Black Friday through to Cyber Monday Weekend Sale!

At last something worth considering :P
Fips_PoE wrote:
ultrapowercake wrote:
I'm ready for discounts

I think I am even more ready than you!

Hah! Well...I browsed all the MTXs before and got all I needed so far. I'm fine with my 2 coins....If there will be a discounted weta pet for 2 coins or similar i will hit that buy button!

Weta was available for 1 coin earlier. You could have gotten two! But no worries, they will be on sale again, but given the different time zones it requires some sophisticated math to figure out when exactly. That's part of the fun, I guess.

Anyway, I got the Seeker pack and bought some falling leaves, lights and the swarm thingy for my HO, cause they were discounted to 5 and 7 points. At that point, it sounded fair and I like those things, as they are pretty atmospheric. Plus, I will need some points for the upcoming stash tab sale anyway.

Really hope there is going to be some alternate skill effects on sale, though.


3PM-4PM - Demon King and Bleached Demon King armour sets and individual MTX
2PM-3PM - some wings I think
1PM-2PM - various hideout decorations (thrones, impaled something, lightning rod, leaves, wisp swarm, light beam)
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Last edited by Char1983#2680 on Nov 24, 2017, 2:33:29 PM
Anyone else having issues buying points/packs?

Not letting me get beyond the Buy screen.
Aldora_the_Summoner wrote:
GGG should rename this the "Whiny little entitled bitches sale!".

Whaaaa.... but I work! Then you can afford to pay full price.

Whaaaa.... but I need that item. Then just buy it. And you don't need it.

Whaaaa.... but I might be asleep when it goes on sale! It's alright sleeping beauty, life will go on.

Whaaaa.... I want to support you GGG. What, by giving them less money for an item. That's very noble of you. Be honest, you want a bargain. There's nothing wrong with that, but step up and own your motivation.

Every MTX that GGG has eventually goes on sale at some point. So if you aren't fortunate enough to be online when the one you want is discounted then you will have an opportunity another time.

Adjust your perspective. Consider this a surprise opportunity for something cool you're not expecting when you happen to be online.

First off, this is all coming from a person who hasn't bought a supporter pack. Have you even supported this game at all???? Virtually anyone I've seen complaining has supporter packs totaling $400 easily! These are actually people that have spent hundreds and even thousands of dollars to support this game and yes, most of those items were probably at full price.

Getting things at a discount is only human nature. Don't just sidestep the problem because some of the people with the most money to spend are being screwed over with this sale. Most people here have spent well over $100 to support this game so we all should value their feedback.
First off, this is all coming from a person who hasn't bought a supporter pack. Have you even supported this game at all???? Virtually anyone I've seen complaining has supporter packs totaling $400 easily! These are actually people that have spent hundreds and even thousands of dollars to support this game and yes, most of those items were probably at full price.

Getting things at a discount is only human nature. Don't just sidestep the problem because some of the people with the most money to spend are being screwed over with this sale. Most people here have spent well over $100 to support this game so we all should value their feedback.

when you pay something with real money from virtual cosmetic items, there is no "market value" so there isn't basically discount or sales, there's price what people (usually whales) are willing to pay on item, and if it's absurd (as +60 dollar from armor set lol) price, people wont pay it, at least not so many. I'd rather pay 50 dollar from a game which doesn't count on milking addicted peoples money. Why noy just make 3d armor effect on gear? instead if you don't want to look like lvl 1 rpg character you must pay with real money. It's stupid and idiotic.

I think it's telling more from a company (GGG) when they put one item on sale at the time and try to focus on weak people.. since they'r usually impulsive buyers.

In the end i do like this game and i usually play few weeks new league until whole content is seen or "done" This is excellent ARPG -game, but i heavily dislike GGG's way to milk money from addictive people with loot boxes(which are illegal on many country since it's gambling) or this kind of sales. Yes, it's "f2p", but with 3 normal stash tab and no way to sell items from stash without installing 3rd party software tells something about GGG's idea of "f2p" game. This is why people usually end buying 20-30 dollar worth of stash tabs to even play this game properly.. so people are "supporting" this game, even thought they wont pay supported pack. Not everyone want's forum cosmetic border lol, you can still be shitty player even with 2k worth of skins.. :)

Just my 2 cent.
Last edited by KimiiG#7298 on Nov 24, 2017, 3:21:02 PM
Char1983 wrote:
1PM-2PM - various hideout decorations (thrones, impaled something, lightning rod, leaves, wisp swarm, light beam)
2PM-3PM - some wings I think
3PM-4PM - Demon King and Bleached Demon King armour sets and individual MTX

4PM-5PM - demonic skill effects
5PM-6PM - Alabaster and Obsidian armour sets and pieces
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
this is cool and all, a little twist is always good, at least it s not boring, but i am pretty sure, that the thing i really want to buy is either not gonna be on sale, or it is gonna be on sale when im sleeping, so it would be much better to have like 50ish items on sale at once for a whole day, its 4 days, that s 200 items. and everyone can buy what they want, but they still need to watch out for the daily sales.
Did not know there was a sale until a few minutes ago when i saw this thread after logging into the game and seeing the banner ad. Figured cool... lets go spend some money... saw the format... hourly changes with no list of whats coming up next... ill just keep my money.... /shrug.
The specials in store are not updating. I wanted to buy herald gem effects but aren't on sale.
Go Big Or Go Home!
Never mind my last post. lol It just updated
Go Big Or Go Home!

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