Try out our new Trade Site!
" You're right, in a way I guess I am. I see why their stance on the AH is a no go ever. I saw what it did to D3 back in the day and it was a total disaster. Sorry I brought it up and started an argument over it. It was a suggestion but a bad one and I'll admit when I'm wrong. Last edited by Mindslayer92#3056 on Nov 6, 2017, 2:10:25 PM
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It needs a "manage your shop" for bulk item trades as has.
It needs a way to bulk item trades for unique maps. What does "no user activity" after 2 hours, mean? What type of user activity? Ingame? One any of the path of exile site? On the current search? How do we know it stopped searching? It would be nice to know when the live search stops searching. You should not be able to have your same trade appear multiple times on the bulk item trade. That is highly abusable and people are starting to do it. The first 5 trades i see are for the same person, for the same trade. We should be able to put maximum price 2.5 chaos for example. Doing the math internally to what is 2.5 in other currency. As it does Otherwise, the site is awesome, really like it. Thank you GGG. Last edited by MtNak#2471 on Nov 6, 2017, 5:15:07 PM
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I got a trade request from an ancient Standard trade thread that I'm pretty sure had been filtering for years due to the thread's age. The thread itself was created in September 2013 and had not been modified or bumped since March 2016. I'm not sure that the site was intended to scrape data that old, but if it is, there was a problem. The site was not picking up the price from the old style spoiler used there; i.e. the buyer could not see the (admittedly super outdated) price. Perhaps prices in spoiler tags are no longer supported? If they are, they are not showing properly. Example
~b/o 1 Exalted
Doomed for Life
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I like the new trade site better than poetrade, but it seems to have fewer items for sale when I've tried it.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone |
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Making shards hand over fist!
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One auction house would make trading fore efficient and easier for new players.
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I was really hesitating to post a comment, because it is a very difficult and sensible topic... First off, I want to express my love for the game and all the work and effort GGG puts into it and everything around it!
This is a really big thread and should therefor have an impact and show how important the subject of trading (naturally) is to players. It really seems to be the genereal wish to have a ingame trade integration, which I agree with, but I do not think it should be fully automated. So no AFK or offline trading... I like the trade manifesto and agree with chris on many terms. i would however like to have an online ingame trade system. Others already mentioned this... a window pops up (like party invite) and states the trade request. You can then agree or deny the request or even nagotiate. I enjoy finding or crafting valuable items, but selling them gives me the same feeling of joy, so I wouldn't want to miss this. It would feel strange logging in and seeing you got more currency, but some items disappeared... On a sidenote... when I started playing POE casual I did not know about trading, did not know what hideouts were for and so on. I heard about by accident from a friend and then started googling it. Edit: Also I'm running 2 makros atm to cope with the current trade system. When in lab, I run 3 makros... There should not be the need to do this. In a game where trading is so important as in Poe a working trading system should be provided by the game and the need to rely on third party software should not exist... Last edited by ThilleFisch#5200 on Nov 7, 2017, 7:06:06 AM
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can we just sell everything in this site too? it seems to be good at first place but it really difficult to sell anything in our stash without any helpful program such as acquisition...
Game is soooo hard, life is sooo rough
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" i dont know it is a good or bad ideal because we have a lession in diablo 3, that not healthy for game, POE is a game without any official currency, so it should be fine if we can bargain price, it is the game unique feature, i think GGG should not ruin it, a trade site is good but i think it seems to be late and this is a worse trade website than, it need to improve by the time. too many newbies in this game dont know how to trade, have no ideal about, and just know about the trade chat channel... and that is a worst channel ever for a newbie => get 1 league to know about, + 1 league to learn how the currency trade work (too many afk but not real afk) To GGG: i need to search not only the unique item, high stat rare item, somewhat unique mods from essence, unique mods from rare item from map, i want also find some crafting item (i see no prefix and surfix tier - it hard to know and remember which is high tier and low) and i also want to sell in this site (maybe GGG should give us a trade stash? just 1 stash similar to premium stash to sell item in website? or all 4 i will appreciate that), => if GGG want to get a trade website? recruit the one make or make a easy copy Game is soooo hard, life is sooo rough
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" that is so true! there is absolutly no information about "real trading" ingame. the newcomers are getting heavily scamed in that "worthless" trade channel. "worthless" because endgamers are constantly running maps or labs, most of them do not spam in tradechat, wait and hope for answers. I have a friend who played about severel hundrets of hours and he didn't know about he never reached the guardians or farmed for vaal queen, until we met ingame and i had to tell him the story with poe trading... at least a "real trading tutorial" or any kind of trade lobby or live trade interface, call it tradeboard, should be integrated and set it in every city next to the eventsboard or somethin i understand that face to face trade should be a important part of trading process but the reality is like: - ALT TAB - SEARCH - COPY TO CLIPBOARD - ALT TAB - PASTE IN CHAT - NO ANSWER -> repeat along the 10 offers of the first page, because ppl are not forced to sell or generally bound to their offers and spam the trade page to push down the prices. - OFFLINE -SOLD (long time ago but still in system) - Finaly real, online, not sold, trade offers: - Lab - Lab - Lab - Lab - XYZ has invited you to Party. - Teleport to his Hideout - Finaly the the Trade Offer Window pops up GGG now has an official Trading Site to continue exactly THAT. I understand that some efforts in trading and face to face meetings should be part of this game, but to be forced to go OUT OF THE GAME, to trade INGAME afterwards is just NOT A GOOD SOLUTION. i read the manifesto and it is true that automated systems never should be in any tradesystem but plz make more presence ingame!! Last edited by kublaih#7643 on Nov 11, 2017, 6:19:03 AM
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