[3.2] 15c BF BoR Champion/Zerker- Shaper/Guardians/Red Elder & Guardians/Uber Lab/Atziri
Overview Video/Showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SAV10P_GT0&t
___________________________________________________________________________ End-game updates 3.2: Shaper and Guardians down on Champion. Ez pz. Shaper was deathless, all guardians except Minotaur were deathless. I ran them corrupted and Minotaur had -max res/ele weakness/temp chains/added cold so I went with Kaom's Roots do deal with freeze and temp chains... but had 5% cold res :). I only died once though! I have around 30c worth of gear. 15c budget is fine, I just didn't wanna try the first time like that cause it cost me like 3 ex just to do shaper. It was all worth it though, cause I got the 3 chaos boots. Current PoB pastebin for champ - not optimized at all for gems/whatever. Lvl 19 gems, lvl 89 char. ~30c. https://pastebin.com/JtBsCnZ3 I don't think I'm going to be playing the league that much longer since work is getting crazy. I won't be making a video for the champ version cause really the Berserker video works fine. It's the same shit just with Champ instead. I have pretty much the exact same tree/items. Conclusion: Champ is better than berserker in pretty much every way. I have 5400 hp and can tank more shit than the berserker at like 6.6k. And you do pretty much the same damage if not more. That being said, berserker will do just fine if you are running that. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Updates - Champion vs Berserker
Video Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wj6nwGpk6Q The build is fine on Berserker. I was waiting for the patch notes to let you all know if its dead or not as it relies mostly on Bloodseeker still having insta-leech and less on anything else. Given that it's still alive, everyone can proceed to give it a shot. I do imagine shaped items will be much more expensive now since everybody knows how powerful they are. I would go with Relentless Fury as a stat-stick for clearing and Death's Hand when you can afford it (should be like 1c within a couple of days of the league). Upgrade to a shaper stat-stick when you can and if you can't sustain both Blood Rage and Crave the Slaughter, get rid of blood rage. You don't really need frenzy charges for clearing and for bosses you have frenzy anyways. Ascendancy points remain the same. I AM PERSONALLY NOT PLAYING BERSERKER THIS LEAGUE. HERE ARE SOME NUMBERS FOR CHAMPION. I WILL TEST AND VERIFY IF IT'S AS OP AS IT LOOKS: With the patch notes we now know that Shaper/Guardians are no longer immune to taunt. This changes everything. Let's take a look at the exact same tree/items as the 15c video overview but switch from Berserker to Champion: Berserker flasked Shaper stats 15c budget: ![]() Champion flasked Shaper stats 15c budget: ![]() Offensively we gain just under 100k dps with the exact same setup. - We have 100% chance to hit and the build becomes cheaper as you don't need to worry about accuracy on gear at all. - Enemies are permanently intimidated for 10% more damage - Enemies are permanently taunted for another 20% more damage. - We always have adrenaline up because as you are all well aware, we hit low life pretty darn often. That's another 100% increased damage and 25% increased attack speed. Defensively - We always have fortify up already from whirling blades, so we get from that an extra 1000 evasion and armour as well as stun immunity so we can go for the reduced reflected damage Pantheon instead. (also adds some damage) - Adrenaline gives us 10% additional physical damage reduction - Regenerate 2% life per second since we permanently taunt - 6% reduced global damage taken since we permanently taunt. We still leech 31k life/second and I tried testing if that's enough by removing ascendancy nodes entirely from my more expensive setup which brought me to a lower overall dps than the champion build and lower life leech. I tested Shaper like that and I killed him deathless while testing stuff like facetanking his beam so I do think our life leech is more than enough without berserker. This is the only reason I'm not making the full recommendation to switch over though since I won't know for sure if it's enough until I play through with the full ascendancy. But I think it'll be fine and I'll update when I know for sure. SO LETS WIND IT DOWN: Berserker: 100k less dps, takes 10% increased global damage, negative net life regen, 20% evade chance, 4% phys damage reduction, 30% dodge chance, has fortify on whirling blades Champion: 100k more dps, takes 6% reduced global damage (!!), ~+200 net life regen, 33% evade chance, 22% physical damage reduction, 30% dodge chance, has fortify on whirling blades So guys, I'm fairly confident that the Champion has just completely outclassed the Berserker for this build and many other melee builds. It is infinitely more defensive, is cheaper due to accuracy needs, and has more overall damage to boot. I will keep you posted on the progress as I could just be entirely wrong I guess, but I'm pretttttty darn confident. So if you wanna give it a shot, go for it but at your own discretion since it's not fully tested yet. Champion Ascendancy Nodes: ![]() Order: Conqueror - Worthy Foe - First to Strike/Last To Fall - Unstoppable Hero You can switch the last two if you want more defensiveness before Uber Lab. I'm all bout dem