[3.0] Ultimate necromancer support. Level 27 dps auras. 10k+ EHP #Noshavs
![]() Introduction
This aims to be a detailed guide on how to build the strongest and most effective support build that I have ever played. I've had a lot of fun playing this build in 3.0 harbinger league. This build is very tanky despite not wearing a shavs which I hope that I prove by reaching level 100 with 0 deaths to chaos damage. Players you meet in Beachhead/master rotations will beg you to play with them when you play this build! BUILD HIGHLIGHTS: -Highest dps providing support build, level 27 dps auras on generosity! -Can reach over 10k EHP -Can do any content in the game with ease -Provides +9% max res for party -Provides 35 second fortify for party -Great gear is EXTREAMLY cheap (but can be costly to min/max) -Does not use Shavronnes wrappings -Very high movementspeed with shieldcharge -Can provide elemental equilibrium -Incredible survivability with +85/84/85/75 resistances (without flasks) +52% evasion (66% with flask up) +42/10% block with rumis (75/43% with bone offering also up) Gear
This is a gear breakdown of required/suggested gear. My gear will be listed further down. Chest While most support builds run Shavronnes, we use Victarios influence since it provides a free link for generosity, aura effectiveness and also reduced mana reservation for socketed auras. This item is the staple of the build and should be considered required. It quickly drops to <3c during a new league and there is no need for links to get started so you basicly 6S and go (you will however need a 3L when you start using empower). Important! You will need atleast 14% on the aura effectiveness roll in order to get +9 maxresistance on your auras. Helmet Alphas howl is the best in slot helmet. Can be expensive for the first 2-3 days of a new league but after that it is generally rather cheap. The 'Cannot be frozen' mod lets you yoloopen strongboxes for your party without worrying about if a freezeimmune flask is up. Shield Even though we do not run shavronnes, we will still want to reserve some of our life for more auras. Prism guardian lets us do that without the drawback of the bloodmagic support gem increased cost. A resistance purity aura will reserve 10% of your life if socketed in the prism guarding which means that we will reserve 30% of our life when we put all 3 purities in this shield. The dexterity and resistance of this shield is also very usefull for us. Weapon It is very hard to beat the Ephemeral edge sword for this spot since it provides huge ammont of energy shield for us. It is a very good weapon that I've used 95%+ of the time while leveling to 100. Try to get as high roll as possible on increased energy shield. Advancing fortress is a very good option when playing with extreamly fast players since it will increase your shield chage speed noticably. It also has great defensive abilities with life, energy shield and evasion. Socketed gems are supported with fortify aswell which also is a great bonus for shield charge when playing with a fast party and you barely have time to use vigilant strike. United in Dream could also be considered for the weapons slot if you mainly play with a character that massively benefits from the added chaos aura. Keep in mind that you will loose the increadible defensive stats from the other suggested weapons if you go down this path. This is also much more expensive than the other suggestions and should only be considered if you really know what you're getting in to. Boots Any rare boots with energyshield, life and 30 movementspeed will get you started. Getting some resistances here could also be valueable when starting out the character. Steppan Eard will be our prefered piece of gear for this slot as it allows us to ignore desecrated ground map mod. Theese boots can be expensive at the start of the league so keep an eye out and prioritise this upgrade as you see fit. In my experiance, these boots are mostly a huge quality of life. Note these boots has a rather large range for its energy shield rolls. You should obviously try to get as high roll as possible. Amulet A rare amulet with chaos res, energyshield flat+% will get you very far. A good one with atleast 1 additional useful stat should will often cost <3c. The Soul of the Brine king pantheon is enough to avoid deaths to beeing stunned in most cases, however: Presence of Chayula will however be your best in slot amulet. I bought mine at level 94 after an humiliating rip to beeing stunned by shapers balls. Shaper was however the only fight where I consider this amulet mandatory to confortably do it deathless (unless you are more skilled than me!). The large amount of chaos resistance makes it easier to get high energyshield on your other items. And not having to worry about stuns is also a huge quality of life improvent which should not be underestimated. I do however stand by the statement that chayula amulet is not 100% required. Gloves, rings and belt These are the slots where we fill out what we need in stats and resistances. Some dexterity and chaos resist are great stats to look for. Apart from that we mostly try to get high life and energyshield. Energyshield is especially important since we have a very high increased energyshield % but we do not get much flat energyshield from chest/shield/helmet. I went for moonstone rings to maximize the energyshield gain from these items. The price for these items can vary a lot. You are looking for stats that basically no other build makes use of so it is possible to snipe multi t1-2 rolled items for <5c if you are patient and a little bit lucky. Flasks
