Responses to the 3.1.0 Patch Notes

Are u missing some other nerf too or only buffs?

I would like dont change my build every 2 weeks...
Chris wrote:
The Baron nerf
This item should never have gone out in its original state. A single item granting a ~200% bonus to melee physical damage for minions is not acceptable. We are very sorry for this, and that we had to later nerf it. It's still a great item.

From what I overhear in the office, the new Abyss Jewels are "outrageously powerful for summoners" and can roll "so much crazy shit".

The fact that you say a SINGLE ITEM is the one that grants ~200% bonus to minions, is huge evidence that you took no consideration in what it takes to get the bonuses from The Baron. Getting the bonuses from The Baron for your minions requires quite an investment, being a CONJUNCTION OF SEVERAL ITEMS, not a SINGLE ITEM. Like I said in the patch notes, it requires at least two efficient training jewels (perhaps more, or an inertia jewel if you travel towards the dexterity part of the tree), brawn jewels or an alberon's warpath (or both), astramentis, and 3-4 high quality rare items. Those are several jewel sockets, which necromancers always use in order to cap resistances and increase minion damage. Those items I mentioned also take up popular minion unique items, such as Sidhebreath and Bones of Ullr. Yes, the damage increase was very large, but so was the investment and the efforts one had to put in order to reach those levels of damage increase. Obviously, minions that would cast spells are not affected by this (unless people used iron will and iron grip, if they could be supported), but SRS, melee spectres (Not that many, by the way), and most of all ZOMBIES have been brought down a lot. The Baron was the reason why zombie builds that could kill shaper even existed. Now zombies will just be tanks again, making that low level skill irrelevant, again.

And the fact that SRS still has negative Added Damage means absolutely nothing, even if it was a 15% increase, because Hatred still remains as the best option for them. The true buff was for skeletons, which, due to the max number that one can have, still remain irrelevant, because they die so easily.

Once again, the fact that you say a SINGLE ITEM is very bothering, because it's not like the baron itself granted 1000+ strength. It required lots of investment, which you completely ignored and didn't even consider. That's very irritating, because you nerfed an item that potentially made zombies an endgame viable build.
Last edited by Agrippas258#0130 on Dec 6, 2017, 12:02:51 PM
Chris wrote:
Do you feel this approach was worse than holding back information to bolster the patch notes with crazy reveals?

No, I think presenting important changes earlier was a fine approach, with the patch notes serving more to get everything in one place and fill the gaps.
Unique items that alter skills, creating new builds = fine
"Chase" Unique items that have fantastic effects, creating new builds = fine
Any Unique item that's required to make a shitty skill decent = garbage

Just buff the skills, don't create items as band-aids. That's what D3 did and part of why it turned to garbage. I don't want to have to farm/buy something to make a skill I want to use usable, especially not if it's some level 68 thing that I won't even be able to use until maps.
Most of the nerfs were needed except more chaos with legacies.

But this change doesn´t make any sense to me.

Lion's Roar: Now only grants knockback to melee attacks during flask effect.

and compare with
Magic flask of Fending req. level 9 suffix
Adds Knockback to Melee Attacks during Flask effect

For what reason we should use Lion's Roar over any magic flask now ... ?
It´s pretty useless now :(

On the other hand nice surprise with PvP balance.

Especially - Bleeding, Ignite and Poison now undergo PvP scaling based on the attack or cast time of the ailment's source. For skills with time override, the ailments use that.

and Death´s oath too.

Just one recommendation

Listen more people on these forums (feedback, pvp ...) than on Reddit or some streamers!
Don´t balance the game around 0.1% of the community (top streamers).
Chris wrote:
Do you feel this approach was worse than holding back information to bolster the patch notes with crazy reveals?

Nope. I like it.

Please stop listening to reddit
never trust ze germans!
BlazeSTX wrote:
Guys - just keep in mind that disregarding the name of the topic, if you post too negative comments on it - your posts will be removed.
It's totalitarian society after all.. Who am I to oppose it ?!
And dissregarding the a few tens of fake account the dev is trying to force us to belive us into "there is a peoples which is in love with the patch", I am still insisting that this patch is build just to gain more popularity over some lousy WC-room streaming chanel guy..

It fits none of the general idea of PoE. Actually none since 3.0 fits it, except the map and skills and items adds.

So because you are pissy about the patch, everyone else needs to have the same opinion or they are a fake account. Great logic.

And no, I do not have any problems with the patch notes.
Mismatched wrote:
I do not have any problems with the patch notes.

You are fake then. Because this patch is utter bullshit.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
Whatever helps you sleep at night :)
Rakiii wrote:
Most of the nerfs were needed except more chaos with legacies.

But this change doesn´t make any sense to me.

Lion's Roar: Now only grants knockback to melee attacks during flask effect.

and compare with
Magic flask of Fending req. level 9 suffix
Adds Knockback to Melee Attacks during Flask effect

For what reason we should use Lion's Roar over any magic flask now ... ?
It´s pretty useless now :(

You're misreading the change.

He didn't mean that that's literally the only thing the flask does. He meant that the line that says "adds knockback during flask effect" will now only apply to melee attacks. Currently it adds knockback to literally all of your Hits.

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