile -> PC fights way back to Oriath kills the LITERAL GOD-EMPEROR -> Despite God-Emperor being a massive egotistical power hungry dick that got his own brother burnt alive at the stake because reasons (pretty much my understanding of Sin and Innocence's story) he was sealing away the literal incarnation of chaos and destruction that seems to be dead set on devouring... everything -> Kill other gods that are also dicks for reasons to get the power to kill God Monster Omnomnomnom -> Still need to revive God-Emperor Dickhead to stand a chance, thankfully he finally realized he was a dickhead when his like only remaining loyal follower had enough hope and faith to allow himself to be Dickhead's vessel and sacrifice himself -> Kill God Monster Omnomnomnom, former Dickhead says something about traveling South(?) and pretty much just seeing the world now that he is no longer a Dickhead.

Pull out the specific details that entrench the story as a fiction story and yeah... Can't exactly find any correlation between Trump and the real life Bannon post Act 5 story. And even if you did, it isn't exactly a story alt-right would like. It would mean both turn a new leaf and Trump said "I fucked up, gonna go spend my last few years of progressive dementia life donating all my money and company resources into funding AIDs research for LGBTQ children of illegal immigrants while I spend any physical capabilities left helping rebuild Puerto Rico personally ala Carter-style." at minimum.

Point well taken. It sounded like you are suggesting that the use of the name Bannon was not on accident. That is a horrible mistake given the totality of all N*z* this nomenclature.

I am saying the should change the name or something, and take out the goddamned arm-bands. I am related to someone that was in Buchenwald!
Vipermagi wrote:
You do realize GGG is situated in New Zealand, right? American politics are precisely that - American. There's a lot of Bannons in the world, not all of them reference this specific dude.

(and tbh, he's far from a hero. He happens to be host to Innocence, but does nothing otherwise)
(Alex Jones? Who?)

Alex Jones is the creator of InfoWars. He is a nationalist lunatic.

Tell me of another person by the name, "Bannon" so well known worldwide right now. When I see that, it strikes me as a creative choice out of utter naivety or, I fear, possible sympathy. Thank you for pointing out GGG is in New Zealand. I didn't know that and that gives me a measure of comfort. (anywhere near weta workshop..?)

I would strongly advise GGG to consider these things when they give the game the next face lift. There's a litany of Reddit threads where people are suggesting this game is deliberately, subtly.. you know. They'd be wise to be as clear as possible the product and it's producers are not 'that'
[Removed by Support] Yeah GGG are supporting the alt right by having us kill soldiers from a Nazi like regime, oh wait.

I'm in the US, and even pay attention to politics on a daily basis, and didn't even think about the names. You know why? Because Bannon is just a name, and I'm sure there are a ton of people named that.
Last edited by Ethan_GGG#0000 on Jan 11, 2018, 1:00:56 PM

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