The Fall of Oriath Supporter Packs end in Two Weeks and Super Stash Sale
Since the only non hypocritical supporter pack named after Kitava was good looking.. It’s perfect like this. Bring us some better stuff (they can still be bad, Atlas was not worth a penny imo).
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Nice to hear, that there is the chance to get a nice designed Pack.
The last Packs look like a crossover of power rangers and pokemon. i really envy the people who get their hands on the Master Packs, unfortunatly i was to late with start playing PoE. everytime there is a announcement, that new packs are coming i hope there will be armor packs of that kind, dark and realistic not these walking christmas trees we have these days. greetings. |
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Two out of 4 payment options have silently been removed, no alternative payment is offered, no official statment at all.
I guess you don´t really wanna sell anything anymore? |
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I hope the next supporter packs are as good as the Atlas ones!
I will probably purchase the highest tier if they have a "dark fantasy" vibe, not like the Fall of Oriath ones that look more like World of Warcraft armours :/ Randall Flagg
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" Let's test stupidity and misinformation.Shall we? Harbinger Pack are 30 and 60 dollars.Yes or no?Fill blank.... Was Harbinger promoted as an expansion or as a league of an expansion?Fill blank... Is 3.1 being promoted as an expansion or as a league which you seem to confuse?Fill blank... Was 2.2 and 2.4 expansions?If yes then why you are complaining about 3.1 being an expansion and instead of commenting them you come as ass hole? Fill blank Do you even know how to argue and not contradict yourself with being first call them out going for the cash then say you are surprised that they actually put expansion one after another? Fill blank... Before judging my grammar skills on my not native language,try to instill logic to your sentences.You can't. You don't know me, yet you have opinion for me.But I can tell what you are because you can't put 1+1 together. Ptotip.Try to answer the blanks without sound stupid.You can't. I'll be waiting Bye bye desync!
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" I dont think fall of oriath was a major expansion, I think the next one will be. |
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" Ok, you're going off on somebody without understanding their contention - Something you should probably refrain from if English isn't your first language. XNtrysyti understands that expansions bring new supporter packs, so calm down. The POINT is that we are now facing expansion supporter packs with the time frame of only 1 league to purchase them. -League packs are relatively cheap and buying one during a league is not difficult. -Expansion packs can be 10x more expensive and in the past, this has been fine because these packs have spanned multiple leagues; giving players almost a year to purchase them. XNtrysyti is commenting that it sucks to see 3.0 packs discontinued so quickly relative to how much they cost. From a supporter point of view; instead of dropping $500/year on expansion supporter packs, GGG ramped up to 2 in 1 year, effectively collecting twice as much from avid supporters who will buy the highest tiers. |
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Bummer. I wanted to get the Eclipse pack but I told myself I wouldn't buy any new packs until gets fixed. I love this game, but seeing this go without response for almost a year while more people report on the bug is frustrating.
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" So your definition of "major expansion" is just new end-game content? -dropped cruel/merc and added 6 new acts -reworked scion ascendancy -massive overhaul to damage calculations, eliminating most forms of 'double dipping' -changes to the passive tree -reworked bandit rewards -new pantheon system added -new uniques -overhaul to many existing uniques -nerfed ES scaling and introduced a life-based meta for the first time since the cooling of the universe -reworked labyrinth -3 new skills/ 14 supports -dynamically scaling performance to prevent players from dropping frames during spell effect spamming -reworked the minimap -reworked water effects. -new vaal areas/unique mobs -overhaul to the tutorial system -increase in map boss difficulty I have no idea how someone could conclude 3.0 wasn't a major expansion. It would be easier to list all the things that weren't updated/reworked. |
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hype :D
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