[3.1] TRICKSTER Scorching Ray + Righteous Fire MoM Boss farmer 1.8mil trash DPS

Would it be possible to add cwc firestorm in this build, i'm looking for ray cwc firestorm(for fun) + rf.
Hey I'm playing your build right now and I only have 6.1k health as level 92. My items might have ~100 less life than yours so I don't understand how I have so much less health than yours.

P.S. How come you take Pain Attunement? I'm almost never on low life.
Earthio wrote:
Would it be possible to add cwc firestorm in this build, i'm looking for ray cwc firestorm(for fun) + rf.

I leveled with CWC Firestorm for a little while. It was fun, but you have to get rid of Elemental Equilibrium, because the firestorm triggers +fire resistance on the enemies.
How to leveling tree?
Wosojoe wrote:
Jangri wrote:
Orb of storms isnt attack. His shield charge will proc it tho, suboptimal

ahh ok, my bad then.

It doesn't have to be an attack. Any HIT procs EE, whether it's a spell or an attack. Orb of storms is in the build precisely because it does proc EE, since it "hits".
Therefore, you don't want any fire damage anywhere on your gear, whether to spells, whether to attacks.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
ComradeSerge wrote:
Wosojoe wrote:
Jangri wrote:
Orb of storms isnt attack. His shield charge will proc it tho, suboptimal

ahh ok, my bad then.

It doesn't have to be an attack. Any HIT procs EE, whether it's a spell or an attack. Orb of storms is in the build precisely because it does proc EE, since it "hits".
Therefore, you don't want any fire damage anywhere on your gear, whether to spells, whether to attacks.

You can show us how to leveling the tree? For new it will be quite useful
i dont get it why is my life droping and urs not? what i am doing wrong? pls help.

Make it sense to have rf with quality 20?
Last edited by onikage1337#5429 on Dec 19, 2017, 7:22:02 PM
Has anyone tried the bubonic trail unique boots? Seems like they would be amazing with this build. In particular a pair with 2 abyssal sockets. Also an Elder helmet with Level 20 conc effect and level 20 burning damage, which also comes with burning damage and area damage, and makes RF a 6-link. Gloves and abyssal sockets can be used to help get res capped. Im on HC and there are only 2 pairs of 2 socket bubonic trails, that are quite expensive, just wondering if it would be worth getting them.
Anyway to use Kaom's Heart in this build?

This build have more dmg than RF zerk?
does %fire damage increase scorching ray damage?

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