[3.5]Wild Strike||T1-16 viable||UPDATED||500k+ shaper dps + instant leech survivability

some notes after playing with it a bit more:

upgraded some jewellery / gloves. currently at 64 all resistances.

my main priority is to get balanced res to fully take advantage of wise oak and relying on wise oak to maintain res cap

swapped out belly for loreweave. feels much less panic mode when i hear volatiles or see my screen full of lightning mirages.

experimented with both shield charge and whirling. if using shield charge there is no need for blood magic, but i decided to stick with whirling so vines are less annoying to deal with

experimented with dropping blood rage and getting the Crave the Slaughter ascendancy after getting the following corruption:

ended up using both blood rage and crave of the slaughter together for even faster mapping speeds while the degen doesnt feel entirely bad. may experiment with using stone golem instead of lightning golem since my lightning golem is always dead when i map and i don't care enough to recast it

playstyle tips:

i suggest binding Wild Strike with "Always attack without moving" since this will make mapping feel a bit better. no longer walking up to melee range in a crowd when you namelock a target. this has caused me to die several times so now i treat wild strike as a very short range ability instead with the "attack without moving" option.

red elder can do deathless
all red elder guardians you can literally facetank even eradictor
shaper guardians all doable
shaper doable

like i mentioned before everything is relatively budget but i find myself buying tons of phys life res rings for 10-15c each just so i can balance my res for wise oak. just feels too important. i'm still at a point where i refuse to buy gear for multiple exalts since it just doesnt feel worth it for this toon

edit: seems my post keeps showing shapers' orbs as my gear im trying to link lol feel free to check my character
Last edited by ludicrous985 on Aug 22, 2018, 6:54:40 AM
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Oh sorry, elke weakness, not enfeeble )
yah, you are coorect. Under endgame gear, lvl 1 cwd - lvl 3 call. Soryy, was looking at a wrong place. Made it to maps this morning, will test build after work at T7-T10, should be fine, but dmg is a bit low atm (lacking nodes on a tree) and mb have a shitty gear jewelery )

yeah bud head up to claws of the falcon near the top you pick up a lot of damage nodes on the way :)

i saw you have no weapon but make sure you have the claw required :)
some notes after playing with it a bit more:

upgraded some jewellery / gloves. currently at 64 all resistances.

my main priority is to get balanced res to fully take advantage of wise oak and relying on wise oak to maintain res cap

swapped out belly for loreweave. feels much less panic mode when i hear volatiles or see my screen full of lightning mirages.

experimented with both shield charge and whirling. if using shield charge there is no need for blood magic, but i decided to stick with whirling so vines are less annoying to deal with

experimented with dropping blood rage and getting the Crave the Slaughter ascendancy after getting the following corruption:

ended up using both blood rage and crave of the slaughter together for even faster mapping speeds while the degen doesnt feel entirely bad. may experiment with using stone golem instead of lightning golem since my lightning golem is always dead when i map and i don't care enough to recast it

playstyle tips:

i suggest binding Wild Strike with "Always attack without moving" since this will make mapping feel a bit better. no longer walking up to melee range in a crowd when you namelock a target. this has caused me to die several times so now i treat wild strike as a very short range ability instead with the "attack without moving" option.

red elder can do deathless
all red elder guardians you can literally facetank even eradictor
shaper guardians all doable
shaper doable

like i mentioned before everything is relatively budget but i find myself buying tons of phys life res rings for 10-15c each just so i can balance my res for wise oak. just feels too important. i'm still at a point where i refuse to buy gear for multiple exalts since it just doesnt feel worth it for this toon

edit: seems my post keeps showing shapers' orbs as my gear im trying to link lol feel free to check my character

what was the item that showed up as a orb?

and yeah i usually find almost perfect, ring/amulet/belt/gloves, then use a junk rink to finish the job as capping will hold way more potential than a 2nd perfect ring :)

you are right when you get to your 'end gear' its just not worth going all out mirror worthy for such small amounts of extra damage, if you can get to lvl 92-94 you can get an extra 2 jewel sockets to give some dmg/life/res allowing for less resistances to be on your actual gear, you can also be under res cap and rely on your wise oak to keep you capped but i do not recommend this as long boss fights will be a disaster, glad you enjoy the build bro :)
Last edited by Cchris07 on Aug 22, 2018, 7:20:32 AM
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Cchris07 wrote:
some notes after playing with it a bit more:

upgraded some jewellery / gloves. currently at 64 all resistances.

my main priority is to get balanced res to fully take advantage of wise oak and relying on wise oak to maintain res cap

swapped out belly for loreweave. feels much less panic mode when i hear volatiles or see my screen full of lightning mirages.

experimented with both shield charge and whirling. if using shield charge there is no need for blood magic, but i decided to stick with whirling so vines are less annoying to deal with

experimented with dropping blood rage and getting the Crave the Slaughter ascendancy after getting the following corruption:

ended up using both blood rage and crave of the slaughter together for even faster mapping speeds while the degen doesnt feel entirely bad. may experiment with using stone golem instead of lightning golem since my lightning golem is always dead when i map and i don't care enough to recast it

playstyle tips:

i suggest binding Wild Strike with "Always attack without moving" since this will make mapping feel a bit better. no longer walking up to melee range in a crowd when you namelock a target. this has caused me to die several times so now i treat wild strike as a very short range ability instead with the "attack without moving" option.