These are the core 5 flasks i use 80%+ of the time: The instant health flask is 100% required. Chaos damage will bypass our energyshield so you will have to use this flask every once in a while. Even if you might think this flask would need to be spammed, my experiance is that I rarely have to use it. I did think that I would end up using Coruscating Elixir instead of this life flask, this was not at all needed. The small ammount of time I tried it, I actually liked the life flask a lot more, mostly because Coruscating Elixir will leave your life at 1 in no regen maps. An alchemists flask of adrenaline is the highest movementspeed we can get from a flask. The reduced duration should never be a problem if your party is clearing at least fairly fast and will be mandatory if you are in a very fast party. Having 85/84/85/75 resistances and a high ehp pool made me feel like elemental damage was rarely a problem. Other flasks are dedicated to utility, mainly against attacks. A maxrolled Rumis should not be too expensive for most players which is also an armor base. I bough a jade flask with 99% increased armor for 2c since it is an undesirable mod for most players on a jade flask. This will increase the armor from the rumis since we always use them at the same time. We use a silver flask for even more shield charge speed. The 25% chemist mod is very important since this will make the flask use 30 charges which is the same as rumis and the jade flask so we can always use them together. The silver flask also has increased evasion which synergizes very well with the jade flask. Alternatives: Early on, before I had a very high energy shield pool, I used a basalt flask instead of the silver flask. If you find yourself using this a lot, this should ideally also have chemist mod with 25% reduced charges used and % evasion rating. However, during levels 95-100, I did not equip this flask a single time. The mana flask is very usefull for noregen maps. This will also take the slot of the silver flask. If you have >40 unreserved mana, you should be able to shield charge freely even in noregen maps by proper use of this manaflask. If you have less unreserved mana, I would suggest turning of some less useful aura for noregen maps just for the QoL to be able to shield charge with the mana flask. Taste of hate is also an increadibly useful defensive flask if you need more survivability versus cold and physical damage. The price of this flask should make you think twice before buying one however. How to survive chaos damage
By using Victarios Influence, we must accept the fact that chaos damage will bypass our energyshield. Therefore, we must build accordingly. I did not die to chaos damage even once on this character and this section will tell you how: Starting out, you should have atleast 1.6k unreserved life and 50% positive chaos resistance. This will give you the same effective healthpool against chaos damage as a -60% chaos res character with 5120 health. When you reach over 2k unreserved life and 75% chaos resistance, this will be the same effective health against chaos damage as a character with 13000 life and -60 chaos resistance. Our instant recovery life flask recovers 979 life which should be roughly half your healthpool in decent gear. 979 health may not seem a lot at first glance but bear in mind we have 75% chaos resistance. 979 hp with 75% chaos resistance equals 6265 health of a character with -60 chaos res. And the flask has 3 uses! The comparison with characters rocking -60% chaos resistance may not be completely fair but it does give a rough idea of how powerful capped chaos resistance is. Capping our chaos resistance should be a very high priority! I cant stress this enough. But wait, there is more! Most chaos damage deals predictable hits of steady damage. The damage range for chaos damage is really low (thankfully not like lightning damage!). This makes healthregen really powerful. There are some decent % health regen nodes in the tree that is basically next to our pathing that can be taken if you find it necessary, however since we have less than 3k maximum health, one % of health regenerated per second is not that much. Stone golem however regenerates a flat ammunt of health regardless of your maximum health. At level 16 it regenerates 90 health per second (and you can level it more if you want). Again, 90 hp/s does not seem like a lot but it is almost 5% of our unreserved health per second. Yet again we take our capped chaos res in mind to realize this is a massive amount of health. The stone golem will very often completely outheal poisonous hits mapmod and poisonclouds from strongboxes is midtier maps. And even when it does not outheal the damage it will slow it down immensely, giving you a much longer time to react and press your life flask. You should not die to chaos damage ever unless running chayula breaches recklessly when using these tips. Passive tree + bandits
