The exterminator - Good defense, over 7M shaper DPS, low and high budget viable

NOTE 1: I recommend this build for SC, it's hard to get over 6K life with it
NOTE 2: This build was created by my friend Templar10, who made it on a scion

Pros and Cons
[+] Insane DPS (up to 8.5M shaper DPS*)
[+] Good Defenses
[+] Good Clear Speed
[+] Can do all content EZ
[+] Fun to Play
[-] Build is not cheap for top damage levels**
[-] Can't do no leech maps

*If you got all flasks up and killed recently, 20% less if you just got flasks up
**With normal gear it's over 3M shaper DPS

Build Mechanics
This build uses two skills, both on 6L, one for clearing and one for single target, both on the new Oni-Goroshi sword (Use X to swap vs bosses).

It's a physical conversion build, and with enough budget, you will also use Xoph's blood and be Avatar of fire.

What you wnat for this build is a lot of abyssal jewels for flat physical, crit multi and life.
Note that this build is viable only for Slayer and Scion Slayer, otherwise you will have a lot of degeneration of life for the mechanic of the sword (0.5% per level).

My gear + Explanations

NOTE: I'm putting here the BIS that I think that you can use, the budget version is here YET.

Quick Text:
  • Rare helmet with life, resists and +3 Molten strike enchantment
  • TOni-Goroshi X2
  • Steel rings with life, res, 40 total int and if possible WED and flat physical
  • Tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets
  • Bubonic trail with 2 abyssal sockets
  • Xoph's blood
  • Stygian Belt with life, res and WED if possible
  • Shroud of the lightless with 2 abyssal sockets

You will need the life, resists and the enchantment is a huge boost to DPS here for single target


You need two of these for you don't have sockets for clearing skill, Molten strike don't have good clear speed, Frost blades is amazing


This is an expensive part but an important for much higher DPS, you will need the conversion to fire and it gives a lot of more damage to bosses and in general


You want these gloves for it's a very good damage boost, you will want to put inside Murderous and searching jewels for both DPS and defense


The boots are BIS, very pricy with 2 abyssal sockets, but it's the best for life and damage


With my current amount of abyssal jewels effecting me (11), this chest is almost like belly for me, and with a good boost to the DPS


Look for high life, high resistances and if you can have some elemental damage to attacks, it's perfect for you


It's hard to get something as good as this on a steel ring but you MUST have total of 40 int on the rings, cap your resistances and get some life on it, the damage is important but not as the rest.


The life flask is important in general, and the immunity to bleed is very good for labs.
The silver flask is good for reliable onslaught even if you didn't kill a rare or unique monster.
The Diamond flask if very important, it is a crit build after all, and you want to roll anti-curse one.
The wise oak is good for offence and defense (just make sure your fire res is the highest).
The dying sun is the best DPS boost this build got.


A must have on every Molten strike build, two jewels


You want life, flat physical to swords and ether flat physical or crit multi (attack speed on crit also good)


Not a must, but for a Slayer, this is a huge defense, you got all the DPS you need, so if you can get something like this, you will be almost immortal

Gem Links

6L - Molten strike, Elemental damage with attacks, Multistrike, Fire penetration, Physical projectile attack damage, Concentrated effect

6L - Frost blades, Elemental damage with attacks, Multistrike, Cold to fire, Physical projectile attack damage, Ancestral call

4L - Cast when damage is taken, Blood rage, Immortal call, Ancestral protector

4L - Whirling blades, Faster attacks, Fortify, Leap slam

2L - Blasphemy, Assassin's mark

2L - Summon Ice golem, Vitality


Recommended: Eramir/Kill All (+2 Passives)
Optional: Alira (5 Mana Regen/Second, +20% Crit Multi, +15% All Resistance)


Must Major: Soul of ArakkalI with capture Arachnoxia - When your CWDT activates you will get 50% increased life recovered that apply to life leech

Recommended Minor: Soul of Ryslatha - Best for labs and in general help with bosses that have stages


Level 70:

Level 80:

Level 92:

Level 96:

Path of Building Paste Bin

NOTE: The calculation of the DPS for the magma balls and the frost blade projectiles is not right,
you need to see the attacks per second on the melee his, and then calculate the average damage (The multistrike gem is reducing damage without adding more attacks per second)

Final Thoughts and Considerations

If you can upgrade the build, please share it


IGN: Impulsive_broken_heart

Special thanks to Templar10 for thinking on this build
Big thanks to KickAcid for teaching me how to design the guide
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
Last edited by rel4us#7549 on Jan 6, 2018, 2:15:43 AM
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2018, 7:15:48 AM
I created this build, i just don't have the time to make a guide for it.