red elder can do deathless
all red elder guardians you can literally facetank even eradictor
shaper guardians all doable
shaper doable

like i mentioned before everything is relatively budget but i find myself buying tons of phys life res rings for 10-15c each just so i can balance my res for wise oak. just feels too important. i'm still at a point where i refuse to buy gear for multiple exalts since it just doesnt feel worth it for this toon

edit: seems my post keeps showing shapers' orbs as my gear im trying to link lol feel free to check my character

what was the item that showed up as a orb?

and yeah i usually find almost perfect, ring/amulet/belt/gloves, then use a junk rink to finish the job as capping will hold way more potential than a 2nd perfect ring :)

you are right when you get to your 'end gear' its just not worth going all out mirror worthy for such small amounts of extra damage, if you can get to lvl 92-94 you can get an extra 2 jewel sockets to give some dmg/life/res allowing for less resistances to be on your actual gear, you can also be under res cap and rely on your wise oak to keep you capped but i do not recommend this as long boss fights will be a disaster, glad you enjoy the build bro :)

supposed to be frenzy on kill + ias double corrupted bloodseeker
Last edited by ludicrous985 on Aug 22, 2018, 2:39:54 PM
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Cchris07 wrote:
Banedaemon wrote:
Cchris07 wrote:

its not missing, 50% reduced armour was a problem with physical bosses and usually leads to us getting one shot so acrobatics has been removed, il fix the tree in pob ty for letting me know :)

Acrobats is still shown as a skill to gain in the "LEVEL 90 TREE + NODE ORDER BELOW :)" section as well. I just got it yesterday. Oh well, only one respec point. But if you'd had to path all the way to it... that mess-up would've sucked lol :D

yeah, should be fixed now

It (acrobatics) is still there in both the Path of Building & the quoted section! XD

The only part of the build I'm having any difficulty with is finding GOOD gear with the right sockets. I imagine this is a constant problem for most people... at least if they don't have tons of crafting supplies.

This is my first build and I'm planning to use it to farm resources to build other more pricey builds :)

A sincere thank you to the OP for keeping the guide up-to-date and so easy to follow. I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far!!!
Last edited by Banedaemon on Aug 23, 2018, 3:14:01 AM
It (acrobatics) is still there in both the Path of Building & the quoted section! XD

The only part of the build I'm having any difficulty with is finding GOOD gear with the right sockets. I imagine this is a constant problem for most people... at least if they don't have tons of crafting supplies.

This is my first build and I'm planning to use it to farm resources to build other more pricey builds :)

A sincere thank you to the OP for keeping the guide up-to-date and so easy to follow. I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far!!!

i did another patch on acerobatics i noticed it was still wrote down to take the node, both tree's should be fixed now,

appreciate the fact people appreciate the effort i put into this guide so thanks for that :)
the hardest item to buy for this build is the elemental weakness gloves as we need specific sockets, did you know you can get someone to mastercraft exact sockets on a corrupt item, this can be a bit pricey though.

overall i think my char cost about 10-12 exalts in gear (probably less cause i linked my own belly)
i reccomend buying a random high itemlevel belly or loreweave (at least ilvl80+) and just farm maps for jewlers exchange for fuse and hope you get lucky, this has worked for me 3 times

you will have a lot easier time in standard finding gear and most will be super cheap,

as for leagues i usually play self found only buying tabula/claw/rat's/kaoms witch are all cheap items to get and just playing self found till you are at red maps, by then you shoulda stacked fair currency
Last edited by Cchris07 on Aug 23, 2018, 10:55:36 AM
Out of curiosity, how much dps would you loose if you used a ring with warlord's Mark on hit (for endurance charge generation) compared to ele weakness gloves?
How to delete a double post....
Last edited by Llama8 on Aug 25, 2018, 6:02:53 AM
Llama8 wrote:
Out of curiosity, how much dps would you loose if you used a ring with warlord's Mark on hit (for endurance charge generation) compared to ele weakness gloves?

if you made your alternate ring a doedre's damning for +1 curse you could run both ;], you also could drop 4 life nodes in the marauder ring for 2 jewel sockets @ lvl 90, if you do this you can make up the resistances/some dmg that you will lose with the 2 rings, can also get %life roll or flat life if abyss jewel to make up for it a little, maybe you should use a stygian vise base belt to get an extra jewel socket also?

asuming u want endurance generation for lab, ect... it wont matter at all and is probably a full proof idea :)
Last edited by Cchris07 on Aug 25, 2018, 1:05:51 PM
Quick question about the resistance capping:

Do you need to keep all resistances below 100% for the wise oak effect to work or do they just need to all be even?

So say you have:
Fire 75% (101%)
Cold 75% (101%)
Lightning 75% (101%)

Would the flask have no effect with the above figures???

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