Aaaand it's just occurred to me that you're probably talking about essence crafted gloves. Never mind me lol
"It's time to espionagerate! Espionify? Espi- Time to talk!"
FleepQc wrote:
duude wrote:
OK boys ! i think HIEROPHANT much better then GUARDIAN... why ? Comon this 20% really ? u loose like 14-15 res u still gonna be 75/75/75 ( u can take 18/18/18 res in the tree ).... BUT HIEROPHANT gives u 4th totem and its much better cause u dont need to cast shit.. just run around and be SAVE like a boss, and OFC u geting POWER charges when u place totem sooooooooo Guardian < HIEROPHANT ) u take power charges in the tree + u can buy Void Battery Prophecy Wand and delete shaper, Uber from the game...GL all!
And yes if u think GUARDIAN better plz wright why !
Already wrote why I think guardian is better... Here's the screenshot of what you gain from speccing into guardian.  15 all res 10 as/move speed 5 block chance and then bunch of defensive bonuses as well from not having vuln and all the other stuff. You also get around 12% more damage from the cast speed and not having enfeeble on you.
Wither totem is actually pretty bad for general mapping and is only good against hard bosses(guardians and shaper) since you have to drop either faster casting or increased duration and then the totem itself gets a 30% cast speed penalty... meaning that you get to max stacks at a much slower pace. It is also pretty bad for keeping arcane surge up.
While I do agree, Hierophant is a bit better for farming shaper because all you do is moving around avoiding his mechanics, Guardian is much better for map clearing and HC in general. Safer and faster.
PLZZZZZZZZ what are u saying is a bit better farm shaper ? ABITE ?????????
dude u cant cast wither - dps u dont have power charge on boss - dps ..
u killing so slow!
all who think dat GUARDIAN BETTER on bosses wach this plz
and no1 talking about maping now ... we are talking for boss kill
Last edited by duude#5829 on Sep 23, 2017, 8:13:11 AM
Posted byduude#5829on Sep 23, 2017, 8:12:10 AM
PLZZZZZZZZ what are u saying is a bit better farm shaper ? ABITE ?????????
dude u cant cast wither - dps u dont have power charge on boss - dps ..
u killing so slow!
all who think dat GUARDIAN BETTER on bosses wach this plz
and no1 talking about maping now ... we are talking for boss kill
cant u read... i litteraly said that hiero is prolly slightly better for shaper...
Also, the video you linked is someone with 2k less effective hp than this build... You won't ever run that on HC
Last edited by FleepQc#2480 on Sep 23, 2017, 9:18:15 AM
Posted byFleepQc#2480on Sep 23, 2017, 9:15:08 AM
FleepQc wrote:
PLZZZZZZZZ what are u saying is a bit better farm shaper ? ABITE ?????????
dude u cant cast wither - dps u dont have power charge on boss - dps ..
u killing so slow!
all who think dat GUARDIAN BETTER on bosses wach this plz
and no1 talking about maping now ... we are talking for boss kill
cant u read... i litteraly said that hiero is prolly slightly better for shaper...
Also, the video you linked is someone with 2k less effective hp than this build... You won't ever run that on HC
ok u have 6k hp will it help on shaper ? dont think so ))
Posted byduude#5829on Sep 23, 2017, 10:05:16 AM
Updated the FAQ(and some other stuff) to add a little more explanations about guardian ascendants and other questions that popped up in the thread.
Posted byFleepQc#2480on Sep 25, 2017, 4:36:40 PM
Why Attack Speed is so important here? For Shield Charge only?
Posted byEzbi#6119on Sep 27, 2017, 8:54:08 PM
Ezbi wrote:
Why Attack Speed is so important here? For Shield Charge only?
Don't need damage when you already 1 shot everything and kill bosses in in seconds. So... ya attack speed is going to give you way better clear speed.
Posted byFleepQc#2480on Sep 28, 2017, 12:25:55 AM
Ripped my last 90 so I'm rerolling this again for the 4th time. I just can't get enough chaos shockwave totem action!
Posted byMoridin79#6328on Sep 28, 2017, 12:12:44 PM
Hi, i have a question, how do you get 30k dps with your totem without buff and concentrated effect? I only get 9500k dps with no buff and i dont understand why.
By the way, i have a great fun with this build so far !
Posted bycromagnon444#4818on Sep 28, 2017, 12:18:41 PM
cromagnon444 wrote:
Hi, i have a question, how do you get 30k dps with your totem without buff and concentrated effect? I only get 9500k dps with no buff and i dont understand why.
By the way, i have a great fun with this build so far !
Having 20/20 gems is pretty big for tooltip(bunch of spell damage). My dagger and shield are also very good so... ya.
Posted byFleepQc#2480on Sep 28, 2017, 12:42:55 PM