The Fall of Oriath Fan Art Competition

Hi, i dont undertand how to enter exactly, can't video, can't a paint. its a manual draw? screenshot?
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing quite a bit of good artwork from talented players. :-)
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60x7 wrote:
Another "Worst entry with the least amount of MTX points purchased, wins" competition. I like that you try to give poor people points but do you ever think they might have a lot of money irl and are to cheap to support an online game?

It's a handful of rewards to those that can make beautiful artwork, not a ton of mtx for the "poor". Get off your high horse lmao...
so many epic paint pictures
I have one question though. My girlfriend'd love to create one or more submissions, but she's not playing the game at all (or any other actually). Does she needs to create one account or just submit it my account with the notation credited to her. (Anyway, she likes Oriath concepts very much)

Kitava Armour Set :)
Last edited by TomyGamerCZE#3226 on Sep 18, 2017, 10:49:12 AM
Title: "The 5-Man Party"
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
Last edited by boyandroid#6548 on Sep 18, 2017, 9:32:39 PM
Sin and his Beast

Blissfully asleep, new life enters this world; the last tender moments it will ever know.
Paldamus wrote:
60x7 wrote:
Another "Worst entry with the least amount of MTX points purchased, wins" competition. I like that you try to give poor people points but do you ever think they might have a lot of money irl and are to cheap to support an online game?

It's a handful of rewards to those that can make beautiful artwork, not a ton of mtx for the "poor". Get off your high horse lmao...

Clearly you're missing the point. When GGG judges contests based on charity instead of talent, it isn't fair to the talented people who enter the contest. I don't include myself in this as I have no artistic talent.

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