iam playing the scion (and budget) version of the build and it works fine and can clear everything.

the scion will do more damage then raider but be more squishy.

here is my POB link (advanced to level 95 since iam not there yet) -

damage per meatball (per second) is around 430k with ancestral call or around 660K per second with fire pen (but less balls) - considering the spread of molten strike projectiles it's about 3-5 mil shaper dps on budget version

couple of suggestion to make it more budget friendly (or just better):

1) take alira (resists are an issue - especially if you are using a BoR since those are usually the cheapest +3 meatballs head).

2) i prefer to use ancestral call for single target as well - if you ground target just next to the ball then the gem works on single target as well (but only one spirit - so 20 meatballs - about 50%-75% of them will hit). iam not sure if it's more damage then using fire pen (the numbers are very close) - but it feels better

3)assuming you can't afford the vitality jewel - i recommend using arctic Armour + haste. iam using herald of ash/arctic Armour/purity (because i have a jewel that grants me 12% of phys damage taken as lighting)

4)getting around 10% chance to blind through jewels means boss's will be blinded - always.

5)until you can get xoph's blood - a decent Life/flat phys/wed/crit multi will work almost as well and cost less (how much less depend on how good the amulet)

6)getting assasin's mark on hit ring is recommended - level doesnt matter that much - it will mean always having power charges on clear and quite often on boss's since these days they mostly have trash with them.

7)i prefer using wildstrike and not frost blades - if you arent going avatar of fire it's better clear.

8) advancing the scion version with Best in slot gear (xoph's, 2 steel rings, dying sun, shade of the lightess, bubonic trail, better jewels etc will push the damage past 10 mil - i think)

p.s. - POB link is using my actual gear at my current level (81) - and in total it costs around 8-9 ex - it's not the cheapest but not rel4us version which costs - err.. more.

IGN: I_Hate_Dying
Last edited by templer10#7168 on Jan 3, 2018, 8:16:55 AM
in your config, how do you get frenzy charges or power charges on shaper? and you havent killed recently, onslaught neither. if iam correct?
Last edited by Tschubbo#2408 on Jan 3, 2018, 8:36:19 AM
Tschubbo wrote:
in your config, how do you get frenzy charges or power charges on shaper? and you havent killed recently, onslaught neither. if iam correct?

It's shaper DPS, on the shaper itself it's a bit over 5M, on guardians, it's more like 7M or more if they got minions if you killed recently it can get to 9M DPS vs guardians.

When I'll upload vids later today, you can see the DPS and then tell me what you think.
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
It's shaper DPS, on the shaper itself it's a bit over 5M, on guardians, it's more like 7M or more if they got minions if you killed recently it can get to 9M DPS vs guardians.

When I'll upload vids later today, you can see the DPS and then tell me what you think.

would you pls tell me how you calculated it?

Anyway, seems good and interesting =)

will try.
Last edited by Tschubbo#2408 on Jan 3, 2018, 8:50:57 AM
Tschubbo wrote:
It's shaper DPS, on the shaper itself it's a bit over 5M, on guardians, it's more like 7M or more if they got minions if you killed recently it can get to 9M DPS vs guardians.

When I'll upload vids later today, you can see the DPS and then tell me what you think.

would you pls tell me how you calculated it?

Anyway, seems good and interesting =)

will try.


My damage per ball is 76222.5 ave damage,

I got 12 balls,

The attack speed is 8.13

The total DPS is the total multiplayer which is 7,436,267,

You also cull on 20%, so it's like 25% more damage (you need to do 80 damage to kill 100 HP),

That is total of 9,295,333.75, but only about 75% of the balls hit the target if it's big, total of 6,971,500.31
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
Hey would using the retch be a significant dps increase? Not sure how the retch dps calculations are done.
Vordread wrote:
Hey would using the retch be a significant dps increase? Not sure how the retch dps calculations are done.

I invented the Standoff card, and love the retch more than anyone, but it's an avatar of fire build, so you will not get any chaos damage
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112

I invented the Standoff card, and love the retch more than anyone, but it's an avatar of fire build, so you will not get any chaos damage

The retch chaos dmg count as Reflect, so it will be possible.

thanks for that card ;*
Last edited by Tschubbo#2408 on Jan 3, 2018, 1:58:06 PM
Added vids
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112

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