3.1 Capped Dodge White Wind Frost Blades Raider HC Viable

dxbydt wrote:
Hi Oos, with your defense being based so heavily around dodging attacks, how do you deal with spells? Or are spells not a big enough threat when just clearing maps?

Dodge is the main defense, but I made sure to also layer other defenses to deal with spells.
These include:
3 Endurance Charges (from Warlord's Mark)
Arctic Armour
Basalt Flask
The Wise Oak (10% reduced elemental damage taken with even resists)
40% Spell Dodge (occasionally Vaal Grace for 75/75% dodge)
30-46% freeze chance helps disable monsters too.
CWDT Immortal Call.

Of course not all of these affect every spell, or are up all the time. But I make sure to keep Fortify procced always.

Hawkly wrote:
The reason its showing as more damage is because you can use frost blades with any weapon, and you have 'is enemy chilled' checked.

Frostbreath in this scenario is hitting, and thus doing 2x more dmg + the more multiplier from dual weilding.

So of course you are going to increase you dps with that off hand, but you lose the dodge.

Edit: Also frostbreath does not work as a stat stick for blade flurry, because the weapon very specifically states "attacks with this weapon" and you're not hitting with it if you are using Blade Flurry.

I imported his character and Blade Flurry was selected (not Frost Blades), PoB was saying higher damage but I have no idea why. Odd though.
IGN: @Oos
Last edited by Oos#6742 on Dec 30, 2017, 6:43:27 PM
Thanks for this guide, it's super helpful! For the first time ever I started this league without following a guide and I tried a White Wind dodge-stacking freeze-stacking build too. I ended up going ST and it worked out pretty well but after reading this guide, perhaps it was not the best choice (looks like I still have a lot to learn...)

Your skill tree pathing is definitely not what I would have expected going all the way over to elemental overload. I didn't even consider doing that but it looks like a much better way to get damage (and the life along the way) as non-crit build.

Is there any particular reason why you run freeze immunity on your basalt flask? As a raider I find the phasing is nearly permanent so you will never get frozen. And even if you do get frozen, your silver flask will break the freeze on its own (phasing gained from onslaught via the first part of the phasing ascendancy line)
NickyTheSquid wrote:
Thanks for this guide, it's super helpful! For the first time ever I started this league without following a guide and I tried a White Wind dodge-stacking freeze-stacking build too. I ended up going ST and it worked out pretty well but after reading this guide, perhaps it was not the best choice (looks like I still have a lot to learn...)

Your skill tree pathing is definitely not what I would have expected going all the way over to elemental overload. I didn't even consider doing that but it looks like a much better way to get damage (and the life along the way) as non-crit build.

Is there any particular reason why you run freeze immunity on your basalt flask? As a raider I find the phasing is nearly permanent so you will never get frozen. And even if you do get frozen, your silver flask will break the freeze on its own (phasing gained from onslaught via the first part of the phasing ascendancy line)

Freeze Immune on Basalt is because of one instance last league where a Diviners box spawned, I TPed to hideout to get scour/alchs. It rolled Freeze + Detonate Dead and I died because no Phasing haha. Phasing is always up for normal mapping, I just have that mod there for a failsafe and to remind me of a stupid death.
Feel free to use another suffix if you prefer, % Evasion is better or use poison/ignite immune if you want.
IGN: @Oos
Would this build be viable without Pandemonium?
Oos wrote:

I imported his character and Blade Flurry was selected (not Frost Blades), PoB was saying higher damage but I have no idea why. Odd though.

Yes...dual wielding multiplier, regardless of the off-hand actually hitting or not.
Oos wrote:
Why icebite instead of hypothermia? Aren't you losing a ton of dps?

Hypothermia is probably more single target damage, yes. Use it if you prefer.
Ice bit has 15% chance to freeze which is very important for general map clear, it makes the build safer and procs Herald Of Ice for better AoE.

If anything I would drop Added Cold Damage for Hypothermia. Hypothermia has 10% chance to freeze so that may be a good addition.

edit: Gonna test it out now for a bit and see how it feels instead of Added Cold, cheers.

edit2: I prefer Hypothermia over Added Cold. Damage seems the same but the added freeze is really nice. Thanks for the suggestion.

I have a frostblde build but with Oni-Goroshi and crit jugg, so I love hypothermia and was thinking you chill everything anyway with your amu, so you get that insane MORE dmg :)

When I saw white wind I had already theorycrafted a very similar build to yours with frostblades / bf ( huge raider fan here ) but Oni suddenly appeared so White Wind was put on hold :D

Glad to see you took it so high, frostblades clear speed is insane, reminds me a bit of wanders!
"Wealth in a game is measured by the amount of fun, joy and entertainment you can get out of it".
hi, i am playing your build since yesterday and it's really enjoyable. (easyli in my top 3)
I like how you mitigate all source off damage, it's really well thought out!
I was thinking about a crit claw frostblades build but the defensive aspect of it stopped me, fortunately =)

Thank you for the build guide and happy new year.
Last edited by dabouh#5954 on Dec 31, 2017, 8:07:30 AM
Oozeling wrote:
Would this build be viable without Pandemonium?

You can play without it if you can't afford one right now, but it's a massive boost in survivability so get one later.
IGN: @Oos
I Assume for the major one you went lunaris since its the primary defense of the build.
But i'm wondering what minor god you would have taken.
Mrkip86 wrote:
I Assume for the major one you went lunaris since its the primary defense of the build.
But i'm wondering what minor god you would have taken.

Yeah Lunaris. Forgot about listing Pantheons.

Minor up to you. I use Shakari but it's whatever.
IGN: @Oos

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