[3.10] For Scion - Goddess Sword Spinning in Flurry (Cyclone + Blade Flurry + Frost Blades)

de99ial wrote:
Finally got them. :)

Congrats on getting them!

Took me a long while to get the sword on all my 4 characters. Almost 20 hours total.

The grind was real but the last 2 swords wasn't as bad. That is because I started questing and between each checkpoint, I will switch to the other 2 characters (who haven't gotten the sword) and farm Uber Hillock and then back to questing.

This way, at least there are some progression in the league while farming for the last 2 sword.
Last edited by kira1414#3753 on Mar 5, 2018, 8:11:09 PM
i have it now 2swords + Tabula yesterday ^^ WTF
Started leveling and questin im forgetting about strand ;)
Been farming those swords since league hit, still going @ it and looking for cool builds for it.
Why do you really see the need to use 3 damage skills though? is cyclone just for fortify buff?
stauch3r wrote:
i have it now 2swords + Tabula yesterday ^^ WTF

congrats to that. That Tabula is a huge bonus for leveling. :)


de99ial wrote:
Started leveling and questin im forgetting about strand ;)

I have started mapping. I will say very smooth so far. Gotten some nice gears to drop too:


Stiwiz wrote:
Been farming those swords since league hit, still going @ it and looking for cool builds for it.
Why do you really see the need to use 3 damage skills though? is cyclone just for fortify buff?

Cyclone is not just for fortify buff. It is also to proc bleed. Besides that, Cyclone is also great for handling:
- Abyss
- Null portals
- Breach
- Harbinger
- Haku quests

This is what I usually do:
1. Leap into a pack
2. Cyclone through them
3. Frost blade
4. Cyclone again to re-position for a safe spot
5. if mob is tough to kill, weapon swap to Blade Flurry and plant warchief
Still in Act 1 and current setup:

Last edited by de99ial#0161 on Mar 6, 2018, 9:19:46 AM
first oni, at 5h grind, second none 24h+ what a chance...
Tested Tectonic strike instead Frost Blades. DPS is highier but overall skill does not work better. It doesnt work wit Ancestral Call and it is much much slower. Maby with multistrike would work better but... dunno. Kinda dissapointing.

Maby someone here has some idea for this skill?
Hey, nice build overall.

Though I am confused, the POB has different gems than the gem-section of the build here on the forum. A few examples are:

POB says:
Ancestral Warchief-> chance to bleed -> culling strike -> blind

forumbuild says:
Ancestral Warchief-> chance to bleed -> faster attacks -> blind

POB says:
Whirling Blades -> faster attacks -> blood rage -> fortify

forumbuild says:
doesnt hav WB at all, uses leap but with a completly different setup:
Leap -> summon ice golem -> herald of ash -> hatred

See my confusion? Would be awesome if someone could clarify :) I'm farily new so i cant figure out myself what right according to the build.

de99ial wrote:
Tested Tectonic strike instead Frost Blades. DPS is highier but overall skill does not work better. It doesnt work wit Ancestral Call and it is much much slower. Maby with multistrike would work better but... dunno. Kinda dissapointing.

Maby someone here has some idea for this skill?

Tectonic is AOE skill so Ancestral Call will not work on it.

I have tested it out, though damage is higher than Frost Blades, the map clearing speed isn't as good because of the smaller radius.


Noltch wrote:
Hey, nice build overall.

Though I am confused, the POB has different gems than the gem-section of the build here on the forum. A few examples are:

POB says:
Ancestral Warchief-> chance to bleed -> culling strike -> blind

forumbuild says:
Ancestral Warchief-> chance to bleed -> faster attacks -> blind

POB says:
Whirling Blades -> faster attacks -> blood rage -> fortify

forumbuild says:
doesnt hav WB at all, uses leap but with a completly different setup:
Leap -> summon ice golem -> herald of ash -> hatred

See my confusion? Would be awesome if someone could clarify :) I'm farily new so i cant figure out myself what right according to the build.

Follow the gems setup in the guide. POB link is outdated. Scion ascendancy underwent changes in 3.2 and now this build has inherent culling strike from Slayer.

For Whirling Blade and Leap Slam. Pretty much personal preference. I prefer Leap Slam but if WB is a thing for you, you can definitely use that.

In short, the guide is more up-to-date than POB.

I will include another gems setup which I have been using and it works out pretty well. Have sufficient toughness and yet doesn't sacrifice much on the damage. :)

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