deeps. PoB Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/XzasAUR8 ___________________________________________________________________________ Update on Stat-Stick: As of right now, the combination of mods on a stat-stick I mention in the video is getting a more expensive for whatever reason. They should be 2-3c, but if you can't find one for that, use the Enemies explode one for clearing, and the % gained one in a weapon swap for bosses. You don't need the extra damage for clearing, I've tested on t16s and the exploding enemies is the most important. Individually the mods are only about 1c each so it's cheap. So weapon set 1 (AoE Clear): BloodSeeker + Stat Stick that has "Enemies killed explode dealing 5% of their Life as Fire Damage" Weapon set 2 (Single-Target Bosses): BloodSeeker + Stat stick that has "Gain x% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage" OR Weapon set 2 (Single-Target Bosses): BloodSeeker + Death's Hand (1c) - that'll work just as well if not better than a single %gained stat. Hell, I'm still swapping to an enemies explode from my crazy damage stat-stick right now. The enemies explode is just too nice for clear. Concept Last league I made a shrapnel shot trapper to farm currency early in the league. I had 11 exalts a week in. This build has netted me 50 exalts in the same amount of time. The budget of the build is 15c, and it is entirely Shaper viable and I have made my mini fortune literally just farming Shaper and his Guardians. With level 19 skill gems to boot. The build uses Blade Flurry since it's fast and OP as fuck. We use the Bringer of Rain as a cheap way to get a bunch of links, a BloodSeeker because RIP Vaal pact, and a Shaped or Elder stat-stick as our offhand because the news mods are just disgusting. There is no bullshit in this build. No "you can do this or that if you upgrade this or that item". The end-game is conquerable on the 15c you spend when you start maps. With no upgrades. At all. Hell half of the items I'm wearing in the video are self-found random garbage that had alright mods. Damage
380k Shaper DPS without flasks up. This number can go up to 450k or down to 300k depending on whether you want more/less life as there is room on the Scion life-wheel to go either way. The video in the build guide is the mid-range, with 380k dps and 6k life. This is enough DPS for damn near everything in the game. With flasks up, the mid-range version in the video goes up to 554k. I have an upgraded version I'm currently using since I had so much currency I figured I might as well upgrade. That version is currently at 1 mill Shaper DPS with flasks up. There is still room to grow with expensive rings/6-l etc. Defense
30% Dodge, 20% Evade, Insta-Leech, 6k+ life. If you don't get one shot, you don't die. It's as simple as that. The only things that can really one shot you are super telegraphed moves like Shaper's slam, or super un-telegraphed bullshitty moves like the Elder's boop. Path of Building/Ascendancy/Pantheon/Leveling/Bandits
Skill Tree If you are not using Path of Building, you really should get it. But the skill tree is this if you just refuse for some reason. PoB: Budget Version (lvl 90): https://pastebin.com/yvGJE6q2 2x DPS Version (not needed, makes shit faster, lvl 90): https://pastebin.com/YqQkbS26 Bandit: Kill them all! Reasoning: 2x Skill Point too OP. Leveling: Dual wield whatever items you can. Molten Strike/Ancestral Call is disgusting. Then Static Strike + Ancestral Call. I used that all the way up to lvl 50ish before switching to Blade Flurry. Since we're a marauder, I like to grab Resolute technique first for accuracy purposes. Then when I have some dex on the tree/transition to crit, use your respec points to spec out of that shit into the final tree. Ascendancy Berserker. Pain Reaver -> Crave the Slaughter -> Aspect of Carnage -> Cloaked in Savagery Pantheon Brine King and Tukohama. If you are using Kaom's Roots use whatever else you want instead of Brine King. Tukohama is op as fuck when you are just face-tanking while stationary. We don't use VP so the life regen is insane. Itemization
Core Items: Bringer of Rain: Used to get cheap links, great budget helmet. BloodSeeker: Makeshift Vaal Pact. Main weapon. Stat-Stick: Shaped Mods are op. You want %of phys gained as fire, and the Enemies Explode dealing % life mods. The exploding mod is absolutely disgusting. Make your clear speed on par with much more expensive builds. Sub-3 min full minotaur clears and shit. God damn. Make sure that the off-hand stat-stick is not a sword/dagger/claw. Blade-flurry will only attack with the main-hand if the off-hand weapon is something that blade-flurry can't use. Use a mace/sceptre/axe, otherwise you drastically decrease your dps. Update on Stat-Stick: As of right now, the combination of mods on a stat-stick I mention in the video is getting a more expensive for whatever reason. They should be 2-3c, but if you can't find one for that, use the Enemies explode one for clearing, and the % gained one in a weapon swap for bosses. You don't need the extra damage for clearing, I've tested on t16s and the exploding enemies is the most important. Individually the mods are only about 1c each so it's cheap. So weapon set 1 (AoE Clear): BloodSeeker + Stat Stick that has "Enemies killed explode dealing 5% of their Life as Fire Damage" Weapon set 2 (Single-Target Bosses): BloodSeeker + Stat stick that has "Gain x% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage" OR Weapon set 2 (Single-Target Bosses): BloodSeeker + Death's Hand (1c) - that'll work just as well if not better than a single %gained stat. Hell, I'm still swapping to an enemies explode from my crazy damage stat-stick right now. The enemies explode is just too nice for clear. Rare Items: Prioritize getting Res/Life/Phys Damage/Accuracy in that order. Whatever you can get is fine really. Just max your resistances. Flasks: Life - Diamond - Atziri's Promise - Silver - Quicksilver. My Items/Flasks (budget):
