All Skill Effects On Sale - This Weekend Only!
" Thanks for saving me money. |
Damn you kidding, few days ago bought seraph ST for 95..(
Some of these small affects even on sale easily could total the cost of entire brand new game (or more). I'd love to support your company further (and have bought admin products) but its too pricey for me to pay hundreds to outfit several characters I love.
Not a single melee totem skin......
1000 point spent so far enjoyed it nice one GGG.
I'm passing here.
Will wait for the Halloween MTX and look if they have something nice. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks |
WTB trasher skin gloves with nice discount ;d
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
har har specter mtx you cheeky...
Second-class poe gamer
Will they ever make a Frost Blades Skill Effect, its my favorite skill in the game.
" runs perfectly on my bulldozer |