[3.5] League Starter W.O.E Sund Slayer / 35c Day 1 Cost / U-Lab Sprinter / High Damage Mitigation
" Tabula Rasa chest piece only costs 10c (90 jewelers orb's at the current exchange rate) currently. It will get cheaper as the season progresses. The upside could be that the chest levels gem's quicker via it's unique bonus, however, I've not actually seen anyone confirm or prove it levels gem's while wearing the BringOfRain helm. I'm going to test it out and see for myself. Will update when i get some results first hand. |
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First, thanks for your hard work to create this build, i am really enjoying it ! And it is the first time that i am able to run the uber lab like a breeze. I was just wondering if you guys think there is a kind of updgrade possible for this build ? I was thinking, with enough currencies obviously, to change the helmet and put a 6 links chest (maybe belly of the beast) where i can put the ancestral warchief gems ? And maybe change the Atziri boots with Death doors boots ? What do you guys think ? Thanks !! |
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" I'm using that helm, and thanks to CyclopsRio i switched my tabula rasa for that chest armour : http://prntscr.com/htrqvr |
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" I'm doing the same at the moment but I honestly can't tell if it's actually levelling gem's quicker, which is it's sole use for us? I've spent a few hours playing and it doesn't seem as if anything is levelling any faster than normal. I don't really know how I can actually prove if it does or doesn't work, either way, too? This is what I've got equipped and am testing currently: Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on Dec 29, 2017, 7:24:19 AM
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Since that post i only made a T8 map and 1 uberlab, and my enhance gem due to it's now 150% xp gain made already 4.5mil xp. Maybe later i'll get another one to pout in my alternate weapon to show the difference between them, but now i have to go to work :|
Empower, enlighten and enhance i always try to bring them at 20% quality asap for that 100% XP gain. Last edited by UnLovedOne#1256 on Dec 29, 2017, 7:51:16 AM
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I'm having fun with this gear- not quite as much life but lots of damage. |
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Looking forward to remaining 2 guardians and shaper. Killed hydra and phoenix in vaaled rare maps without having to use enduring cry. I have option to change some nodes to endurance charges so i suppose shaper is possible to do with this build.
Thank you for this build it allowed me to access new content in game such as guardians and t15+ maps. Last edited by Zendro565#6270 on Dec 29, 2017, 10:48:46 PM
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" So both my Cleave and Sunder gem are level 19 I put my Cleave gem in a blue socket of the robe. I was farming some maps and Cleave made pretty much 25% more XP so it is indeed working! The Numbers: (Note: Im from Germany so dots are for visibility and comma is for decimal digits. I think thats different for other countries so don't get confused here ;) ) Sunder in my Helmet: Start XP: 97.308.199 End: 106.396.796 Difference: 9.088.597 Cleave in Armour (B): Start XP: 169.691.957 End 181.051.062 Difference: 11.359.105 11.359.105 - 9.088.597 = 2.270.508 9.088.597 x 0,25 = 2.272.149,25 New BIS Armour for that build it seems and it looks way better than tabulas so good job for finding that CyclopsRio! |
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" How are you actually confirming these numbers as accurate though? No map's give the same amount of XP, not even map's within the same tier as each other. You won't even get the same amount of XP by running the same map twice. The internal map mod's (like strongboxes / abysses / exiles / breach) themselves change the XP you'll get from a map, even on two identical un-modded maps if run back to back. |
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" I started to play this game seriously with 3.0 patch so I definitely could be wrong but as far as I see it, it doesn't matter at all how much XP I get from maps. So lets say you put two level 1 gems in your weapon and start farming. Both gems always level at the exact same time or not? That means both gems always get the same amount of xp no matter what you do. So now put one level 1 gem in your weapon and one in a blue socket of the chest armour. From now on the gem in the armour should always get 25% more xp than the gem in your weapon regardless of the content you do. My numbers basically confirm this. The sunder gem with out the 25% buff made 9 million XP and the Cleave gem with the 25% made 11 million XP. And 25% of 9 million is a little over 2 million so the numbers check out. I had both gems equipped all the time, never took them out or anything. But yeah someone should double check it for sure. Last edited by Jerem1ahJones#0578 on Dec 31, 2017, 7:23:14 AM
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