My Items/Flasks (5ex):
Gems/Links Using Bringer of Rain: Blade Flurry - Chance to Bleed - Maim - Inc Area of Effect/Conc Effect Using 6-L Chest: Main Damage: Blade Flurry - Melee Physical Damage - Chance to Bleed - Maim - Inc Area of Effect/ Conc Effect - Faster Attacks/Increased Critical Damage Defensive: Cast When Damage Taken (lv 1) - Blood Rage (lv 7) - Immortal Call (lv 3) Movement: Whirling Blades - Fortify - Faster Attacks Auras: Herald of Ash, Hatred Cull/Charges: Culling Strike - Frenzy Curse: CwDT - Punishment Other: Summon Ice Golem, Ancestral Protector Minotaur Run under 3 min with Breach: https://youtu.be/duds8dDR2lA _________________________________________________________________________ Guide Re-write in progress
Intro G'day it's MathilD here once again. Overview
Path of Building
Budget (15c)
Intermediate (3-5ex)
My Current Gear (11-12ex)
Ascendancy/Skill Tree
Last edited by Baldersh#0402 on Mar 23, 2018, 12:22:31 PM Last bumped on Dec 24, 2018, 12:31:40 PM
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Interesting, gonna give it a try later. Thanks!
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Could you recommend some leveling items you used?
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What about abyssus helmet+6l? Isnt it really huge boost to dps and hp?
Anyway, just tried it, wasnt in shaper/uberatziri maps yet, but guardians was ezpz. And btw weapons with those mods are much more expensive than 2-3c already, so hurry up and pick one to yourselfs while it is not 2-3ex+, lol.
Last edited by dholly#3780 on Dec 18, 2017, 5:00:27 AM
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Nice. Think I’m trying this. Thanks!
Edits: Questions: 1) why blood rage in cwdt link? 2) what are the mods we should look out for in the stat stick other than the shaped mods you mentioned? 3) for the extra phy dmg gained as fire, why fire? extra dmg gained as other elements works? It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673) Last edited by Jerle#2906 on Dec 18, 2017, 7:52:13 AM
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This will be my second build! Leveling tree's would be greatly appreciated since im not familiar with these kind of builds
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How do you get Int early on for Static Strike?
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" No problem! Let me know if you have any questions. " I'm going to work on putting together a better leveling section today and tomorrow. I'm always pretty bad when it comes to making those, so I'll try to make this one as informative as possible. " That will definitely work. It's no longer in the 15c budget though :P but yes for the end-state of the build you'd go with something like a 6-l belly and a nice helmet. I prefer Starkonja's. I honestly hate Abyssus, that combined with the berserker's 10% increased damage taken is just so sketchy for survivability. The item is going up in price. I checked literally a few hours before posting and it was 1c so that's unfortunate. Thankfully there's a workaround! The enemies explode mod is really important for fast-clearing. You don't need the % gained damage for clear, just that mod. So what I do is have a weapon-swap set. One for AoE and one for Single-Target. Each mod by itself is only 1c, and it works really well. Getting the dual gained damage mods like you have is more expensive. That's only a "nice to have" feature. I spent around 4ex on mine later on. |
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" 1) It'll make sure we get the nice damage boost when we need it. Even during bosses, without self-casting it. Originally it was there because I was using it with VP to increase leech cap with that one pantheon power, but I kept it once I realized how well it works in making sure I have it up exactly when I want it. Since we don't have VP, your base regen counteracts it anyways. 2) Accuracy, increased elemental damage with attacks, and global crit multiplier mainly. 3) The "enemies explode" mod and the "gain % of phs as fire" seem to only occur together. I haven't found a stat-stick that does the enemies explode and gained as lightning for instance. That being said, if you're going with the weapon-swap option, then you can have the single-target stat-stick be any element you want. |
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" I'll work on them today and tomorrow! I'll update the post as soon as the leveling section is fleshed out. " I started using static strike when I got near the crit nodes and grabbed the +30 int node as well. I'm actually still using one of those nodes. It's a skill point gone, but finding int on gear while getting the rest of what we need increases the cost and I wanted to keep it budget. |
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