[3.0] Burn Baby Burn: Oro's Flicker + Self-proc Vaal Molten Shell Slayer
BURN BABY BURN: Oro's Flicker + Self-proc Vaal Molten Shell Slayer
![]() Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
Welcome to the guide!
This is a build guide for a slightly atypical Oro's Flicker Strike Slayer. The build focuses on using a few different mechanics to supplement its Flicker Strike damage by proccing the explosions from a high-uptime Vaal Molten Shell very quickly, while also leeching HP at an extremely high rate. You might enjoy playing this character if:
You should probably avoid this build if:
2. Videos
(Apologies for slight potato quality.)
3. Equipment
Most of these items are required for the build to work. The main exception is Sibyl's Lament, which can be replaced with a rare ring, or perhaps a Malachai's Artifice with your golem socketed in it, if you don't mind being somewhat more vulnerable to elemental reflect. Rares: Since we use so many unique items, we need to squeeze as much life, resists, and mana onto our rares as we can (in that order of priority). Flasks: The first flask (Seething Divine Life Flask of Dousing) is required; the others are more flexible. The Wise Oak is the best available unique flask for the build, but balancing resistances for it can be a pain, especially with so few slots for rare items. Freeze removal and curse removal are the two most important suffixes on our utility flasks, especially now that the Warding suffix works on curses from map mods. The Quicksilver could easily be replaced with another flask, since we mostly use Leap Slam for movement; I just find it to be a nice quality of life boost. Jewels: Sacrificial Harvest helps with Vaal Molten Shell uptime. Fireborn allows the Duelist 2H nodes (Destroyer and Wrecking Ball clusters) to apply to our Oro's damage. The rest of our jewels are used to finish balancing out our resists for The Wise Oak, grabbing a little life, mana, attack speed, and damage where we can. 4. Gems
Gem links listed in order of importance:
Chest (6-Link): Flicker Strike - Multistrike - Chance to Ignite - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Fire Penetration - Immolate Weapon (6-Link): Vaal Molten Shell - Concentrated Effect - Immolate - Fire Penetration - Increased Duration - Elemental Focus Any 4-Link: Cast when Damage Taken (1) - Firestorm (8) - Curse on Hit - Warlord's Mark Any 4-Link: Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Ancestral Protector Any 4-Socket (pair of 2-Links): Cast when Damage Taken (20) - Summon Lightning Golem (20); Vengeance - Blind I recommend prioritizing linking your chest over your Oro's; better to have a 6L Flicker Strike and a 5L Vaal Molten Shell than the other way around. When coloring the chest, make sure you're aware of the Vorici Jeweller method; it will save you a substantial amount of currency. 5. Passives and Character Options
Passive Tree (level 92):
https://poeplanner.com/AAkAAP0ACRQAAHubLV85ivDEgulGsKu-p2VNvTZHfoTZqZR4eqknh2qE70PnOd3ksV4TIVXcPQd1wKZuadX4QKB67wUtdO1Gt9NvIWAshVoadPGPYG8nmmrgnwVmGNsUdeXmnMS3InfX459noId2Sn1W-n8rMHyNfSP2TZJRRz7PveY31O0_jb_UIzBx3ahLeDpCAdx346luVi0UqcAabzt4DbXyNZL-j03jplc64fJF_grYvbc-QYf56Bg8vScYVoLHKPq4kxzcjxrr7prgRZ1TUoUyly1JT7yqpwjYJFZIHb4zhwPu_W6xfMPmjbne5aU1DHCygIa0hacnn1HalSQAAAAAAA== Pantheon Powers: Major: Arakaali (first upgrade, capturing Herald of Thunder, is important; others are nice but not needed) Minor: Yugul (upgrade is nice but not needed) Bandits: Kill all. 6. Mechanics
Oro's Sacrifice + Flicker Strike
This combo should be familiar to anyone who's played much, as it's an entire build archetype. Flicker Strike requires Frenzy Charges; Oro's Sacrifice gives you a Frenzy Charge whenever you ignite an enemy. Since we're igniting enemies constantly to keep up our Frenzy Charges anyway, that opens up the opportunity to use... Ignites + Eye of Innocence + The Rat Cage + Vaal Molten Shell Eye of Innocence deals 100 fire damage to you whenever you ignite an enemy (remember, we're igniting enemies constantly in order to keep flickering). The Rat Cage converts 10% of fire damage taken into physical damage. Vaal Molten Shell explodes every time you take any amount of physical damage. Put those things together, toss in a low-level Firestorm, and you get a bit north of 20 Vaal Molten Shell explosions per second. With a 6L Vaal Molten Shell, that's a lot of damage. But while we're dealing fire damage to ourselves anyway... Eye of Innocence + Mokou's Embrace + instant flask of Dousing + Slayer leech + Soul of Arakaali's first upgrade + The Flow Untethered Eye of Innocence deals fire damage to us, but by itself it can't ignite. We solve that with Mokou's Embrace, which gives +25% chance to be ignited, meaning we're more-or-less constantly on fire. The Soul of Arakaali pantheon power, once enhanced with its first upgrade, gives 50% increased recovery of life if you've stopped taking damage over time recently. Crucially, it doesn't care how long you stopped taking damage over time for. We pop our Seething Divine Life Flask of Dousing, removing the ignite on us. Since Eye of Innocence is dealing hits of fire damage to us a bajillion times per second, it comes right back, but that doesn't matter; as long as we removed it for even an instant, we get +50% life recovery, which bypasses the leech cap. (You might have seen this combo recently using Blood Rage + Immortal Call; we're just doing the same thing with ignite and an instant Dousing flask instead.) And while we're at it, we won't say no to 2% fire damage leech, a bunch of increased damage, and some increased attack speed while ignited, plus another 20% increased life recovery and some lovely clearspeed goodies from The Flow Untethered that stacks with the Arakaali buff. 7. Leveling and Progression:
Our early nodes give us easy access to life, damage with two-handed weapons, and an early Frenzy Charge; this means the character is fairly easy to level as a standard melee start.
