3.1 Capped Dodge White Wind Frost Blades Raider HC Viable
Hey, I'm Oos. got Build of the Week a while back for a wander build when they weren't so popular.
Guide for my level 98 Raider in the Abyss HC league. It has surprisingly been able to tackle any content thrown at it. When I'm home I'll post some videos and add more to the guide.
Goal of the build
This build is designed to clear maps safely and quickly. Capping dodge (and spell dodge), blinding all monsters, getting high evasion and mobility. Then also getting good phys/ele mitigation for any hits that get through.
I rarely get hit, but when I do: The Wise Oak (with even resist) and Fortify mitigates ele damage. Basalt Flask, Endurance Charges, Arctic Armour, Fortify, Phys% mitigation on jewels mitigates phys damage.
Stats at level 96 (hc)
Hideout Buffed in Maps (Frenzy charges, flasks, phasing, arctic armour, grace, fortify, endurance charges) 6598 Life, 422 life regen, 29901 evasion rating (72% chance to evade), 28% phys mitigation (+16% against abyss monsters), fortify active, 72% attack dodge, 40% spell dodge, capped even res for Wise Oak (-10% ele dmg taken), arctic armour, 34% chance to freeze. Then Vaal Grace caps both attack dodge and spell dodge. This can be up most of the time if you play fast enough. Monsters are chilled and blinded.
My Gear
Gear advice
Here I will list the kind of stats you need on each gear piece, or specific gear for each slot.
Overall aim to get as high life as possible. Cap your resistances of course, and try to make them perfectly even for The Wise Oak, if you cannot do that yet then get cold resistance highest for penetration with the flask. Use evasion rare bases. Helm: Rare evasion helm with life, resists, accuracy, evasion. Gloves: Rare evasion gloves with life, resists, attack speed,, accuracy, evasion, cold damage to attacks. Weapon: White Wind, with an empty off-hand. If you view my character on the site you can see I have a white weapon in my offhand, it actually has too high INT to be equipped, so is classed as unequipped. Similar to how facebreaker characters bug a high INT wand in their mainhand. Body Armour: The Perfect Form. It's just too good. Life, high evasion, Phase Acrobatics, and free Arctic Armour. Before you get one you could use a rare evasion chest or a Belly of the Beast. Amulet: The Pandemonius. Crazy amulet, has cold damage and you blind all enemies on chill. Using this amulet with all the dodge and evasion, attacks will not hit you. Before this you can get a rare amulet with life, cold damage to attacks, resist. Rings: Rare rings with life, resists, cold damage to attacks, increased elemental damage with attack skills, attack speed, accuracy. Opal Ring base Belt: The Darkness Enthroned or a rare Stygian Vise. The jewel sockets are very strong this league, make use of them. If using a rare Stygian; Life, resists, elemental damage with attacks. Boots: Darkray Vectors or Atziri's Step, preferably with +1 Frenzy or 4% Dodge corruption. Flasks: A Bubbling or Seething Divine Life Flask of Staunching to deal with bleed. A Basalt Flask. I rolled anti-freeze on mine just in case Raider Phasing isn't active. A Silver Flask of Warding. Removing curses is important, Silver has the most charges out of your non-unique flasks. The Wise Oak. Insane offence and defence in a single flask slot. Try to even your resists. Atziri's Promise, 15% ele roll. Decent damage, some leech, and chaos resistance. Jewels: x2 Fight for Survival Rare Abyss Jewels with Life and any combination of: Adds x-x cold damage to attacks Adds x-x cold damage to dagger attacks x% additional physical damage reduction against abyss monsters x% attack speed if you've dealt a critical strike recently elemental resistances (if needed, as a 4th mod).
Frost Blades + Elemental Damage With Attacks + Ancestral Call + Ice Bite + Multistrike (+ Added Cold Damage or Hypothermia as 6L) Level a Damage on Full Life to replace with Ancestral Call for boss fights. Cold Penetration isn't needed because we get so much from tree, jewels and Wise Oak. Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify + Blood Magic. 20% quality Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks asap for more mobility. Grace, Arctic Armour. (Level a Purity of Elements to swap in for Elemental Weakness maps if you're not overcapped) Herald Of Ice + Curse On Hit + Warlord's Mark (+ Onslaught if you have gem slots) Warlord's provides us Endurance Charges. Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Enfeeble + Frost Bomb. Vaal Grace + Increased Duration. I was using Vaal Haste but have swapped over to Vaal Grace to push to 100, as it caps our Spell Dodge too.
Path of Building
Get PoB https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding/releases and insert the below pastebin in to it. I have provided additional trees for leveling and end game. https://pastebin.com/gFGxcYg4 - main. https://pastebin.com/vpqpbctZ - final level 98 tree incase I decide to respec for the last two levels.
