[Tool] 👮Currency Cop ▪ Instantly know your worth ▪ v2.0.0-beta.16 ▪ Blight? ✨

for those who doesnt know how to get POESESSID in firefox
Leyzr wrote:
How about an "add all" button back for the tabs. That's what i miss the most.

It is not advisable to track more than 15-25 tabs, overall, across all leagues.

More tabs mean:

  • Higher risk of being rate limited by GGG (see below)
  • Larger wait times between tab refreshes, waiting on other tabs to finish before it can run.
  • Wasted space / bandwidth tracking dead tabs

Here are some advisable forms of tracking:

  • Map Runners, use dump tabs, create report for dump tabs, around 2-3 tabs.
  • Lab Runners, same as above
  • Currency tracking, usually two currency tabs or two quad tabs
  • Unique tracking, usually two quad tabs

If you're doing something outside of that, I'd love to know the use-case.

Tab requests are (heavily) RATE LIMITED, and then throttled if you go over:

X-Rate-Limit-Account: 45:60:60,240:240:900
X-Rate-Limit-Account-State: 4:60:0,4:240:0

Note the 4:60, I have made 4 tab requests in 60 seconds, 41 more and I get throttled for 4 minutes (for each request over), this is per account, not per site / application.

How tabs are refreshed

  • First the application creates a 60 second window. (GGG Rate limit window for tabs)
  • Each tab (unique per league) gets an evenly spaced slot of time.
  • Up to 40 tabs per 60s window. (40 to avoid going over)

Each minute currency-cop updates up to 40 tracked tabs, anything over increases that interval. 80 tabs? 2 minutes for a full cycle, the more tabs the longer the cycle takes.

This is why there is no refresh button, because your tabs are constantly updated in the background.

The future, there will be a pause/update-period dropdown for choosing how long the app should wait to update a portfolio. Some people do hour runs and then want to check stats, so things like that would just suspend updates going to a portfolio until a hour is passed but the tab refreshing would still happen in the background.

Add all button

A design solution for this going forward would be, to allow a button, but add a large warning over 15-25 tabs that points to this post, to ensure people doing this action know the ramifications.

Created CurrencyCop and PoeBuddy.
Check out my Item Filters: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3510357
Last edited by ComfyGangsta#5968 on Jun 23, 2018, 6:08:45 PM
To add some real references for the post above, just discovered a user who was rate-limited, implementing some features to better handle those situations.


This is why the post above suggests limited fetching of tabs and why there is no refresh button. It is very easy to be rate-limited. The results of that, aren't great.
Created CurrencyCop and PoeBuddy.
Check out my Item Filters: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3510357
Last edited by ComfyGangsta#5968 on Jun 23, 2018, 8:10:38 PM
Here is a breakdown of the issues that will be resolved, and how they are resolved:

Created CurrencyCop and PoeBuddy.
Check out my Item Filters: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3510357
Released 2.0.0-beta.10

✨ Add rate-limit checks on application load
✨ New rate-limited view on application load
🔌 Check for internet connection before making requests in queue system
🤦‍♂ Implement rate-limit debouncing in request queue
🤦‍♂ Properly throw status codes for bad requests
🤦‍♂ Encode error before passing to views
🤦‍♂ Use `e` instead of `error` when catching
🐛 Fix issue where rate-limited accounts fetches returned empty results
🐛 Fix issue where rate-limited accounts corrupted league data
🐛 Fix issue where rate-limited accounts corrupted tab data

Download Link


Having Issues?

If you're having troubles with the second version please post an issue on the Github Repository. You can also ping me on the Reddit PoE Discord. I will respond faster, but it is easier for me to track on Github.
Created CurrencyCop and PoeBuddy.
Check out my Item Filters: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3510357
Last edited by ComfyGangsta#5968 on Jun 23, 2018, 10:37:10 PM
How do we show a graph? Or see hourly earnings? I only see the dropdown showing history for the last few updates which only is only the last 10 minutes or so.
ComfyGangsta wrote:

👮 Currency Cop


  • Ever wondered how much you're worth across all your stash tabs in the current market?
  • Ever tried to manually calculate your worth?
  • Use a macro to check currency prices in your stash tab?
  • ... You don't have to anymore.

📸 Preview


🔨 Source Code

👇 Download

📰 Changelog


Why is there no refresh button or add all tab button?
See this post for more details.

I can't find my POESESSIONID!!
Check out this comprehensive guide for popular browsers.

Why do you need my POESESSIONID?

This is currently the only way to obtain your private stashes. Make a lot of noise to GGG to create an official API.

I followed the instructions, but can't find my POESESSIONID!

Make sure that you are logged in to the Path of Exile website before following the instructions!

I don't want to give you my POESESSIONID! I don't know you!

Perfectly reasonable response. The application only stores the session on your local machine and only makes requests using your Session ID to https://www.pathofexile.com. Check the source code if you don't trust me!

Why am I getting a message about too many requests?

Oohwee! Looks like you found out that GGG doesn't really like you doing that many requests to view your own private stashes! Complain to GGG about it, nothing I can do!

You can only do 45 requests per minute (60 seconds) Jerry. GGG said. Ooh we're tryin!

How do I update Currency Cop?

Download the latest version, install, and you're good to go!

Downloaded a new version and got an error!

Logout (upper right hand corner), and log back in!

If you don't see a logout button:

  • Uninstall Currency Cop
  • Delete this folder (use file explorer): %APPDATA%/currency-cop
  • Re-install Currency Cop

This will be addressed in the future, but for now... please bear with me 🙏

I have a feature request!

Awesome! Create an issue on Github!

I found an error!

Create an issue on Github! It will get addressed! I promise!

