[3.5] League Starter W.O.E Sund Slayer / 35c Day 1 Cost / U-Lab Sprinter / High Damage Mitigation

Hey, considering doing this build as my starter for delve. Does that merciless lab trick still work?
Hey guys, wanted to ask if you thought it was worth it to spend to get a better Bringer of Rain. Here's my current one:

So I got it really cheap, but it's got 1 blue socket (and I have a 6L WOE with 4 red,1 blue, and 1 green socket for my sunder, use faster attacks in green. In the helm I swapped ou one of the totem red support gems for concentrated effect and that's been fine) and it's been corrupted BEFORE it was quality 20'd. It's got a really good armor/evasion roll. It looks like for me to get an un-corrupted one with similar armor/evasion + life rolls will be about 60 Chaos in Delve atm. I've got 3 exalts, 180 chaos and bunch of other currency, but was curious on people's thoughts on spending 40-60 chaos to get a better un-corrupted helmet with similar rolls or spend that one better endgame rings/gloves?


PS this has been great even without final 2 ascendancy , I just started playing 3 weeks ago or so and once I figured out I need to cap resist (died 6 times doing koam) like a newb, it's been relatively smooth sailing, even through most tier 7 maps. I'd like to keep going with it and not start a character the last couple weeks of a league, which is why I'm asking. Also down to almost level 100 delve very smoothly. I do need enduring cry which as I get very few endurance charges without it.

PPS even before I switched to Bringer, which was like 2 days ago, it worked great with a 4L devotos and a 6 socket, 4L 1250 armor rare chest armor.
Last edited by Dante2377#3860 on Nov 10, 2018, 2:47:11 PM
Dante2377 wrote:
Hey guys, wanted to ask if you thought it was worth it to spend to get a better Bringer of Rain. Here's my current one:

So I got it really cheap, but it's got 1 blue socket (and I have a 6L WOE with 4 red,1 blue, and 1 green socket for my sunder, use faster attacks in green. In the helm I swapped ou one of the totem red support gems for concentrated effect and that's been fine) and it's been corrupted BEFORE it was quality 20'd. It's got a really good armor/evasion roll. It looks like for me to get an un-corrupted one with similar armor/evasion + life rolls will be about 60 Chaos in Delve atm. I've got 3 exalts, 180 chaos and bunch of other currency, but was curious on people's thoughts on spending 40-60 chaos to get a better un-corrupted helmet with similar rolls or spend that one better endgame rings/gloves?


PS this has been great even without final 2 ascendancy , I just started playing 3 weeks ago or so and once I figured out I need to cap resist (died 6 times doing koam) like a newb, it's been relatively smooth sailing, even through most tier 7 maps. I'd like to keep going with it and not start a character the last couple weeks of a league, which is why I'm asking. Also down to almost level 100 delve very smoothly. I do need enduring cry which as I get very few endurance charges without it.

PPS even before I switched to Bringer, which was like 2 days ago, it worked great with a 4L devotos and a 6 socket, 4L 1250 armor rare chest armor.

You’re supposed to have your sunder setup in BoR as it’s a very cheap pseudo-7L. Life is the only roll that really matters from memory.
I'd rather have the level 20 melee phy damage and faster attacks in my 6L WOE than the lower level ones (18 and 23) from helm + level 6 blind, but that seems like splitting hairs. The only annoying thing is losing sunder when weapon swapping to brightbeak to hop around, but it's fine.

What I was really asking is is it worth ~60 chaos for getting another Bringer for another 50 pts of armor and 70 points of evasion, as well as being able to uber-lab enchant the thing? Will the lab enchant and the extra armor/evasion be at all helpful in squeezing out more top end play into maps and things?
Is this build still viable?
Yes sir still viable.

Doing a bit of an update to the written guide as we speak.
3.4 Economic update & League Experience:

Day 1 Pricing:
Day 1 average value pricing (likely to stay static now most of the gear is easy to find and considered second rate, even on day 1 of a new league) of all the gear in order of importance, thanks to poe.ninja's price tracker:

BOR Helm - 10c
Carnage Amulet - 7c
Writhing Flask - 5c
WOE Axe - 1 Alch
Atziri Flask - 4c
Rumi's Flask - 4c
Atziri Boots - 3c
Gloves, Belt, Rings, Jewels & other flasks - 1-2c purchases at most or just equip and use junk drops while levelling & low level mapping. Jewels can be self crafted magic or rares with no high level crafting unlocks needed.
Alt-Weapon 1 (Brightbeak) - 3c
Alt-Weapon 2 (Prismatic Eclipse) - 3c

**Please keep in mind that lower rolled stats on the items will reduce their value below what's listed & that lower rolls on any of the gear other than the amulet will be almost unnoticeable for the purposes of what we are using the gear and the build for. So by all means, cheap out on the gear if you like to save even more money.

