Try out our new Trade Site!

Wow, I don't understand the hate for the site from some people.
All the time everybody is ranting that there is no trading system from GGG and
when they preview a BETA version of something people are flameing it for not beeing
a perfect all around system.
It's a nice site and awesome to see that GGG takes action into trading.
There are for sure some hiccups but they will be removed over time and when the mayor work is done
maybe it'll be implemented into the game like the current MTX shop.

I think you guys and girls are doing awesome work, don't get dragged down by some idiots.
And notice - it's a website, and not in-game... so now we still need to keep google or whatever up.
Please reply to your whispers for items... Even if you are mapping, in a rotation, in uber lab, or if its sold. Thank you. :D
azaroth wrote:
This is AWESOME!!!
Thank you GGG & the team responsible!! Very nice work!

Um... yeah... have you actually looked at it though?
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
thanks ggg
Omfg thank you <3 Now put this as an in-game feature? =D
.-. .. -.- ..- -.- .-.. .- -.-- - --- -.
Would like to see how many prefixes/suffixes the item has.
Item base for searches, such as bone helmet, would be nice (unless I missed it)
Post has been up for an hour and people are already complaining.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Oh my god
These nuts on your chin
We have also augmented our Online API to take into account AFK players and those in DND mode

Finally a GOD mode in POE.
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.

lol so many salty bitches xD give em time to refine and perfect. id rather use this than poe.scam site
X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett :'(

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