[3.8] Dual Grelwood Shank Molten Strike Juggernaut
" Well, truth to be told, I am quite forgetful, thus usually forget to swap gem for bossing or tankier target. (Also forget to place orb of storm during boss fight, and also the reason i not using Vaal lightning trap or Vaal Haste because I will just forget to use them) The PoB setup is for mapping. Although significantly lower single target damage, I am not using concentrated effect for more spread out collateral damage against pack of monsters. And Fire Penetration is just there because I hate + Elemental Resistance Map Mods with + Elemental Resists Rare Mobs so much. Last edited by RobakoGarena#1089 on Mar 1, 2018, 9:36:54 PM
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Conc effect isn't for just bossing, it's superior in general mapping as well. Ancestral call helps cover the need for bigger cluster by giving you smart targeting.
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" Yeah , of course I'll pick some more life nodes as well. With picking every missing life node on the route you'll end up with ~230% increased Maximum life with my tree. " Thanks for pointing that out again! :) Last edited by haGrOck#6020 on Mar 2, 2018, 7:38:34 AM
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Is this assembly suitable for starting a league?
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Could you post leveling skill three? ty
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" Although Grelwood Shank itself is not quite rare, it can only be dropped by The Constrictor, one of the Elder Guardian which can only be fought if you spread Elder Influence large enough, so expect it to be more expensive in start of league. Alongside with Kaom's Root since more people desire it = more expensive. Ichimonji can be used before you get Grelwood's Shank although you need to allocate Point Blank on passive tree. " On it. Edit : Sorry, seem like getting thorn of how to proceed while creating the leveling section. Will need the time for that and Bestiary League is out :/ . Should be delayed for now. Last edited by RobakoGarena#1089 on Mar 2, 2018, 6:28:35 PM
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" I'd definitly say YES!!! Even some specific item are too costy or not available early on, leveling feels smooth and fast without any Problems. You also will have nice all res from tree in the leveling Progress. To get it going I really recommend to get as fast as you can a Wildfire jewel, WHEN you have an allocated jewel socket that fits the requirement for to have 40 Strength in radius. The next very big and important improvement in my opinion is, to get a Thief's Torment ring as soo as possible when you hit Level 30 with your char. When you equip it, you never ever have to use a mana potion with that char again, even through whole endgame! " I go by this right now: poeurl.com/bM7m First get the starter life nodes and the all res, then move to the right and up. Then get the jewel socket next, this is where you can put your first Wild Strike jewel. One of those jewels is enough for now. Then get the big life node in the scion life "wheel" and get the res nodes and the jewel socket just south of scion start. But you also can skip this Point (depends on your gear so far) and move ahead through the life wheel and to the left to the next jewel socket. There you could put your second Wildfire jewel, but at this Point I'd recommend to save up every tiny bit of your currency for a Thief's Torment ring. Don't waste your currency on ANY OTHER leveling gear, seriously! If you lack attack Speed or dmg, you can pick the the little 3-node-groups right south of the life wheel. And that's it then, just move on through templar starter area, grab those life nodes and the all res node (if you wish so or need it). Then you could pick Combat Stamina (left of the jewel socket under templar start) or pick Quick Recovery, which is early on maybe the better idea, especially when you still don't have no Thief'S Torment ring at this Point. For mana issues you also could "waste" two nodes to spent on "Shaper" notable, it'S just above the life wheel. And that's it so far. You also CAN (but no Need for imo) go temporarily 4 nodes to the left and get Resolute Technique, if that feels more comfortable for you. My endgame base tree will kinda Look like this: poeurl.com/bM5I I hope that helps you out to get it going and you have fun with this char! :) Last edited by haGrOck#6020 on Mar 3, 2018, 4:32:11 AM
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This build will work well as dedicated lab runner for first char?
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" Can work but expensive for now. The price of Grelwood Shank is absurbly high at start of league. ( 50 Chaos-ish , very volatile price) Recommend to wait a week or so as Grelwood Shank price stabilized before you attempt this build. Last edited by RobakoGarena#1089 on Mar 4, 2018, 8:23:20 PM
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Very nice starter build. As opposed to what the previous poster said, the weapon is only 2-4chaos right now in Bestiary, it is highly unpopular but that's good for us! The build works great, dps is much better than I expected. Perfect build to start and farm maps/lab.
Last edited by Leviathans#4529 on Mar 7, 2018, 12:32:51 PM
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