[3.0] Headhunter...Hunter | Currency Generator | Pathfinder | Essence Drain | 475k Boss Dps | Bisco

Ladoona wrote:
How high in terms of maps have you done with this ? I aslo wanted to ask about the low mana flask whether is is needed or just is a luxury to get more mf etc? Also do you think it would be possible to slot a tempest binding helm into the build or would it be pretty useless?

All great questions! Let's break it down.

1) I've personally done Tier:15 - It still absolutely cruises. I'm certain there would be no problems with the trash in Tier:16 maps, but the guardians are tough to do without getting hit.

2) The flask is honestly what makes the build, in my mind.

It says 18% increased quantity, but with flaskfinder and passive bonuses to flasks, it works out to be 26% increased quantity! All the time. Which is MULTIPLICATIVE with the map increased quantity. There really aren't many other builds this fast which can keep that flask on all the time.

3) Let's look at what the Tempest Binding Helm gains you and costs you.

Gains from ice bite / innervate: zero - The dot is what we scale in ED, not the actual projectile. Ice bite would almost never give frenzy, since we almost never crit to freeze anything.
Gains from Harbinger of Storms: Enemies are sometimes shocked or chilled - this would be okay for bosses, might shave a second off kill times. Other mobs are dead before any impact would be felt.

Costs: HP and resistances which have to be made up elsewhere (often at the cost of efficient quantity)

In conclusion: I would advise against it.

That's fantastic thanks for the fast reply :) currently leveling it up hoping to get it into some higher maps :)
Another question sorry I should have put it in my other post, what order would you reccomend taking the ascendancies?
Ladoona wrote:
Another question sorry I should have put it in my other post, what order would you reccomend taking the ascendancies?

I'm not sure it matters that much. None of the ascendancies really give a huge power spike as with other builds. I'd probably take the bleed branch (Nature's Adrenaline --> Master Surgeon) first, as bleeds are more likely to kill you during leveling.

Good luck out there!
Rolling this build.Goes pretty solid,but struggling with bosses a little bit(since pretty normal).

My gear is this for now:

Level 86 Pathfinder

Gonna change amulet with bisco's.6l upgrade and a little bit more leveling and all good to me.Also gonna get a dying sun.

Many to do,so let's go!

If you have any tip to me I would be grateful @musclecups

Changelog for me:

Bought 2 ventor's gamble,bought 20/20 essence drain which granted solid boost.Bisco's are starting around 100 chaos and for now I can't afford them.

Goes solid,pretty nice actually.
Last edited by Coxining#0112 on Sep 7, 2017, 5:32:08 AM
Looks solid!

One small note: it's definitely worth the few jeweller's and fusings to add faster casting to your spell totem (it's one of your maces). Wither plays a huge part in boss damage - the more stacks, the better.

As with all spells, you'll notice a huge spike when your ED hits 20. At this point in the league, it's probably worth it to pick up a bricked lvl 20 corrupt (it's cheap at 0 quality). Just move your current one to your offhand till it levels.

Good luck out there.
Last edited by musclecups#7269 on Sep 6, 2017, 6:53:47 PM
How did you shape your atlas out of curiosity? And are you using zana mods?
Atlas is pretty standard.

T9 - all
T10 - Dunes or Mesa (Dunes is a little better)
T11 - Spider Forest
T12 - none (for more Spider Forest)
T13 - Shore
T14 - none (for more Shore)
T15 - Courtyard
T16 - All

Don't sweat having only around 80ish bonus on the atlas - you'll have plenty of map returns (and some to sell).

Here's my thoughts on Zana mods / chiseling / sextants : all or nothing.
Putting full sextants is more fun. But if you are on a budget, alch and go is fine too.

The way they stack with our INCREASED QUANTITY makes running these mods worth the cost unless you have unlimited time to play.

I'm mostly doing Spider Forest these past few days. It can take 4 sextants (block bad sextants in the neighborhood for extra efficiency). If you still get a bad sextant, it's worth it to reroll that one.

Zana breach is hands down the most efficient mod once you have it. Until then you can run Perandus to get lucky (you can sell coins, brodeals, AND , and Nemesis once you have 2.5 tabs worth of leather belts saved.
Last edited by musclecups#7269 on Sep 7, 2017, 11:31:31 PM

Finally found a build that requires my colours lmao. I think im going balls deep on this build. Seems actually fun.

edit: spent the whole evening buying all the gear and finally did my first map on it. I absolutely love it. I really missed the ed/contagion feel. Soooo calming to see stuff melt around you w/out huge crashing sounds and explosions :)
Last edited by SixBlackNinjas#6726 on Sep 7, 2017, 10:49:13 PM

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