Bandit rewards are simply 2 extra skillpoints. There are multiple options for the passive tree when running this build. This is my level 100 tree: https://poeplanner.com/AAkAAQ0ACTMAAIPfiukCS64bJdlbbRkI9GpDEVCnKzW5HU8i9GwLkyfviPk3189Jsb6KoS_K07QM6roNfEZxgwlvnspKX7CbtYTFwzoZivsJ9toajyLq2xoQe7469UvBAH_GwcXsGI_68NVJUZUuBx6IQh3ZQ1T0cVfJKPqCxx2-M4cD7riTHNyPGuvupwiPRpuh99eESFxrw22smDpYVcYdFPrSFm_janC72RMvb-GIHar-SRcvJLCApGTnVdZmnrcxjHZyD1nzGjiQVScvlG9mVKyqcqn3MuoYdqzPfvjrFHEOPDpShmBhUobRJwuDtryfGJHz3WhlN4Om6yymN2bsg9OPFSeMsZuKvk9Ijg3iAAAAAAA= The important stuff is basically get all aura clusters. We spend a lot of points to pick up the southmost cluster but this is needed if we want to reach +9 maxres from our auras. You may skip this cluster if you feel like slightly weaker auras (+8maxres) but lots of other defences suits you better. Void Barrier and additional 6% es nodes below Foresight were not picked up until very high level. The faster start of energyshield recharge from Essence Surge would probably be skipped by many players but it should not be underestimated. The faster start of recharge made it possible to completly afk (i.e go for a toilet break) during beachhead bossfight while standing in the very middle. This mods can also be found on jewels and really makes a noticable difference. I will not talk much more about the points I did take as most should be fairly self explanatory, instead I will mention a few interesting points that I considered possible alternatives. Elemental equilibrium I picked this node for guardians/shaper and enchanted one of my rings with damage of the element that my dps used the least. It gives a huge dps boost for the one point investment if you can properly utilize it. The dpsers i ran with were very well geared and anything with less hp than guardians died to fast for this node to be worth it (but again, it is very very powerful if used correctly!) Alchemist (which flask cluster) This would probably be very powerful for this character as we do have our 4 utility flasks active almost 100% of the time while mapping. I did not find the travelpoints worth it to go there though. Indomitable (marauder reduced damage from crits) Very good cluster when farming bosses with large hits. I did not take this cluster but I almost died once to vuln minotaur from a crit. Nullification near shadow I really wanted this node. Health, high es and evasion. Also some resistances ontop. It came down to other points being more useful in most scenarios. Could possibly be taken on very high level. Discipline and Training and Sanctity (health and es near templar) I used these nodes for a long time before I respecced from life as my primary defence to hybrid and picked up the southmost aura cluster at the same time. Shaper regen near scion Powerful one-point node that gives both health and mana regen. I had this node for a while but the manaregen was not needed and since I had no problems with chaos damage, I decided to drop it. If you do take this node, it should also be considered to take additional life regen and a jewel here. Scion right side jewel 2 travel points attack speed and then a jewel slot. No much more to say. Reflexes scion evasion cluster 2 points for 42% evasion (and 30 flat). Does anybody pick these up? Well, you could be first! These points should be considered if you are just below 50% chance to evade since evasion is deterministic, having 50% evasion will make you never take 2 hits in a row. Even more health We travel past a lot of health that we end up skipping. Picking up more life is not wrong, especially if you struggle with chaos damage. 3 points for Revenge of the Haunted would probably be my first consideration for more health since it also gives a good amount of evasion. Quick recovery for some additional regen if you need it. Conduit share charges You could pick up a frenzy gem and/or enduring cry for that tiny bit of extra support for your party. Leveling
For leveling, it depends a lot on if you play in a party. You can get all the way to a fully functioning support character that is ready for maps by solo leveing. For this I would suggest to go for some standard double totem build (firestorm or bladefall for example) since they can path very close to what you want to pickup as a support anyways, leading to less respecc points needed. This is roughly what your tree should look like when you decide to respecc into a fulltime support: https://poeplanner.com/AAkAAKcACQMAAFDfiukCS64bJdlbbRkRUKcrIvRsC5Mn74j5N9fPSbF_xsHF7Bhwu9kTL2--isrTtAxGceGIHar-SYMJb57KSl-wm7XDOhmK-wn22hqPhMWhL-q6DXxXySj6uJMc3OvupwiPRh0U-tIWb-NqFy9k51XWgKRmnnIPWfMaOJBVlG9mVLcxjHaPGgj0akOP-vDVSVGboffXrJg6WFXGhEhca8NtAAAAAAA= This tree is achiavable at the time when you can equip most of the support items. From this point, all we need to do is pick up more health/es nodes and eventually grab the south-most aura cluster. You will only get more and more tanky from this point on. Jewels