I recommend the following main skills during early leveling:
Your tree at 67 (when you should start using Flicker Strike) might look something like this. If you can't yet afford the Fireborn jewel, your 2-hander nodes won't apply to your Oro's damage (they're phys-only); in that case you might use this one instead. Ascendancy points should be allocated to Bane of Legends, Endless Hunger, Impact, and Brutal Fervor, in that order; this will let you get high-uptime onslaught early on when what you want most is speed, pick up Slayer leech around the time leech starts to be useful, grab splash damage right around the time you start using Flicker Strike, and save stun immunity for end-game, when it matters most. Don't feel like you have to rush into the full version of this build right away when you hit maps - this tree functions perfectly well as a normal Oro's flicker build, and you can play it that way for as long as you like while you save up for The Rat Cage (including coloring and linking it) and the other more expensive bits. 8. Links: Last edited by Twirlip#0013 on Sep 15, 2017, 1:33:39 AM Last bumped on Apr 21, 2018, 2:05:22 PM
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Last edited by Twirlip#0013 on Sep 14, 2017, 11:55:12 PM
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pretty sick build. bookmarked for future leagues
IGN: EchelonTL, neophyte
Guild: Team Liquid |
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hello... 1 question.. i am duying at tier 11 maps ++ .. 2- 3 times everytime.. but i have better stats then you have on the gear!? what am i doing wrong???
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" Hard to say for sure without more info (can't see your character tab), but some guesses:
If none of these are the issue, I'd be happy to take a look at your character to see if I can spot what might be going wrong, you'd just need to set your characters tab to public in your account settings. Last edited by Twirlip#0013 on Sep 19, 2017, 8:05:14 PM
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Hello, thank you a lot for awesome build. I got few questions:
Why not blood magic? Is firestorm needed? We can replace for other curse? Chest gear is really hard to find, no one sell it on poe.trade now. |
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hi.I'd want to know if the unique armour is necessary. I have a 6L belly of the beast and it can also offer high max life. Or the "-50% fire resistance" is necessary for igniting?
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I tried the How to Flicker, Terminus est edition guide, it was good, but too weak against the bosses because of too difficult stacking of crirical chance, also, because of Kaom's had quite enough of life. Another bad thing of that build was pretty not enough life leech without Atziri's Acuity which is reeealy too expensive.
Having invested about 350 chaos in that character using this build, I got this: lvl:82 Life:3735 Mana:1619 Avg damage: 3728 + molten shel (in fact alot more) Resistanses: 76% each (111% with oak) Missing links at shell and flicker right now, but im too poor for 6l Current gear:
I have also added at the socket before the Acrobatics and allocated Herbalism, Heartseeker and Survivalist so that it works. What is yr opinion about it(setup in general and jewel in particular)? Flicker clears map so fast, so little hh is quite useful i think, but maybe i should aim for more +life nodes? Last edited by Yzzzzi#4505 on Oct 27, 2017, 3:56:54 AM
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" You could probably make a good version of this build with Blood Magic. I haven't been able to put one together that gets a higher total life pool than this one does with MoM, but it's entirely possible it could be done. Firestorm isn't exactly required, but it's an easy way to proc a whole bunch of ignites per second, which ups our VMS damage significantly. Yep, getting the chest is a pain in the butt, because it's Torment league specific, which means most of them are coming from Time Lost Relic or similar. I bought mine for about 55c early in the league, but coloring and linking it was the most painful part of gearing this character. " The chest is absolutely necessary for the build's main trick to work. It's not the "-50% to fire resistance" doing the work, though, it's the "10% of fire damage taken as physical damage." The way this build works is:
You can make a good Oro's Flicker build without The Rat Cage, but the trick that makes this build tick requires it. " Headhunter (or Inspired Learning) sound pretty rad for a Flicker build; I'd be interested to hear how it works out for you. Your life/mana total looks pretty low (only a bit above 5k total). I'd probably drop a few damage nodes for life nodes for now, and then work your way back into damage stuff as you level higher. You might also consider dropping Sibyl's for a decent rare ring, and just remember to be careful about reflect; reflect protection is great, but it's not worth much if you're dying all the time anyway because you only have 5.3k life on a melee build. Last edited by Twirlip#0013 on Oct 28, 2017, 12:57:16 PM
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This is a cool as heck rehash of the old VMS builds. Although there isn't very much "Vaal molten slug*" action going on. *(Where VMS is procing enough to leave a "slug" like trail behind the character)
If I'd ever do this build again, I'd def want to try it out as a flicker toon! My old toons gear fron Legacy league, it probably can't do t16's anymore since ember-taming was gutted. Which is why I'd probably go your version of the build; My version relied on being able to kill bosses in the duration of a single VMS, and without 3000% increased damage from ember-taming, well the damage just isn't there anymore. :(
Last edited by djfang#1006 on Oct 28, 2017, 8:56:40 PM
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