▌3.0 ▌ In Case You're Wandering ♥ 3.8m to 9.5m Shaper ♥ Phys Wand ♥ Multiple Flavors
Never played a Wand build, but wanna try next league. How well does this work as a starter? Can i get the basics going with 10c in the beginning ?
And how well does it work against specific map mods like reflect ? |
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" I do not play league, there were successful people who used this build in league but they converted from other wander builds after they hit 80+. I don't want to steer you down the wrong path since no one has posted league starter progress. You're likely better off with another build if you don't feel confident. Reflect as a map mod is a no go. Once you get to 7-10m shaper damage there simply just isn't a counter to reflect. Leech is calculated before reflect is. So when a mob is returning 1.26m damage to you instantly. No amount of life will save you :( |
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How do U manage urself alive? I mean it's impossible that you are resistance capped with this gear?
And also with that amount of health you got? :) |
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" Flasks cap resistances, not ideal but does the job. You can pick up more resistances on the gear if you don't feel comfortable keeping flasks up. 5k life + insane leech keeps you alive pretty well. The only things that can kill me while face tanking is shaper slam and a super buffed mino burrow. |
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is any change coming along with 3.1 ?
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