This jewel gives the very useful reduced mana reservation stat. You may not need it at very high gear levels but this should most likly be used. This jewel makes your vigilant strike grant fortify to your entire party. With all the duration we pick up it will last for roughly 35 seconds. Since I mostly played with wanders/archers, this was an incredible buff for the party as they do not have a reliable way to get fortify themselves. For rare jewels, there are several useful stats that has to be evaluated differently depending on what gear you have. I will list some in no particular order and you will have to evaluate what your character needs the most. -Chaos resistance, up to 13%. Very useful before you are capped. -Any missing resist. You will want to be capped in ele weakness maps. -Missing dexterity. Some may struggle with enough dex for haste/grace. -% increased energy shield -% increased maximum life -Faster start of es regen -Attack speed, or attack and cast speed (remember with swords and while wearing a shield) -Intelligence, tanslates into %es Gems
If you study my gear in that section further down, you will see that it differs slightly from what can be seen in this section. What is suggested here is basically a suggestion for a 'getting started' gem setup. Auras have their own section and will not be listed here. Helm: 1 socket not used for auras. I put my vigilant strike here. Possibly 2 free sockets if you decide to run haste in your chest for the generosity support. Weapon: 3 sockets. Shield charge, faster attacks + your choice. Fortify may be one option or you want your vigilant strike here. I use a 20/20 reduced mana to never have to worry about mana for charging with a very high amount of attack speed, not entirely needed but it is my optimization for extreme clear speed parties. Gloves+Boots: 4 sockets R-R-R-B. Cast when damage take, stone golem, immortal call and Bone offering. A very defensive setup. 4 sockets R-B-G-X. Vaal haste, vaal discipline and increased duration standard setup. The amount of aura effectiveness and increased duration makes this setup very powerful. In shaped shores with sextants, you are often able to have 90% uptime of both vaal skills. The last socket here is "free". A flame dash is needed somewhere to quickly get over edges and if you can not find another slot for it, this is where it will go. A portal gem with 20% quality is also a very nice addition to this character and makes the potal cast almost as fast as a scroll with vaal haste up (and you will never have to pick up another portal scroll!). For min/maxing, efficancy support can be used in the 4th socket for that tiny bit of extra duration on your vaal skills. Auras
As a support character, auras is obviously our bread and butter. There is unfortunatly no cookiecutter setup that is the most optimal for everyone, instead this will have to be reconsidered according to your circumstances. Therefore all tips in this section should be carefully evaluated and remade to fit your partys needs. Some things that will be different for everyone in this section, for example, the availability of empowers and enlighten. If you are able to pick up an alpha's howl with a lab enchant for reduced mana reservation, you may have a much easier time to fit in all the auras you want. The 3.0 patch brought a nerf to necromancers Commander of Darkness ability, this makes it less desirable to use auras that doesn't provide any real benefit apart from attackspeed from commander of darkness. Some things to take into consideration regarding purities: Purity auras provide +5 maxres on level 23. We reach 80% aura effectiveness which brings that up to 9%. There is several ways to reach level 23 on your purities. Your shield and helm will grant them +2 levels and the gems themselves can be corrupted to 21 for a total of 23. My suggestion is however to corrupt a prism guardian to +1 level of gems instead. In harbinger, they dropped to around 3c very early so getting a +1 shield was alot cheaper than getting level 21 purities (obviously random is random but according to my calculations, if you pay 5c per corrution for shield + sockets + rbg color + vaalorb, then corrupting the shield will be A LOT cheaper than 3*level 21 gems on average). Keeping the purities at the same level can be very important when running with players who fully utilize Wise Oak flask. Aurabot starter setup https://poe.mikelat.com/#qX5pVfKd/tr.L_bc/9b.8nr/9b.m This is a basic setup that almost everyone can aim for early in the league. No empowers/enlightens used and no lab enchant. Obviously there are many upgrades yet to make but this is a good setup with a lot of auras that will surely benefit every party. Empowered auras https://poe.mikelat.com/#ZBetVfKd/9b.DU6c/9b.8nr/9b.2/tr._fXb You should try to level empowers in an offhand slot and when they hit level 3, it is time to really boost up the dps auras. This setup is from a point in time when my party had picked up better gear and therefore cleared faster. I had problems keeping up without benefitting from my own haste aura and I therefore moved it from the chest into alphas where it no longer got the generosity buff (but also reserved more mana). The empower support also increase the mana cost and I dropped hatred (since I did not play with any physical damage dealers) and also the purity of elements. From the calculator, we see that we despite these actions still reserve all our mana. An elreon ring, a lab enchant for reduced mana reservation on alphas or an enlighten (any of the 3) should make this setup usable. Once you reach this point, you should be familiar enough with the character to figure out further optimizations that best suits your needs. For me, it was mostly a matter of corrupting a chest for +1 gems and getting a level 4 empower since anger and wrath benefit so much from additional levels above 20. Pantheons