I want to support you!

Awesome. I'll put up a donation link since I can't ask for in-game stuff :P

[Removed by Support]

Old Details
historical records...

  • Old Changelog

    [spoiler="1.2.5-beta1 🎄 Uniques!"]
    • Happy Holidays! 🎄
    • Added support for Unique Jewels, Flasks, Armors, Weapons, Accessories (thanks to @XScorpion2)

  • [spoiler="1.2.4-beta1 🎃 Map Calculations 🐞 "]
    • Fixed calculation issue with Superior maps
    [spoiler="1.2.3-beta1 🎃 Start Screen / Select All / Refresh"]
    • Added version check on startup
    • Added a Start Screen
    • Added Select All Tabs button on report creation
    • Added Refresh Button (to refresh prices & tabs change your report settings)
    [spoiler="1.2.2-beta1 🐞 Fix Card Pricing Bug"]
    • Fixed card prices (Mo money, mo problems)
    [spoiler="1.2.1-beta1 ✨ Div Cards & Maps & Unique Maps!"]
    • Added support for Divination Cards
    • Added support for Maps
    • Added support for Unique Maps
    • Added Remove Report under Report Settings
    • Fixed ordering of minimize and full-screen buttons
    [spoiler="1.2.0-beta1 ✨ Reporting / Auto Refresh / Redesign!"]
    • Added Reporting functionality
    • Added Auto-refresh functionality (with difference calculation)
    • Added close, minimize, fullscreen buttons
    • Complete re-design with better contrast
    • Removed refresh buttons
    [spoiler="1.1.0-beta2 ✨ Special Characters Fixed!"]
    • Fixed fetching tabs for users with special characters in their account name.
    [spoiler="1.1.0b ✨ Filters?! Sorting?! and more! ✨"]
    • Added ability to sort by type and worth
    • Added ability to filter items
    • Added item name on hover - mvp edition ✨
    • Fixed responsive layout issues for net worth ui 😉
    [spoiler="1.0.7b 💅 Quality of Life"]
    • Added auto-rotating log files. Can be found at %APPDATA%/currency-cop/Logs
    • Improved POESESSIONID help message by linking to thread post.
    • Added POESESSIONID validation check - request by @GGG_Novynn
    • Fixed issue where account name was not being decoded after fetch
    • Added check to catch uncaught errors and log them
    • Removed unused library
    • Added better source map support for errors
    • Added try-catch blocks around configuration save / loading
    • Added error messages when POESESSIONID validation fails
    [spoiler="1.0.6b 🐞 Bugfix"]
    • Fix storage system on fresh machines
    • Properly support special characters in header bar
    [spoiler="1.0.5b 📁 Changed storage system"]
    • Improved storage system for people with 400+ tabs (they exist 😲)
    • Support account names with special characters
    [spoiler="1.0.4b 📁 Better Storage System 📁"]
    • Improved storage system for people with 100+ tabs (they exist 😲)
    • Portable version!
    • Improved tab fetching mechanisms
    • Fixed logout -> close -> restart -> login issue.
    [spoiler="1.0.3b"]Note Upgrading from 1.0.2b? Click Refresh Prices to see changes.
    • Feat Fragments support
    • Feat Group items by type & sort by order identifier
    • Add 32bit support
    • Fix caching issue where upgrading from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1b caused application to fail
    • Essence Support
    • Re-wrote item processing system to speed up future roadmap items
    • Added retry mechanism when price checks fail
    • Beta Release!

    • Support Currency Orbs / Shards ✔️
    • Beta Release ✔️
    • Support Essences ✔️ (1.0.1b+)
    • Support Fragments ✔️ (1.0.3b+)
    • Portable Release ✔️ (1.0.4b+)
    • Sorting Functionality ✔️ (1.1.0b+)
    • Support SSF Leagues ✔️ (1.2.0b+)
    • Auto Updating / Changelog inside application🔥
    • Support Divination Cards & Maps ✔️ (1.2.1b+)
    • Close Button ✔️ (1.2.0b+)
    • Tab Selector to be fetched ✔️ (1.2.0b+)
    • Support Uniques
    • Auto Refresh & Hourly Difference ✔️ (1.2.0b+)
    • Support Stack -> Tab breakdown
    • Charts (Pie chart, line chart)
    • Support (Chaos -> Item) Rates
    • Mac Support
    • Linux Support
    • Open the Source Code ✔️ (1.2.4b+)

  • hey guys!

    at first, thanks for your great tool! i really love it.

    but im missing a feature i would really like to see in a future release:

    a currency history.
    I think about it like a chart of when you had how much currency. it would be a really cool feature.
    there is already a history you implemented, but it only shows the last few minutes, but it would need to save it to a file and show all the entrys as a graph.

    Hope you can implement something like this :)

  • Last edited by Stacey_GGG#0000 on Jul 24, 2018, 7:31:05 PM
    Graph showing currency earning differences would be awesome.I agree.
    Feature wise, next will be pausing, then a graph
    Created CurrencyCop and PoeBuddy.
    Check out my Item Filters: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3510357
    Next bug hunt release will be fixing an issue where tab worker processes were not properly drained and removed on updates / deletes, or properly added when updating. See an image below for the adding issue, note the length differences (7) unique tab worker processes there should be - (6) the number of tab worker processes there are.

    This is the first step to enabling a "pause" on a portfolio. Paused portfolio tabs will be drained from the tab worker pool.

    Here is an image of the after:

    Note they are equal.
    Created CurrencyCop and PoeBuddy.
    Check out my Item Filters: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3510357
    Last edited by ComfyGangsta#5968 on Jun 24, 2018, 8:42:00 PM

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