Support for New Languages and Content Update 3.0.2

"""""""content""""""" update 3.0.2
>fixed a flask bug
>nerfed minion healing again
>fixed some pvp bugs
>added 2 new uniques that will be 1 alch each on day 2

This'll really bring people back, thanks GGG!
Last edited by Hemmingfish#1386 on Sep 30, 2017, 7:45:15 PM
Fixed an issue where Atziri's Empowered Flameblast would not deal damage in the correct locations.

Wait, does that mean to say that her Flameblast dealt damage in the *wrong* locations?

Hahahahahahaaa xD

So glad I haven't yet gone for the challenge of all party members taking no damage from her flameblast..
Player numbers are plummeting.
SpectralDrake wrote:
Fixed an issue where Atziri's Empowered Flameblast would not deal damage in the correct locations.

Wait, does that mean to say that her Flameblast dealt damage in the *wrong* locations?

Hahahahahahaaa xD

So glad I haven't yet gone for the challenge of all party members taking no damage from her flameblast..

that challenge is for dodging her stormcall actually, i think its assumed you'll dodge flameblast anyway as it one shots most characters / extremely hard hit.
it is cool that a update with new language is comming...

but... the constantly disconnect are to often....
the continuous disconnect reduce the fun extremelyn

please fix this!!!
The new font looks weird I have to say
Hi friends. We need Italian support.
MBata wrote:
vodeni wrote:
Let spectres scale up with the zone, not down only!
That is all.

The reason this isn't done is to prevent a character level 2 spectre build from playing in content that is much too high for it.

You need to be at least lvl 28 to equip the raise spectre gem. Anyways the gem could scale down everywhere, and up in maps only.
I shall purify you in flame, noob of nightmare!
!!! Poe in mynatural language !? can't wait ! and you'll have another support from me for that !

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