Major: Before you have a Presence of Chayula amulet, the Soul of the Brine King is a must in order to not being chain stunned. If you acuire that amulet, the Soul of Solaris seems to me like the most useful pantheon since we also benefit from all of its three upgrades. Minor: Soul of Abberath is a huge quality of life pantheon since it lets us ignore burning ground. The upgrade of reduced ignite duration is also very powerful. There are other ones that could be considered for specific content but if you want to fire and forget, this is your pick. My gear
My gear is quite opimized but if you are looking for further improvements, I will suggest a few things: Gloves and boots are obviously missing lab enchants. I do not enjoy the lab very much and it happend that I hit level 100 without getting them enchanted at all. The weapon can be corrupted with culling strike. My dpser already culled anything of high enough health where it mattered so this was not prioritized. +1 max res Chayula amulet, for the extreamly rich. Could squeeze in a few more points of energyshield on rares. I payed less than 40c for rings, belt and gloves combined so there is obviously upgrades that can be made there. While I do belive that I found some great deals for those pieces, this still underlines the fact that the gear we need for this character can be very cheap. Some defensive stats
Hideout without flasks:
![]() Hideout + flasks: ![]() Feel free to ask questions and leave comments if you find something that can be further improved. IGN: DubbelMargarita Last edited by marbe#0954 on Oct 6, 2017, 6:15:45 PM Last bumped on Dec 10, 2017, 2:29:25 PM
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Very nice guide - I might follow this next league!
IGN: GrinMageSinDagger
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Won't this aura setup be better for endgame?
https://poe.mikelat.com/#ZBetVfKd/tNrp.gV6c/9b.I7p/9b.sJb/tr._fXb You will have to trade efficacy for flame dash in boots and move portal to weapon swap thou. IGN: rooteniy Last edited by r00teniy#1832 on Oct 7, 2017, 10:05:34 AM
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" Assuming you need hatred then you should probably try to weave that in yes. Hatred does not benefit as much from levels as the other dps auras so it's not that huge of a loss to not have it in the link with empower. However, one modification I would make is to use a level 3 enlighten in alpha's instead of a 5th link with a level 4 in the chest. This leaves you with more unreserved mana. (And is likly cheaper) Then the setup would look something like this: https://poe.mikelat.com/#ZBetVfKd/9b.gV6c/9b.I7p/xB3l.sJb/tr._fXb If you do have access to a level 4 enlighten, then swapping one purity with haste would reserve less life which is always positive: https://poe.mikelat.com/#ZBetVfKd/9b.gV6c/9b.mNp/tNrp.O3b/tr._fXb IGN: DubbelMargarita Last edited by marbe#0954 on Oct 7, 2017, 10:37:51 AM
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" Yes, this setup makes it easier to vaal it for +1 gems. Will have to check if it's worth to run hatred for Generosity bonuses. IGN: rooteniy
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Hey, been looking to play a necrosupport the coming league and after some searching and browsing different builds now for some time I've In the end taken a liking to two builds in particular, one being yours and the other being Clarity_bot's build (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1840451/page/1)
So, upsides and downsides for both builds are there. Yours has more survivability and less maintenance, cheaper to an extent as well, whilst Clarity_bot's build has a much higher damage boost ceiling for phys scaling builds. My question is though, how do you reach +10k ehp with your build? Simply put Clarity_bot's caps around 7k more or less with alphas howl as the helmet, Ephemereal edge (yes, even lower total with United in Dream sadly) and rather good gear. I don't find it odd that you can reach 10k ehp but the question is where those 3k comes from, it's been eluding me for a bit now. Last edited by Nickolai20599#3498 on Dec 2, 2017, 10:20:11 AM
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" Hey Nikolai! The 10k ehp comes from high level and decently min/maxed hp+es gear (as you can find in the guide). It's hard to tell you exactly where it comes from but feel free to import my character to path of building and take a look for yourself.
