[3.1] [Blade flurry] 1 Ex budget frost blades / Blade flurry build, all content viable

Molten strike for clear? its single target skill no? and sunder no i have a gladi with a lot of play this season
habeo wrote:
hint: Dmg on full life is the most damage multiplier on slayer.

..cause its affects blades which chains and not only melee single hitting? damn,that sounds so obvious. thx for advice!!
btw who rly tested - will added fire ignite enemy as often as chance to ignite gem? oO i mean - ppl with medium dmg, not with abisus hemlmets and other stuff xD like lvl 80 dudes with tabula x) and do we even need chance to ignite? if we ignite with every crit and we have decent crit chance?
PS btw,isnt new chest kinda "not bad" for our build? It has 37% ALL resist penetration and we have like 60% fire and 40% cold - we need not just 1 res penetration. Plus,it has 3 sec skill with 45 sec cd - invurnability to phys dmg - which can help to try oneshot boss in 3 sec with Blade flurry even with abyssys.Plus if u are using alot of abyss jewels - it can give u hp. and jewel in this chest can give u hp.
PPS and things like Abyssus hemlmet mode "+ melee crit multy" wont affect our range blades chains,right? and other melee tree mods for swords...or?..
Last edited by Melanholic7#2425 on Dec 26, 2017, 4:48:00 PM
slimq3 wrote:
I wanna try this build but hate frost blades another option for clear maybe?

Reave is pretty good, flicker strike is fun, lacerate is not bad, but frost blades is the strongest one
slimq3 wrote:
Why chance to ignite, added fire make more dps...

Yeah, but we need to have the embrace to have our damage, and with chance to ignite it's guaranteed, and with added fire it's only 47% with like, 100k more, so for me it's not worth
Melanholic7 wrote:
habeo wrote:
hint: Dmg on full life is the most damage multiplier on slayer.

..cause its affects blades which chains and not only melee single hitting? damn,that sounds so obvious. thx for advice!!
btw who rly tested - will added fire ignite enemy as often as chance to ignite gem? oO i mean - ppl with medium dmg, not with abisus hemlmets and other stuff xD like lvl 80 dudes with tabula x) and do we even need chance to ignite? if we ignite with every crit and we have decent crit chance?
PS btw,isnt new chest kinda "not bad" for our build? It has 37% ALL resist penetration and we have like 60% fire and 40% cold - we need not just 1 res penetration. Plus,it has 3 sec skill with 45 sec cd - invurnability to phys dmg - which can help to try oneshot boss in 3 sec with Blade flurry even with abyssys.Plus if u are using alot of abyss jewels - it can give u hp. and jewel in this chest can give u hp.
PPS and things like Abyssus hemlmet mode "+ melee crit multy" wont affect our range blades chains,right? and other melee tree mods for swords...or?..

I tried playing with some damage gem instead of chance to ignite and it felt kinda weird, like sometimes you will run out of the buff and it may kill you, and in return you only get like, 10-20% more dps, so for me it wasn't worth, but check out, it may be good, i guess it's a personal taste bro
I haven't checked the armour yet, but It actually seems like a good option, I may try it sometime
about the blade chains, I don't think so, but the crit is for blade flurry, not frost blades, frost blades already have enough dps to clear up to t15 maps
Melanholic7 wrote:
btw maybe im dumb - but in ur tree u dont using any jewel slot? and even unique jewels for frost blades?o.O

I'm putting the jewel sockets now, haha
Also, we don't use the unique jewel for frost blades because it's mainly purpose is to provide cold pen, and we don't need cold pen, our cold damage is already low, so it doesn't really matter. Our frost blades is more like a fire blades, haha
With tombfist this is build is good no?
DMG on Full life is a BAD Gem for this build because you will never be on Full life because of the degen. You will LOOK LIKE Full life but that is because you overleech the degen, but as long as you have the degen, you are not on full life. Same with "Blood Rage" you will never be full life, unless CI or Energyshield.
no. go to wiki - blood rage for example works FINE if u have regen or leech.
Guys, i want play this as frost blades and maybe later test with same tree Infernal Blow. So,which chests are BEST of all for blades? or infernal blow...
i have 13ex, want to know what to buy,cause now i have only weapon and standart hp/res rare items ( and tabula +1 gems as chest)
why u not use frost blades jew?

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