General Stuff
Map Mods To Avoid: Elemental Reflect. Hypothetically you could dodge/evade it all? But I don't want to test in HC. -Max resistances. I dislike this mod but feel free to run it in SC. Dodge chance is unlucky. You can run this if you really need to but it cuts a lot of defence. 90% chance for monsters to avoid elemental status effects. - You can run this but it's annoying, you lose chill and freeze, which hurts a lot. All other mods should be fine. But dodge/evade isn't HC viable!!! waaaa It is, you just need to also boost your secondary defences to an acceptable point. This is where Arctic Armour, Endurance Charges, Fortify, Enfeeble, Basalt Flask and additional physical mitigation come in. Make sure you have these and enjoy god mode. Single Target? You can swap out Ancestral Call for Damage on Full Life for bosses. It's not ideal but it's good enough. My damage is at the point now where I mostly don't bother doing this and I can still kill bosses. Leveling? You can use Frost Blades from level one, just hop between unique claws and then use Ewar's Mirage from level 26, this should carry you to around level 50. From there just use well rolled rare ele weapons until 66 for White Wind. Why White Wind? A crit claw build has a higher damage cap, but doesn't have access to all the defence. White Wind provides a lot of damage (400+ ele dps 1h), and 20% dodge. If you play crit you have to get less defense on tree/gear to increase your crit to a respectable level. This build was designed to be a very fast map clear build while also being extremely "tanky" through clever use of defence mechanics. Blind Mechanics Blind lowers the accuracy of the monster by 50%. If I have 72% chance to evade, this means I'm actually 86% chance to evade against blinded monsters. Factor in the 75% dodge chance you'll see I very rarely get hit by attacks. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Blind With The Pandemonius amulet all chilled monsters are blinded. "Empty" offhand If you view my character on the site you can see I have a white weapon in my offhand, it actually has too high INT to be equipped, so is classed as unequipped. Similar to how facebreaker characters bug a high INT wand in their mainhand. You can use this to store gems.
https://youtu.be/YeLAsoiMlvw - Shaped Belfry(T15) + Lich Boss
I'll check the thread and answer any questions. IGN: @Oos Last edited by Oos#6742 on Jan 7, 2018, 9:16:24 PM Last bumped on Mar 25, 2018, 2:08:13 PM
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Hello dude, i bought all the items required for the build and i only have 16k damage tooltip, i assume i need some more jewels etc but can you help me find out what's wrong ? Thanks a lot
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" The 3 point evasion jewel socket (next to Point Blank) shouldn't be taken until 95+, it's quite inefficient. Respec that and grab the one between Scion/Witch/Templar for one point, then grab the Templar life/jewel. The jewel in your belt can be replaced, it's only giving you life. Get more similar to your Morbid Fang jewel. Your Sol Heart Cobalt Jewel can be replaced for an Abyss jewel, they provide more damage. Drop your mana flask for a Silver or Basalt flask. Your rings could have more dps on them, either "elemental damage with attack skills" or "x-x cold damage to attacks", preferably on Opal Ring base. Also need more accuracy on gear, 82% chance to hit hurts a lot. Everything else seems fine. Jewels add a lot for this build. Tooltip dps isn't everything. Do you feel like you struggle with content? Also, good job hitting Culling Strike/+1 Frenzy vaals. IGN: @Oos Last edited by Oos#6742 on Dec 26, 2017, 6:58:23 PM
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" I used to play the "classic" squishy build and i had 100k dps tooltip but i kept getting one shotted thats why i wanted a solid defensive build that has also fast map clearing, and yeah i was doing shaped vault without any dps problem now i'm getting 15k tooltip and struggling as fuck. Idk what's wrong to be so low tbh, what's your tooltip dmg like in your ho tho? Thanks for the answer |
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" Tooltip dps in h/o is 29k I think. I'll check properly when I'm home in a few days. IGN: @Oos
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iam also playing the squishy build version of frostblades with touch of anguish.
how is the dmg against bosses. Also what was your highest map/boss. |
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" Damage against bosses isn't top tier, but it's not so bad that you want to skip every boss. My Atlas is setup to all T1-10 are completed, and T11-15 are shaped. I've killed Elder/Guardians in T10 and typically kill the boss in shaped Mausoleum/Dunes/Shore/Infested Valley/Vault. Belfry is my shaped T15 so haven't bothered killing Kitava there, but did when it was a T10. Also killed about 10 Lich bosses in red maps with no problem. Single target against rares is above average. IGN: @Oos
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IGN: @Oos
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Why icebite instead of hypothermia? Aren't you losing a ton of dps?
"Wealth in a game is measured by the amount of fun, joy and entertainment you can get out of it".
-Mythabril |
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" Hypothermia is probably more single target damage, yes. Use it if you prefer. Ice bit has 15% chance to freeze which is very important for general map clear, it makes the build safer and procs Herald Of Ice for better AoE. If anything I would drop Added Cold Damage for Hypothermia. Hypothermia has 10% chance to freeze so that may be a good addition. edit: Gonna test it out now for a bit and see how it feels instead of Added Cold, cheers. edit2: I prefer Hypothermia over Added Cold. Damage seems the same but the added freeze is really nice. Thanks for the suggestion. IGN: @Oos Last edited by Oos#6742 on Dec 30, 2017, 6:13:31 PM