eNrNXFtzm8i2fh79CspV-7xk2-4bTZPj7F3yNU7s2JEcT5KXVNM0FjECBZBt5dT572c1IAlkkEkqVWePa8YSrNWXb92-1eA5-PfTNLIedJqFSfxmB--hHUvHKvHD-O7Nzqeb012x8-9_DQ6uZT65Cg7nYWTu_Gvw10Hx2Yr0g45AD4FeLtM7nd8ux6Lf4JonYz_MPyTpVILYhyTWy2uXOlVhpLNseVlFMss-yKl-s_N3mKvJjiUzpWP_aH39g1ZpMpWx0umONZVhPE7Uvc7P0mQ-g0XsWA-hfrxMfBA9v7y-Gt0sJztK53o5Pyz-r4PrSC50Os5lbmXwnzc7Q8BA3uljOYX_wkAymsMoHO1hymzbpY69s9-uOZ5p7a806J4Qzh8QvU71SRBolYcP-iiFHUzMtle6zl7nelqk7T1KtspfzqM8nEWhwbXSwd0zvH2-HNwle5PkMjq-Hq9ECaV7DqOIEuIiTrfrJflKD3VJgrNMrpMwS-Lft-GljOVRkq1n67Z2voaI2KxLbKR_1CUxI12Sx_ppLeZsG7AhabtdkufxehsMuVsGrEtuGfAiDNZogtHoFvdWr430eazWA2OxbeBPcaoznT7U4oJg7PZTuYYcomubcMie6xpbI8bh322DjPSdjleKLtome6G1mpxBuoH5wPdfdknjTmsAEMVbETPSdcTI1nFbAOOin8ImXHzPdm2bCooJxQJvG6QJFyF7fJt0J2B7ru0gB2Obd-ejk1ind4vxJNTReouCcb4VxLpWA8zuGK2rNPeH-qh0bbIz0k8epKmM9ZDbWlVgU6VGfT92dw7Tkdag4evN7E_-oMp1mnw3VSn6Rb1hOk3m64To8O07L8Ubhux08uvJIgsVVIsi74-0P4f11XDudtXkQU8hIIqyDLShVvu6Q-owAs6xue1tm4miNhXamUWHeS7V_XHi322ii7bO8ksap2EKSGVhreSJboaQmABpCm9JrneTPAaS2H_4iUyyDenuwFiv_ArK_ZGcra3gvryBTR3u9tzHpiKjPbazqVSyvYP9gjubT0cyUlkxzHk8m-dWXNDc7D6Mom_xfOoZPlb-NvR2_5nkNMzUN28eBIb07sAC0oK3n5yenhzdnN-eVCpjXUSEpZIokrNM-2924jDasUL4MDaTjSERqLyHNCS6il69LGvYW4_5C078spyhqf0WWMVAz63fLGbaWC_roXAY9VtrSUd7CJ7fxWHeC0ut5KKH3Koo9ZC9BOcpe4w-e4e0lIbePNd9hAvK2GMFhie9LNZgBD1WWpaaHuNWBfllySo79bBTERw38l73tcCxDqDhrlA92F9mhIPCOTPL14GE5uxMTz_OZRTmi0p9ff2ibMGLq1mSmkvZ4QJarjc7ObS9Zb9bjFa0zMOipSy-F3MVfXMkPTOG6f2lF5k1FqpWFiWmw9JyBjvAO5sDGF0z_F8HMOnqLADUzM1z3zTsj6XZICZT05P9WG4CPZvLZDRT-yEuCxWr0tl_NgMQ5PUU4_lsBrs-lVmu07J21qYh2-YpdaxSKes5UcEvgC4UFL_fPJWKVXP3_QK_F01TGHW7cc4iYDFZi2mM7nPj8NqOzqdT2JA0k0U9TbNUsQqd54hh9hyxI4D5Kq5HRr-5jJ71ONGxVepatbDq3tR4DkuMR8C4zpJIT6s7l2EMQbhy2mcX16HQz0OLSaxxnsTaej7PUkD7hUQp0LJup7buQxC8gmxsKnjPVRgVa6Xzpx3rrY6mOu_rWKQe9hvcaThPZc8tXc-hzC-sJLBWY7TFZX2yNbn7rXnO1Ysp5ja8CyMJfQJUwHvdN-qXWlal9sIkb00y6rn6UvZPG7xK8-S3TH6WStV3-aXsC2Y9htpojiTjvqPWFP7fkakbdt2w_JZ_GvU_vqHDJMmz39rNrZTRr7iqkbdq_tpt8KpaQM-fagk86RjQKvv4fvG2UrRWmvsv7-WX3azY0KavvcgagGeHSqpFbRJMt8yykv_zlvcX1vIw5jfifBjfmaa0F1Sl7HOAWjjC0PdDYzIZFXS2r81PprPksXWOxqL_Bn-Y9Fx0KfsfAHt9A9cF6eqLSiW9v3XIo0iaFNOXi1XS_2G4nEawwmOZTXpTfqNgFRobW6k-Fb3XTaq1JcuVFGq46qLgS7meT6OL4sNfkzyfZa_39x8fH_dm4DlJoJ_CSO-pZLo_k1kGQ-wWy93NYdD9IfxzOLw8Hh7-VFN--lUsxo_RmfhyH6jFlKXOkf7BXVfH73_60y-378--nH39NH935eUfr-cXZHdy8ZRFp2P_88JbBGNuv_uk0hvn8Pvnn_an-UPy4_xj_O3s64zJq-vv6U_K0NEdFm6eZnf24e135H2X012dvk-__o13H99fp6kzu4zfjkaP86evD9_u4yCczo5Pbo92b74d33rD7POFeHs6m8-Hs9PPZ1fR-6Mnh3Hhoq9hcvnuI77xzu7Dq-9vv5J0yEQ-_InUl288_3kivz8q_e7x4ea7OBl6o5ij8OLH7o3if59Nos9nWeieTJ9O3uaL4yf69fFn4t-wK3Lre19PdpMvo_jkA5uQH48E_ZzwxZevVyq--Pm3PTkJz5Cavf