Day 10 pricing:

Less than 15 chaos total for everything.

Day 30 Pricing:

Less than 10 chaos total for everything.

How the build felt in Delve / 3.4 in general:
I used a summoner build first this season as a league starter, instead of this, so I levelled and had a bit of a different experience with this build than normal. Levelling was easy as piss with inexpensive twink gear. Took me 3 hours all up going from L1-70 solo. Not the fastest I've ever done it, but reasonable none the less.

I did the Uber Lab at L71 with most of the unique gear equipped and left over magic blue rings & belt equipped. Izaro was a piece of piss. I don't however expect everyone to find it as easy, because many don't have the experience fighting him that I and other older vet's of this game in here have. Having said that, he's no more difficult now than in any previous season. I got some Uber Lab runs under my belt to try for a few specific enchants on other gear I couldn't find on poe.trade. I had fairly mixed to shitty enchant results, but came across enough high-quality gem drops from strongboxes before & after the Izaro fights to sell the low-mid quality gems alone at the vendor for over 100 gemcutter prism orb's in a single afternoon (about 120 chaos value). I farmed the Uber Lab enough to level the character from 72-85 in two afternoons of play. Had 1 exalt drop, and around 200 chaos worth of pure currency. Had another 100c worth of alch's from selling unique items at the vendor. Probably 50c worth of div cards and then a few 100 chaos worth of random unique's and high quality (19/20) level skill gems that I sold over the next 5 days. Basically the three days of playing the character was enough to fully fund a dual max'd out attack speed poet's pen VD/HOA pathfinder build with expensive cooldown reduction gear that I then took into the end game, knocked off the Guardians, farmed red elder and deep delves with. The cost in offerings to run as many Uber Lab's as i did was probably around 120-150 chaos.

I farmed low-level delves effortlessly with this build, did plenty of dark running with it also. I took it to Delve depth 200 before deciding it was getting to be a pain in the ass to push past that & couldn't be assed investing into better gear. For what it's worth though, feel free to instead equip MF boots, gloves, rings & a bisco's amulet if you wanna do some magic find low level map farming. The build performs just fine & safe in T1-5 maps once you have all your skill gems levelled up to at least L19. You don't even need quality on any of the skill gems.

Thought's on the coming 3.5 season:
Unless something massive changes, this build will still be just as viable as it is now, for it's design purpose. I would recommend however when levelling to do yourself a favor and skip the Incursions and re-worked master missions that have timed elements to them. As this build is completely shithouse at clearing large areas of packs quickly when levelling from Act 1 to 10.
Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on Nov 14, 2018, 8:55:49 PM
Dante2377 wrote:
I'd rather have the level 20 melee phy damage and faster attacks in my 6L WOE than the lower level ones (18 and 23) from helm + level 6 blind, but that seems like splitting hairs. The only annoying thing is losing sunder when weapon swapping to brightbeak to hop around, but it's fine.

What I was really asking is is it worth ~60 chaos for getting another Bringer for another 50 pts of armor and 70 points of evasion, as well as being able to uber-lab enchant the thing? Will the lab enchant and the extra armor/evasion be at all helpful in squeezing out more top end play into maps and things?

In my opinion no. The build is basically designed to be as functional as possible on as small a budget as possible.

If you want a better build, this won't be able to be min-maxed or get out the better results if you start pumping currency into gear and levelling time into it anywhere near or close to what other melee characters and builds are capable of.

Even a middle of the road 1-2ex valued Jugg build with max endurance charges and any attack skill or spell for DPS is going to do better than this build can. But that's not the point of this build. The point of this build is to create a character than can farm Uber Lab for the first 3-5 days of any new league and start farming it on day 1 of the new league with dirt cheap gear, so you can generate currency quickly to afford end-game build gear easily inside the first week, as opposed to having to spend weeks farming currency to afford doing the same.

Unlike pretty much any other build though, this can farm the Uber Lab on day 1, pretty much the instant you finish Act 10, at a very low cost, with lower level 16 gems, no quality on anything and it can be done persistently in 4-5 minutes at a time as early as that low level with that crap gear.
Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on Nov 15, 2018, 12:35:17 AM
Several sections of the build guide now updated.
How do you generate endurance charges with this build? It's not only from the helmet right?

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