Try out our new Trade Site!

Does this mean public API will no longer be public?
Ingame UI and remote Selling would be much more useful than that. i mean worked great so no need for another "webpage" to do that.

+Remote Selling UI (from map position ingame)

+Items "marked for sell" should be sold automatically (with some seconds of delay of course to doublecheck the offer) at trading process until the user cancel item "sell marking"


+Trade Notifications (related to the Ingame Trade UI)

Thx for the work.
Finally, no more aids ads slowing my net to 1kbs... Now auto trade please!
First, feedback: unlike poe.goods, your site doesn't specify if a certain affix is a prefix or a suffix. Thus, you have to search other sites for that, to see if you can craft the item in the way you want.

Second, ARE YOU MAD???
You are trying to make trading more difficult, when you spend so much time designing premium stash tabs? Without trade, this game would not be endgame viable - endless, reward-less grinding will get people to play other games!
What you should do is to make trading very easy, and very affordable, in order to make the trading system in itself very appealing - and so, to require those precious tabs of yours.

Third, the example of enchantments - there are not enough people trading them, more specifically, buying them. That is because the +40% increased damage is not worth the money asked by sellers. You can simply improve that by changing increased with more. Thus, anyone would want that precise enchantment, and will trade for it, because there are too small a chance to obtain it yourself. So, buff the enchantments!!!
omg the alt-tabbing continues...
bring the auction house!
holy shit finally?!
but what we really need is trading without having to leave maps/lab constantly. was good enough we just need trading that can be done from where u are at the moment without having to go to town or hideout.
It still doesn't need to be fully automated - players can get a prompt for trade and if they accept it only then the exchange takes place automatically in the stash/inventory (provided theres room for it)
Firstly, thank you for efforts to make trade viable and in line with the trade manifesto. I don't necessarily agree, but I applaud your adherence to strategy.

I've noticed a huge increase in lag since this was implemented. Is this just my experience or are others having the same?
stalkingjackal wrote:
holy shit finally?!
but what we really need is trading without having to leave maps/lab constantly. was good enough we just need trading that can be done from where u are at the moment without having to go to town or hideout.
It still doesn't need to be fully automated - players can get a prompt for trade and if they accept it only then the exchange takes place automatically in the stash/inventory (provided theres room for it)

this is actually worse than auto buyout since people can still price fix shit this way...
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
This is amazing! frequently crashes on my computer (Chrome and MS Edge both). Bulk trading items looks cool too. Glad to support you guys. :)
you guys are simply the best. keep up the good work, you've created the best game ever!

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