9-cbr4MRo9TS4_ZbNEyKPrm0l4SHb5x_fx0fXthcPu3hRG2l9a6aB8TpyVJqu-WXHia-NEjsvBZcJcT8236sj0uRglDqc95Ihgjt1HjmOXr-Vw57ycU7aWI51y1BXuWo51zotdwXqsDwwtSK99OKS2X7tzPEzq-NEuOU5oH3PYNnb7yDHhcNFnG8zFPcQ4Ztjt4y2Yiz7eQhnrJ0c57bc-QftY1wZzOH3GQw5t8WbIluuQgi9lYjzYN5nTfPiQ5Lq4Zy4uvxR59TbUj1amZaom0BiZwvAzSaZfivKTTZLHt1rml3JWVQ9zrzrgouV9c1Z7HJqmtzg2W6Z4I_h5ub6Dc1huVmVw83ms86JwzDM91iqJ_ZLRF5eXRaZQKo7lqkOtUVHyXluj4ehkcCyncUEqoZ2T6eAo8WSUW-_0o44Gn-Lwx1xb58evLRyggBHhKx1Im9q-wEhxRrzACSjiNiWKCiRogBxf6gBLxaVUyBGCIhJgIgfFIoodv7YcPjifAstUYZ69ttDgFWZWnljnca6jKLwz-x84_7DCFfGdyqdwOgf9MNAD0XanPEq1yhO2AUZ1mfWjverApTCtWVATHtICz2Eqp1BxYYwwm3aig4hDmFaC-p7wXIY5kgwxjziedgMOaIlAuA4hjtIKeUEgHMFs6RLChRQaoyY6uImOXd9LeaZnFQ8XrMeJ2dMkKd5dsuRy987LAAHi_zCQmybMKps482xhQFvmkrFvFUdWxaQd2NEmdp8-nH_8dAJ4xQBRmqT_BV6Z_XdmFfQ_BAMvBkdpOM3A7Z6BaQeCuOA6XHkSBzZlEmviBwCXzxFWHvJcql3fQ0h5ns1JoJlQImAuElzbtt0AEw8uwikEuQ-7Nd8ayMJu09oRpmXelDGtaUmYBqwORskHy8cKq0ZsQDZGGFVvJHSgxFo8bJzMoZGEvJF3upfyHaodzbzAhsjSTHnc1ViCJzlIwu4BETcAvAR4HtNwyUMscANFEYWsiXjTvdyN4BPGESRsbv0kZMA7o6-Pc5HmBesO-C9IB0lqaakm5u50YU3C3PIW1gIo8vKougM2u9W5bibaKs6iul3JVX6gAIgAu4H0KeO2hxwe2K7NXKUpJ4w6irse5ClHGci07cMvpKRwuVBOAzibDUbSD-eA2qWG39NtroWbUVs0AgPzRpclcyD8JpwYMidoOr6Di2FslWP_09o4XhucQtMTBqHODFJFMH4AZwHghpAr4apBFROoPCb9dyHIWxE8mU30VKfQ95_4kBWP59m9dRhJX9cxJIgoj7mMQEK3BedAi6hSShKBFKT7wHdsJpjvQpbjgWI-YwRhSHRIYyakI5rORwfV4x4DUlVqIRB2z3ZHdQDxgDVS-FApCDm1AJRyyHUAbzPDV29KLPP7K4yeFZSmxllkYs0yD18LxRJsq3zEWtSPZVw3vL85SLv7oz0HjA9pZLWqKpFWp_3Fo0zQllmRMzos5rSkCnAjGMD3wdWvZTQF_FIFdCG1ymcldatpRF2NiHakLTTkjcDXvh3Y3Oc2I1gGUKqhZiNNHKZcAtlW2ppR7QG9g8oeuA2rCby2GmmYzfwcbuQTZhvsj_VTrs3aB6-4Yy40aziu47hZm3BRm8z5d702vaJ2ed28h1C_8T8qlQHE4f--oqw-U3PYdphFa2CM5tNwWbKghqmkeNQ5OEuleaxtQbOd3TdiJIAI8Vxb-jigtquJgHLlSW5rU-GhMEnCAqK0B184FQ4YxAlsIgMOHArubbKjOtrF1ZH-8driook0AWcsHdbsungZx_Ln5plJuUJLF9Wq8OZNueLNmqxVvB0ot7V0RdYhZB1IwIvMPDw71FFex8VjXGlIH0B9PEUxZQQyh4swwdwPqIbUIgRzdQAVHbuOBtfUnCoCDFMGHsbN3CFoDYtmFcODV47oNv0rSszNZbaF745rLlRp-RXjW3TdVqK0JFBbnJGzZ27fDi1GTWwvh2fnR4O38n6-9MFDmefA9N7KKaTrBleinmt4ZOB7NiYeJS4Qb0Q8G3nY44hz4EW-L5UC56TEVlLb1GHahXh3KMFqs8C1J2f4qUHPWBP6erIsK_s4n8fWzSTVmeGmkAAKqKqxC4JVjG1YVXlKapln-13o4NYQvTYvfxqXhuHACIt5JAdX8eLJGk7nkW54YcChIkE_CtAoAcwRuhjIcIGngS25wAhsxH2XYKZsBtmQBVL7XAjQMCwTknUzOu16RKINL8S8hUzRRtEo91E8oSuauSCZxwYj1O5PRzKOEyBKukAVaFQR9qB9WXMsk6QedFpykV55D5M2nxtGUJmmMPXS8T7OQ6BlYQSDV0kCZh76EEfSPCRo9EDgWIRg38aCEK2lyYeuz33ia8cUFfNqPMKuLzEJkECQF5V2PEqZ6zjI0d08oZED8UbrSBo8a_niY9UftWW3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Taking a quick look at the other build you linked, I notice that he picks up blood magic and reserves pretty