gloves working with a weapon in your hand?
IGN: Tek_a_Minagain // drugstore___cowboy // GrattlerInc
Posted bymiizii#4619on Sep 8, 2017, 3:38:22 AM
The storm shield is perfect!
Posted byMidgaard12#6999on Sep 8, 2017, 3:46:23 AM
Drimli wrote:
Seriously wtf are you talking about dude??? i couldn't give less of a s... about how the MTX looks this is not about the god damn MTX... this is about them releasing MTX all the time sending a message to the community that they only care about money instead of fixing the game breaking bugs and dc's that are in the game atm.... the game have not been this unstable and unplayable since closed beta...
And yes they released a "buff" for harbingers about 2-3 weeks ago that totally f..... up the drops even more than they where before the fix.......... as i wrote i have been doing over 500 maps since that "buff" and i have not seen one single exalted shard since then in maps... i found 3 exalted orbs BUT! not a single shard... And obviously you think it is cool that people with over 400 hours in the league only have been able to make 7 harbinger maps without trading???? how the actual f... is that ok when you need to do 50 or as it was before they changed it... 100!!! are you seriously defending this? wtf is this community becomming to.
When GGG do good we all love them and praise them to the sky... but can we please be realistic and also be critical when they f... up big time?
And please don't give me that RNG crap... I found 6 exalted shards outside og maps just leveling 2 random chars that didn't even go over level 70... something is wrong.
It's all about priorities. For now, they focus on milking the "new cows" (new players from 3.0 hype, china & x-box). They knew they cannot fix all the problem this game have asap, so why not milk whatever they can when the new cows are still around before the new cows realize the problems & stop playing. After the new cows left, they will just focus again in fixing the game for the old vets who always stick around no matter what.
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
Posted byboyandroid#6548on Sep 8, 2017, 3:47:45 AM
Drimli wrote:
Ahhh yes... the usual i got no problem so the rest of the forum that is basicly on fire must be wrong...
RNG is RNG.... well mate i would say that 500+ maps and 400+ hours is enough of a sample size to say that 0 exalted shard drops in maps is a problem... not to talk about to 80% of the time where you only get chaos regal and other trash shards... it is like 20% chance they drop harbinger ancient and anul shards that is only worth picking up tbh... Ohh and btw before their "buff" to harbingers 3 weeks ago i did get exalted shards in maps i had 16 shards at that time... efter "buff" they just stopped dropping.
And as i said before they can put out 400 mtx a day if they also keep us up to date with game fixes... but they don't it is 14 days ago since they talked about the new harbinger fixes... didn't hear more about that... and the last patch they released didn't fix any of the most game breaking problems that are all around the forums.
So no i will not rustle my feathers... i am actually surprised that not more people are talking about these matters.
Got ya!
Maybe they need to sell MTX to pay for their programmers to do extra work eh? I doubt it, I'm sure they have plenty of cash in reserve thanks to their accountants, but like I said (which clearly didn't sink in, maybe I need to be more blunt), they have mtx designs in reserve so they can release them whenever they need to and in the mean time design more, however with balancing the game, its not something that can be fixed immediately like flicking a switch. Give them some time, GGG may not communicate enough in regards to player feedback, they probably DID screw something up with the drops when they "buffed" the league but we don't know because they haven't said anything. Something I wish they DID do is apologise for potential fuck ups such as what you have mentioned, if they have even effed something up.
Posted bySkronos#2248on Sep 8, 2017, 4:01:28 AM
15 euro for a cape
42 for an armor set
21 for a shield
16 for gloves
Such retarded prices.
But hey, i get it.
Casino's don't make money on the pple who come there occasionally. No, they make money from the addicts who spend their life savings.
I am now sure this is the audience you are targeting GGG.
The pple who buy every supp pack and have to waste all those points on MTX, otherwise they stack up to much.
To bad you leave a lot of willing customers out who just don't have that kind of money.
★ IGN: Pinockio_the_Transexual or PM me on forums ★
Posted byStarball#2489on Sep 8, 2017, 4:02:25 AM
Skronos wrote:
Drimli wrote:
Ahhh yes... the usual i got no problem so the rest of the forum that is basicly on fire must be wrong...
