Atlas Migration Information

Zerdligham wrote:
BloodBaneBoneBreaker wrote:
You guys know that new maps will drop from old maps right?

You might not get elder items but maps that drop in the legacy maps will.

The sky isn't falling, if you have a good map pool, and your atlas is already unlocked, those legacy maps are an easy way to get high tier new maps on hour 1

The problem is that for example if I have shaped my atlas to get only shore as T13, and I have buttloads of it, if I play them I will unlock all T13 maps on the new atlas, which I probably don't want to.
For a lot of players, T10+ legacy map will have no value anymore.

IMO, they should simply make it so that legacy maps don't unlock anything.

You don’t even know if Shore is still a T8/T13 in 3.1... we saw this Unique Dune map as a T7 so probably lots of changes, and all shaping work to redo
Would be nice to not have our maps made legacy every so often if they are not going to work as they used to nor give current rewards. There has to be a way to allow you to change maps without screwing over the players with stockpiles of them.
Have fun! And go buy my stuff...

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SaiyanZ wrote:
xXaiushthaXx wrote:

who the hell even plays standart ?

Seems like everyone in this thread except you. Got FOMO?

I'm in standard when the league is 2 months too long or is a total yawn fest to play.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Kuruguhn wrote:
Would be nice to not have our maps made legacy every so often if they are not going to work as they used to nor give current rewards. There has to be a way to allow you to change maps without screwing over the players with stockpiles of them.

As the legacy maps don't change tier levels, it seems as though GGG could do this, and as others have suggested, let players that have shaped their Atlas for a particular outcome, have an optional reset.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Fitchner wrote:
As of now, all my Characters are in Standard

I halfheartedly played just one league before on this acc and my masters were lvl 5...and guess what, they STILL ARE!!

My whole Atlas, my Hideout and my master Xp is either not yet there or just vanished...
I got 4 Lvl 95 chars and much more (items, currency, stuff to try out), but I cannot enjoy them with things fucked up as they are now

Checking again tomorrow, hope it gets fixed

All of this will be on standard after server reset. From what I heard it happens every league, though I'm not sure when. At worst you will get them with the start of a new expansion. At least you played before and have a hideout.
So for the TLDR version, does this mean it is better to use up as many of your maps and unlock as many bonus objectives as possible before the patch hits, or to sit tight and wait until after the patch to play?
I dont understand why masters lvl are not the highest between standard and harbinger league. Same for labs.

I started to play the game in harbinger league (I only had a lvl35 on standard). Almost all my masters were lvl 8, I did all my labs on at least one char.
Now my masters are lvl 1 or 2 (I haven't even acces to my hideout, so I had to lvl up the first I saw), my labs were disabled (I had to find again all locations in acts and in maps to access labs) are not the best
for the elder to properly work a wipe is required. this is not negotiable.
I think i would appreciate an optional reset to my atlas with all the new stuff, it would make it way easier to keep track of what new stuff I've done, and if i have to rebuild my map pool anyways, i want to know what i have and have not done for real.
NIKOvbn wrote:
Please, for the fucking love of god, get rid of bullshit Xsolla or reverse the changes with payment methods

They’re bringing back Stripe, their previous payments processor.


Lyonnel wrote:
I dont understand why masters lvl are not the highest between standard and harbinger league. Same for labs.

Some of the migration process cannot be completed without server downtime.
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Last edited by Sarno#0493 on Dec 4, 2017, 11:02:21 PM

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