much all life (which means he has to use 4 corruscating elixirs and to me that seems like a horrible playstyle but that is just my personal opinion). If I were to go down that road, I would pick up Arcane Chemistry on the passive tree which together with a high reduced flask charges used roll on belt would give 3 uses of corruscating elixir per flask instead of 2 (which in turns could free up 1 or 2 flask slots). He also runs insane rings only available in standard which means that his build would have slightly less es in a temp league. Regarding this build, at level 100 with the setup I ran at the end, I'm at 2119 unreserved hp and 8466 es which sums up to 10585 ehp. If you follow this guide and snipe some nice hp+es gear early in the league, 9k ehp should be no problem to reach around 90-92 in the first week of the league if you can get your hands on a presence of chayula amulet. It's also not really a problem to pick up hatred with my this build if you play with people who benefit heavily from it. Feel free to ask again if you have further questions :) IGN: DubbelMargarita
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Thanks for the lengthy but enlightening reply!
Yes I do indeed see the pros and cons between the builds, and I'm fairly certain now that I will be following yours all up until I hit that +1 to gems victoarios, since that'll basically be the ceiling and end for the progress of this build. The differences between the two aren't huge either I'd say so should be somewhat easy to switch if Clarity_bot's feels too squishy in the end which is my main worry. In regards to the rings you mentiond, yes I know haha. I basically re-made his build in path of building with accessible gear and mods, and that's where the previously mentioned roughly 7k peak ehp numbers came from (once again, that's without United in Dream) I appreciate the help! And I do in fact have another question, when and how do you go for the Victario corruption? Yes it's quite the broad question, but what's your approach towards getting that +1 to gem roll? Last edited by Nickolai20599#3498 on Dec 6, 2017, 12:08:41 PM
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" Sorry for the slow reply. There is no easy answer to your question other than going for the upgrade when you dont have any other upgrades to do. I play in a party with shared currency so I wait with the corruption until all party members done all easy upgrades and only things left are super expensive like headhunter. IGN: DubbelMargarita
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