RNG is RNG.... well mate i would say that 500+ maps and 400+ hours is enough of a sample size to say that 0 exalted shard drops in maps is a problem... not to talk about to 80% of the time where you only get chaos regal and other trash shards... it is like 20% chance they drop harbinger ancient and anul shards that is only worth picking up tbh... Ohh and btw before their "buff" to harbingers 3 weeks ago i did get exalted shards in maps i had 16 shards at that time... efter "buff" they just stopped dropping.
And as i said before they can put out 400 mtx a day if they also keep us up to date with game fixes... but they don't it is 14 days ago since they talked about the new harbinger fixes... didn't hear more about that... and the last patch they released didn't fix any of the most game breaking problems that are all around the forums.
So no i will not rustle my feathers... i am actually surprised that not more people are talking about these matters.
Got ya!
Maybe they need to sell MTX to pay for their programmers to do extra work eh? I doubt it, I'm sure they have plenty of cash in reserve thanks to their accountants, but like I said (which clearly didn't sink in, maybe I need to be more blunt), they have mtx designs in reserve so they can release them whenever they need to and in the mean time design more, however with balancing the game, its not something that can be fixed immediately like flicking a switch. Give them some time, GGG may not communicate enough in regards to player feedback, they probably DID screw something up with the drops when they "buffed" the league but we don't know because they haven't said anything. Something I wish they DID do is apologise for potential fuck ups such as what you have mentioned, if they have even effed something up.
Yeah i am just so angry atm man =) you are right but it feels so wrong when they just don't give a crap about the community and to be open about the game problems... if they could just keep us up to date and admit when they f... up i would not need to be angry or sad.
Posted byDrimli#1649on Sep 8, 2017, 4:04:52 AM
boyandroid wrote:
Drimli wrote:
Seriously wtf are you talking about dude??? i couldn't give less of a s... about how the MTX looks this is not about the god damn MTX... this is about them releasing MTX all the time sending a message to the community that they only care about money instead of fixing the game breaking bugs and dc's that are in the game atm.... the game have not been this unstable and unplayable since closed beta...
And yes they released a "buff" for harbingers about 2-3 weeks ago that totally f..... up the drops even more than they where before the fix.......... as i wrote i have been doing over 500 maps since that "buff" and i have not seen one single exalted shard since then in maps... i found 3 exalted orbs BUT! not a single shard... And obviously you think it is cool that people with over 400 hours in the league only have been able to make 7 harbinger maps without trading???? how the actual f... is that ok when you need to do 50 or as it was before they changed it... 100!!! are you seriously defending this? wtf is this community becomming to.
When GGG do good we all love them and praise them to the sky... but can we please be realistic and also be critical when they f... up big time?
And please don't give me that RNG crap... I found 6 exalted shards outside og maps just leveling 2 random chars that didn't even go over level 70... something is wrong.
It's all about priorities. For now, they focus on milking the "new cows" (new players from 3.0 hype, china & x-box). They knew they cannot fix all the problem this game have asap, so why not milk whatever they can when the new cows are still around before the new cows realize the problems & stop playing. After the new cows left, they will just focus again in fixing the game for the old vets who always stick around no matter what.
Sadly you are probably right about that =(
Posted byDrimli#1649on Sep 8, 2017, 4:05:27 AM
More loot boxes, more recolours of the same items with full prices. Just disappointed.
Asus TUF B450-PLUS GAMING - AMD Ryzen 5 5600 - ASUS GTX 1080 Ti Strix 11GB - Windows 10 Pro - 32GB DDR4 - Samsung 250GB 970 EVO SSD
Posted bySaunaChum#0918on Sep 8, 2017, 4:12:25 AM
For me soon this game finish as d3 in trash if char died to skills used before 3.0 in HO, fucking surprisly...wasting only time removeing mtx from it in standard.
Posted bySocart#1112on Sep 8, 2017, 4:14:04 AM
you should really stop calling them microtransactions, since they are so crazy costly.