Whitelisting of the Trade API

Finally, a good change. Well, some people use the API, for non-trading reasons though. But in that case, they should just apply to be allowed to use the API if its for community wide tools that everyone can use.
But then again, that feels like a waste of time, that they should be spending on the game itself, instead.
Last edited by HedgeMoney#6946 on Dec 7, 2017, 9:01:34 PM
Really great idea, but I do feel bad for that guy who just released a great sniping tool like a week ago.
madeinchina3 wrote:
Why would you disregard the time and effort of everyone who coded their own parsers? Why are poetrade.com snipers 'less harmful' than API snipers? I don't get this change at all. Did you change it only because people requested it? No, that's not how your policy works. I wonder what's the real reason behind this.

because API snipers would be able to get the information before poetrade. effectively making it impossible for me (that can't code my own parser) to get said item. and last i checked i shouldn't need to know programming to be able to play Path of Exile on the same level as others.
HedgeMoney wrote:
Finally, a good change. Well, some people use the API, for non-trading reasons though. But in that case, they should just apply to be allowed to use the API if its for community wide tools that everyone can use.
But then again, that feels like a waste of time, that they should be spending on the game itself, instead.

they are allowed, the information will just come 60 seconds after whitelisted people. I don't know any situation other than trade sniping that 60-second delay matters.
Setharial wrote:
What about PoeNinja?

you're literally dumb.

what about it??
thanks for that ggg good job
I dont think will do much at all to hurt snipers.Most Sniping tools connect to POE trade Live to and is almost no different than having a bunch of POE trade Live tabs open only more convenient and they auto copy/paste and can even send the whisper to buy which will still be much faster than anyone doing it manually.All this will do is put poe trade sniping bots on par with api sniping boys but snipings bots will still have first dibs on everything.
i myself am programmer and think allowing such thing is not a good idea for 2 reasons:

1) competition, fair situation for all, 60sec is good
2) will make your server slower, ddos attacks, and more.
3) making it lower than 60sec is the way to make more bots.
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
Last edited by unlucky_child#3397 on Dec 7, 2017, 9:37:49 PM
sarannah101 wrote:
Very nice!

Are you guys at GGG also working on a way to blacklist pricefixers? ... those who purpposely put up items/currency at either very high or very low pricings without any intention to sell those items, but instead use their listings to pricefix?

This should be done, especially since you guys at GGG have your own trading site now. Should be easy to write some code which spews out player names whose prices differ over 50% from the regular listings. Once a name pops up too often, manually check their item listings, and if needed give them a timed tradesite ban(increasing with each offense), like the chat channels have.

Pricefixing is one of the worst aspects of the game at the moment, especially for new players who do not know item values well and for players like me who hardly ever trade.

You can Blacklist fixers on their official site via Ignore.. Unfortunately on poe.trade that's out of GGGs hands the guys over there have to implement something for that. You can always stick to the official site and Ignore the fixers you see and wont see them again. About the best we got ATM.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Thanks for the best news of 3.1!

Now it's about time to implement a way to see our ignore list.

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