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[3.3] All Uniques Whispering Ice - 2ex Total (All Content, Shaper/Elder Deathless)

mopzi wrote:
How do you deal with stun ? just brine king , is it enough ?

Brine King (pantheon) - Stun Immunity for 2 seconds after being stunned
Kiara's Determiantion (flask) - Stun Immunity
Bastion of Hope (ascendancy) - Stun Immunity for 4 seconds on block
Stun Avoidance (boot enchantment) - 95% Chance to avoid stun if you've killed recently

You obviously don't need all of them. Bastion of Hope is good enough. But I also use Kiara's Determination just in case.

chnscwj wrote:
Would a Descipline Wahter's eye with gain ES on Hit enough to sustain?

Cuz i think Hit.. is immune to no leech map..and immune to no regen map...might be the best choice if Hit gain ES can facetank boss.

You can't do no regen maps, because you'd run out of mana.

Tecken1407 wrote:
The issue is, watcher eyes on HC costs around 200+c and like 60+ EX for disclipine per hit ._.

You don't need either. The build has a lot of defensive mechanics without leech

Zloberik wrote:
Ok, so i farmed Uber Izaro for a bit, with grace instead of anger or vitality (i dont have leech). It was quite hilarious, he hit me like 1 time out of 5, i just stand and watch him die. The major reason i dont like this build as much as i could is FPS drop when there is alot of ice storming.

People joke about that, but icestorm lag is a legit downside. That's why I included it in the cons under build summary.
Last edited by FoldedCorner#2171 on Jan 17, 2018, 4:38:52 PM
I would not recommend using Cast While Channeling while leveling. Instead, you can replace scorching ray with spell echo, and CWC with faster casting. Or you can pick up the dual totem node near the Templar aura nodes and use spell totems.

either something is worded wrong here or im just not understanding. I got to 33 and grabbed my staff. if you're not using scorching ray or cast while channeling then what are you doing to make ice storm trigger? how is putting spell echo and fasting casting in staff going to trigger anything? are you just using the staff but not triggering ice storm at this point still?
DotsandDashes wrote:
what are you doing to make ice storm trigger?

Just manual casting untill lvl 38. Easy
DotsandDashes wrote:
I would not recommend using Cast While Channeling while leveling. Instead, you can replace scorching ray with spell echo, and CWC with faster casting. Or you can pick up the dual totem node near the Templar aura nodes and use spell totems.

either something is worded wrong here or im just not understanding. I got to 33 and grabbed my staff. if you're not using scorching ray or cast while channeling then what are you doing to make ice storm trigger? how is putting spell echo and fasting casting in staff going to trigger anything? are you just using the staff but not triggering ice storm at this point still?

Icestorm is a spell, at low levels you won't be reserving all your mana so you can just cast it like any other spell.

The reason I think self-cast is better while leveling is because with astramentis and perandus signets you have a ton of int so icestorm is already one-shotting everything. You can cast-and-go easier with self-cast at low levels.
skyscan wrote:

What is TL;DR?/ too long etc?/
pastebin link is full build skill tree and why there is a difference between my character skill tree and pastebin for path of building?
Last edited by m1task#1130 on Jan 18, 2018, 6:20:30 AM
m1task wrote:
skyscan wrote:

What is TL;DR?/ too long etc?/
pastebin link is full build skill tree and why there is a difference between my character skill tree and pastebin for path of building?

too long, didn't read. it's for people who know what they're doing and only want to see the path of building.

path of building does not import whispering ice builds correctly. here is an example.

i just imported faithintheice to path of building and this is what it's says. it's showing i have 1400 int.

however, this is my character in-game.

so path of building's import doesn't work, so I have to manually input everything. tree is slightly different, because I experiment with that's good/bad
Last edited by FoldedCorner#2171 on Jan 18, 2018, 11:04:43 AM
skyscan wrote:

so path of building's import doesn't work, so I have to manually input everything. tree is slightly different, because I experiment with that's good/bad

In 3.1 they changed the language of the rings from "2% increased Intelligence for each Unique Item you have equipped" to "2% increased Intelligence for each Equipped Unique Item"

Path of building has not yet included the new wording in their programming so any import with the rings won't include the Int they give. Just change the rings into the old versions and the rest will import just fine
Which enchants from Uber lab I have to try in helm / boots / gloves?
Pedra wrote:
Which enchants from Uber lab I have to try in helm / boots / gloves?

There aren't any helm enchants you want for this build. Do NOT get the reduced mana reserve, all that does is reduce our energy shield for no benefit.

Best helm enchants I can think of is probably flammability curse effect, but obviously not needed.

Boot enchants is 1 of the following; % regen if you've been hit recently, life and mana leech if you've killed recently, %chance to avoid stun.

I recommend the leech enchant if you don't have a leech watcher's eye. Otherwise the regen one is good. Only go with stun if you're not going to use kiara's.

For Gloves Commandment of Light is very good. 6% life regen and a bunch of damage. Best enchant by a long shot.
first off thanks for the build... still lvling but its fun so far (and now that i hit 62 im pretty much immortal xD)

i have a question, did you test starkonjas head? cause you would loose 1,5k ES but gain 50% dmg reduction and alot of global evasion (could be fun with an evasion flask)?

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