[3.1] [Blade flurry] 1 Ex budget frost blades / Blade flurry build, all content viable


Welcome to my frost blades / blade flurry build, I've been playing this build since the launch of oni-goroshi and it's insanely strong. I've been farming atziri and uber atziri with it and it's pretty easy with 1-2ex budget. Shaper is pretty easy too.
I did this in abyss softcore

Pro's and con's

Cheap(1-2 exalteds to get started)
Really fast map clear with frost blades
Insanely high dps on bosses with blade flurry(800k+ with budget gear)
Very high leech with slayer, can facetank most map bosses

Can't think of any to be honest


Required uniques

Oni-Garoshi is the only required unique, this sword at lvl 85 has about 700 dps, it's simple amazing and kinda cheap.
Also, try to get accuracy on gear. It'll boost a lot your DPS.

Gear variation


Variation 1


Abyssus will almost double our blade flurry dps, but if you use it you probably will need the lightning coil. Carnage heart because 50% increased leech per second is very good to facetank bosses. Also, this variation is really good and cheap, I used it till like, t13 maps. Use blasphemy - enfeeble with this setup.

Variation 2


This variation don't use abyssus. This is the safest variation, I used this for farming t15 maps. You'll use blasphemy - assassin's mark with this.

Variation 3


This is by far the strongest variation, I'be been using it to farm elder, t16 etc. If you can afford it, go for it, the armor is 1ex, flask 3ex, but it's so amazing. Use assassin's mark with this.

Recommended flasks

Diamond flask and amethyst flask are insane for this build. Also the wise oak with fire pen / lion roar are pretty good, it's a nice upgrade if you can afford.

The rest of the gear is basically life and res, also make sure your fire res is capped, so the sword buff won't kill you. Also, try to get some accuracy on the gear, it'll help a lot with the DPS.


You'll be using frost blades most of the time. The playstyle is simple, just keep use whirlwind blades forward and insta-killing packs with 1-2 casts of frost blades, when you see a rare mob or boss with high hp, just use blade flurry and melt it.
The enfeeble curse makes you almost unkillable, so you'll be pretty safe, plus you will have tons life leech from the slayer and blood rage. Also, when you feel confortable you can drop enfeeble and put assasin's mark on blasphemy instead, and then use hatred for better dps, but you'll need to have better gear to do that.



Bane of legends - Endless hunger - Brutal fervour - Headsman



Blade flurry, use this for bosses
Blade flurry - conc effect - elemental damage with attacks - maim - chance to ignite - melee physical damage (use this setup on the sword)

clear speed skill setup
Frost blades - ancestral call - multistrike - melee physical damage - chance to ignite, if you have the 6l, it'll be elemental damage with attacks

Vaal grace setup
Vaal grace - increased duration - efficacy - blood rage

Blasphemy setup
Blasphemy - enfeeble/assassin's mark(depends on which gear variation you're using) - arctic armour - herald of ash

Movement setup
Whirlwind blades - faster attacks - blood magic - ancestral warchief



Frost blades DPS unbuffed

Frost blades DPS fully buffed on 5l

Blade flurry DPS Fully buffed on Path of building

Leveling process + passsive tree + bandits



kill all bandits

Just level with oni-chan from lvl 1, use frost blades with the supports gems I talked about in the gems part. If you can afford, buy a tabula and use blade flurry for bosses.

PoB trees



25 points

50 points

75 points

About here you can drop the life leech nodes, just use blood rage and you'll probably be able to cap the leech. Also, carnage heart is a amazing amulet for this build.

100 points

111 points



Major soul = Soul of lunaris for the reduced physical damage taken

Minor soul = Soul of yugul or soul of gruthkul, your choice here



Deathless atziri with tabula and 1c rings / boots (really budget gear)
T14 map run

The gear/char I used to kill atziri / uber atziri:


My gear at the moment

Thank you for reading guys, this was my first build guide o/
Also, sorry for the grammar errors, english is not my main language.

Last edited by hironmiranda#5922 on Dec 28, 2017, 12:14:35 PM
Last bumped on Apr 11, 2018, 6:27:32 AM
hi the build in leveling feel very smoth and good!
i have a question or 2
in the budget gear 800k dps to shaper atziri you tallk about the abuyss/ligh coil?
i can play with belly of the beast?
Its a phys build no? why no phys on rings or melee on full life on setup?
Last edited by slimq3#5056 on Dec 26, 2017, 5:20:29 AM
How do you get such high dps?

After fiddling with it in PoB i only saw ~120K dps...
Saved for later, looks good
Could you put the tree? No pastebin

Thanks you
gataoo1993 wrote:
Could you put the tree? No pastebin

Thanks you

Yeah! Done, updated

slimq3 wrote:
Its a phys build no? why no phys on rings or melee on full life on setup?

Phy rings are quite expensive, and I tried to make the build budget as possible, but feel free to use steel rings, the dps is amazing
slimq3 wrote:
Its a phys build no? why no phys on rings or melee on full life on setup?

Phy rings are quite expensive, and I tried to make the build budget as possible, but feel free to use steel rings, the dps is amazing
Askelar wrote:
How do you get such high dps?

After fiddling with it in PoB i only saw ~120K dps...

Oni-garoshi gives insane dps, make sure to mark the option of her embrace on the buff settings. Btw, I'm reaching 1.5m dps at the moment, this is the PoB of the my character atm:

I'm using assasin's mark at the moment because I already have enough survivability, but with enfeeble you can reach up to 1.2m dps with this gear (about 2-3ex)
Last edited by hironmiranda#5922 on Dec 26, 2017, 7:45:58 AM

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