D4wdl's HC Abyss Master Service = All masters 8 | (Leo 5)


Current master levels: Haku/Elreon/Catarina/Vagan/Tora/Vorici 8 | Zana 8 // Leo 5

Been crafting with masters level 8 since 3 years +
(Since masters were introduced in beyond league on 20th of August 2014)

Past leagues crafting vouching threads:


Current whisper IGN this league: TenKayNotEnuf

(Read all of the thread before messaging me, important notes below)

If you get no answer, enter this: /unignore dawdl
You might have ignored me and there is no way for me to see your message

If not online, feel free to add me as a friend and msg me when I am <3
You can also join the crafting discord and message me on there https://discord.gg/HzN8pXX


They are per item, not per tries, you must also provide the necessary material costs
→ → → → See here: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Master

Small crafts (such as removal: 1c (level 7) and level 6 and under crafts): 1c

*Accepted equivalent below fees

5L/6S, Elreon %stat, Vorici recoloring 3same or 2+1, Leo avoid mods: 2c

Vorici 6L: 10c

Vagan 7 Blood Magic/Bleed/Range: 3c

Any Master Level 8 Individual Craft: 10c
[ie: Multimod]

+1 Mace with bloodmagic: 15c (See below for how & cost)

Start with a linked white mace, 6L preferably, use Shrieking Essence of Rage until you get +2 fire gems with desirable mods (2 suffixes). Then you need 2 exalts, 1 scour and 2 divines to finish the process. + Fee above.

+3 Bow (+removal of mod and crafted mod infinite rerolls): 12c

Start with a linked white bow, 6L preferably, alteration until +2 to bow gems with desirable augment mod, regal orb it. If you land a suffix mod that you like or want to keep,
then you need 2 exalts, 1 scour and 5 alchemy to finish the process (including damage over time and removal of the cannot roll attck mods mod) + Fee above

+3 Staff, from 1 stat rare: 20c (*Annulment Orb method, Cost & how see below) -> Most popular method

You craft +2 fire gems alone and regal, then use the annulment Orb to remove the regaled mod with rare +2 alone like so: https://i.imgur.com/68QZoVw.png. There is 50/50 chance to lose, if so just start over. Total cost for a +1 staff from annulment version is 6 exalt, 5 alts, 1 scours, 5 blessed, [2 divines, 2c, 8 augment]->(assuming you take bloodmagic, cast speed and strength) + fee above.

Vorici 8 Corrupted item Craft: 10c
[Note: Fee is for full service, including socketing, coloring, and if you run out of materials you can come back later the same day without any additional fee]

Zana 8 Breach [6c cost]: 5c fee = 1 map // 20c fee = 5 maps // 40c fee = 15 maps

Only if I'm not busy mapping myself

Most expensive item serviced this league

GoZeD wrote:
thanks a lot mannnn


Useful website to know what can be added to your item: http://poeaffix.net/

Vorici Chromatic Calculator - http://siveran.github.io/calc.html

Also a rare item can only have 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes and a magic item only 1 prefix and 1 suffix.

TIP: Make sure you have 'Advanced Mod Description' check in the UI-Options settings.

Accepted Equivalent for chaos:

(I don't accept equiv for 10c+ crafts)

10 Chance Orbs
2 Scour Orbs

Important notes:

I won't reply to 'hey' or 'are you there', please state your business right away :)

Sometimes I won't answer right away, that means I'm in a map and it's dangerous to type, wait a little bit and I will answer you.

If it's been at least 10 minutes without a reply, feel free to PM me again, as sometimes I have too many things going on at once and might of forgotten about your message or missed it zoning instances.

I invited you, wait for me to trade you when you're in my hideout. I am always full inventory when I exit a map and thus cannot do the craft until it's empty.

Stay safe out there.

Oh and I stream every now and then to showcase my builds https://www.twitch.tv/d4wdl/
Archives, https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2206812
Last edited by D4wdl#1956 on Mar 6, 2018, 8:21:45 PM
Last bumped on Jul 7, 2018, 5:20:06 PM
Got a 6S from him. Ty :)
great guy, been crafting for me since breach and harbinger

fast and safe
just got this blood magic craft

nice and fast service, as always :D

IGN: eLguL
Last edited by Elgul#4123 on Dec 10, 2017, 4:59:49 PM
Crafted +1 skeles

Cheers :3

reliable and fast!

ty for the 8 cat craft on day 4 of league
easy and fast+3 bow
Last edited by erwizard#7969 on Dec 11, 2017, 7:20:49 PM


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