The Design and Development of the 3.1.0 Gems
I must admit, I would love to see a round of Bodyswap in the next season of community races. That skill is hilarious.
[quote="Lovecraftuk"]I think the new meta is everyone bitching about the new league. [/quote]
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Did you abandon the support gem that was going to come out sometime within a week of the expansion?
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
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the "design process" for skill gems, seems a little misleading. ALL CONTENT ITEMS AND SKILLS will be designed with xbox in mind. Since this mindset of development the game has become "easy mode". i love the game, dont get me wrong.... but i remember when u actually had to run away from fights (a few exiles come to mind) but now we faceroll everything, and only die to one shot mechanics we cant get out of the way of due to lag or dropped frames....6 link items come in one handers this league, skills auto target, supports that turn virtually every single target skill into multitarget "splash" or aoe... too many skill that allow "pre-loading" of damage before initiating boss fights...too many challenges that u can "buy" (check /trade 820) the list goes on....
project pt was right in both his first and second rant about why he quit playing (the uninformed should watch those videoes on youtube) i still love the game, i just wished us keyboard warrior's werent your xbox beta testers, im all for u guys expanding into the console market i just wished it was entirely different game u gave them...more and more its starting to feel like that game from that other company.... #makepoegreatagain |
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Speaking of dead skills, elemental hit says hi.
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GGG ! Don't forget make corpse detonation overpowered it must do 999999999999 deadly damage ...!!!!with 7k life died on map tier 5 ... with good items ... by 1 body detonated...
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Coming from a pvp viewpoint so most of you can just diregard this but Volatile dead is the single most idiotic skill that i have ever seen in my 35 years of gaming. Idiotic bad, not for some reason idiotic good. The balls chase for way too long and do too much damage.
Compare VD to any other skill. If someone would like to tell me which skill even comes close to VD in terms of utility, damage, duration, and now fancy AI I'd like to know. From a PVE viewpoint, what really is the point of playing a game if you never see what you killed. It's all off screen. At the very least just increase the lvl req to over 28 |
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New skills are great, but plz adjust Volatile Dead for pvp, its far too strong right now.
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Should be nice to have more Stealth gameplay gems, we needs ninja play style.
Stealth is life, Stealth is Toucan. Last edited by obi36#7627 on Jan 4, 2018, 2:06:59 AM
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" I must agree, volatile dead deals far to mutch damage. A skill that deals on lvl 20: -2005 basedamage -targeting range of two screens -minimum hit of 3 to unlimitit targets -damage effectiveness of 360% -0,8s casttime Compared to a fireball, one of the most powerfull single target base damage skills: -924 basedamage -aoe of 12 -bareely hits 3 targets -damage effectiveness of 120% -0,85s casttime And fireball is one of the spells with the highest base damage. Compare that skill to arc or cold snap or whatever, and you will cry even more tears. That skill needs at least: cut the basedamage by 40%, cut the damage effectiveness to 70%(wouldbe still 210%/cast), remove or drasticaly lover the explosion aoe. Than it sill would deal a big chunk more damage than fireball, but atleast it would be justified by the need of corpses. In the acual state, there is alsmost no reason to play any other skill than this coocie-cutter. I actualy see my self play more diablo 2 again. And i dare the Poe crew to do the same, just make a character there, play it to hell, and get remindet. We dont whant Life ping pong, we dont whant one click screen killers, we dont whant bosses, that oneshoot you with almost every skill. We whant rare enemys that matter again, we whant fights, that we need to fear, and sometimes even need to flee. YOu have so mutch different encounters in d2 and even some white mobs that are scarry as hell: Stygians: DOnt kill them in melee range or you suffer alot or fatal damage Moon clan: there heavy two handed axe swings lay waste, and they still stand tall, even when other foes long perrished only to name some. Dont get me wrong, i love poe, and still will continue to support it. You have created the most complex Arpg in modern times, completly free, and for that you all need to be honourd. But still the game needs an back to the roots overhault. And one thing i always need to mention: the life ping pong needs to stop: reduce monsterdamge, but DRASTICALY remove, slow down and rework any kind of regeneration. Take a look at the little game vagante: You start with a hundret+ life, and can get more, enemys do like 5 damage, so no big deal when you get hit. But heal? 10-20 when you end a level, sometimes a heal potion, that heals 10. That "Oh, you dare to hit me with that puny attack" fast becomes: "o shit, nono, dont touch me, nononono!!!" Its thrilling, life becomes a resource. In poe, life is a sponge. It sucks up all the little damage with ease, removes any meaning from white, blue and rare mobs hits....until one comes with a swimmingpool full of damage. IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: |
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I actually like cremate, i think it's fun to play and damn useful for the abyss-encounters. I admit I didn't much try out VD, but with a Volley flame totem and Scorching Ray with Firestorm I wouldn't see homing fireballs anyway ;-)
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