[3.1] Ele Crit Blade Flurry - Dedicated Uber Lab Farmer - 350% Movespeed! End Game Viable!
" Arctic Armour - 25% Wrath - 50% That's 75% E: forgot to quote post Last edited by Sovekop#1567 on Dec 29, 2017, 8:45:19 AM
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" ![]() It's a pretty badass setup IMO. Maybe what I'll do in the future is add the Twisted Horns MtX instead of having the blue eyes. Last edited by Jelbishi#4770 on Dec 29, 2017, 12:07:25 PM
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" Thank you very much! I could definitely not see the Ultimate Chaos Character Effect in the video. And I may or may not have bought Infernal Wings solely because of you..... (Don't tell GGG's marketing team) I just couldn't start this character/build without the proper MTXs, which is why I asked in the first place, I got the items and gems, but man, the MTXs are the most vital piece to a proper build. I was never happy using the Minotaur set, but now I'll be able to use it guilt-free. Welp, time to spend points on a character effect. Many thanks once again. |
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Great build Jelbishi! I just finished leveling my character to 91 with this build and I enjoy it more than your BV Pathfinder I ran last season. This character is definitely cheaper to gear (no crafting or buying that off color QoTF) and feels better to map with. I would say you are selling it short by calling it a dedicated lab farmer. I am still working on my end game gear but I have already managed to defeat the Elder Guardians and Elder in yellow maps, both Liches in red maps, and (of course) uber Izaro. Clear speed may not be as good as a Wander, but it feels good enough to map with and you can stand right on top of an Abyss with no fear! Overall, it is much more flexible then your BV Pathfinder. Which, while it could map, was definitely a boss killer and was a bit painful to use for mapping.
" I can expand upon how I leveled my character. I did not start from a fresh league start. This was my second character and I think I started the build about one week into the league. I leveled with the standard Goldrim, Lochtonial Caress, Tabula, and Elreon jewelry for this character. I was not yet aware of the affordable ridiculousness that is: I ran Frost Blades / Molten Strike in a shared 6 link on the Tabula. I can't remember the specific links but it was something like (Frost Blades > Molten Strike > Ancestoral Call > Added Cold > Added Fire > Faster Attacks) at very low levels with skills being swapped out as more powerful gems became available. Frost Blades used for clearing and Molten Strike for single target. For a fresh league start, I would focus on getting two 4Ls setup or acquiring a cheap white/yellow 5L with correct colors. Don't spend too much currency though on leveling gear because 5L QotF feels much better and can be done for about 30c. While leveling I stuck with my leveling gear for far too long but made sure I was always res capped or close to it. The only support links I focused on setting up were (Whirling Blades > Faster Attacks > Fortify) and (CWDT [lvl1] > Immortal Call [lvl 3] > Increased Duration). The rest I did not setup until I could equip a piece of recommended gear or until I finished leveling to 70 while farming the Blood Aqueduct to finish upgrading to Dreamfeather and Atziri's Step. It was also at this time that I swapped over to Blade Flurry from Frost Blades / Molten Strike. I should probably have swapped earlier but I was having too much fun with those two skills. One thing I always did was upgrade my swords at regular intervals. Each upgrade felt significant and made an immediate impact on the leveling experience. I started with some random white / blue swords at low level and upgraded as follows: I only bought one princess but bought two of each of the others because they were between 1 alc to 1 chaos to get 3L copies. Even with the Dreamfeather I started out cheap and bought mid grade weapons around 250-255DPS with the best Accuracy and Evasion rolls I could get. These can usually be found for only 1 chaos and represent a huge upgrade over the Innsbury Edge. Getting a Dreamfeather over 260 DPS can be a goal, but it is rather expensive and would be towards the bottom of my upgrade list. Your chaos is better spent on your other gear before trying to eek 10-15 more DPS out of your swords. Overall, leveling this character was pretty painless for me as Frost Blades / Molten Strike but YMMV since I had the benefit of leveling gear to make my experience much easier. Last edited by UnseenSpectacle#4425 on Dec 29, 2017, 11:31:06 PM
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Hey, can i change the blade flurry setup for frost blade + multistrike + ancestral call + wed + added cold damage ? with hatred instead of wrath ?
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hey, would u change something to farm uberlab on HC?
gonna do 100 runs with ur build for challange, because i d kill myself after 100 runs on superslow but safe jugger, better go fast and risk, but maybe there is way to make this risk lower ty for build and answer | |
" If you just want to use that for leveling in a Tabula or temporary 5 link, go right ahead... it felt very comfortable to level on that setup with Molten Strike available for single target. If you are intending to go Frost Blades end game with this build then be warned, I felt Frost Blades single target was noticeably weaker by the time I swapped to Blade Flurry at Blood Aqueduct. Plus, at a glance, there are quite a few very good and very survivable Frost Blades specific builds out there. While they share some common node choices on the passive tree, they differ in important areas... such as picking up enough jewel sockets to use two Fight for Survival jewels, picking up cold penetration, etc. Basically, Frost Blades damage scaling for end game requires a different tree to really get the most out of it. |
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" If you're scared to die on the current setup the only thing you really need to change is the chest. Put on Belly of The Beast and always use enfeeble instead of ele weakness. " Thanks for replying to him :) I don't have a lot more to add to this. Last edited by Jelbishi#4770 on Dec 31, 2017, 12:45:30 PM
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" Do you mind if I quote this section and toss it into the guide? I think you've done pretty well but I'd like to ask permission first :) |
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" Sure, go right ahead. I jumped on this build as soon as you posted it on YouTube. It was fun figuring out how best to level with it. :) |
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