The Eastern Temple


The Pond

Zen Gardden & Lower Temple

Geta Sandals

Torii Gate

Forest Shrine

Forest Shrine Detail

Upper Temple Entrance

Upper Temple Interior

Goddess Detail

Sitting Elreon

Tatami Flooring

One of the more challenging hideouts I've made. I hit the decoration cap numerous times and had to scale down some areas. The roofing was extremely expensive as well and it took some time to farm up enough favor for it. Overall I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.
Last edited by Sie_Sayoka#6666 on Sep 2, 2017, 1:55:19 PM
Last bumped on Jan 10, 2018, 12:19:10 AM
Damn amazing hideout...!
This is the most impressive thing I've ever seen in Path of Exile.

Love that you stuck to the theme when choosing music for the video. :)
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
another amazing hideout Sie_Sayoka. Good job =D
Jesus fuck.
Your creativity shames me.
oh mai gawd. superb hideout and amazing video/music
Nice one , makes me wanna try doing some eastern theme hideout on my ssf hideout.

My favourite part tho is the pond and the upper temple.
IGN : Sir_Big
Last edited by Achilion#0497 on Sep 4, 2017, 7:39:07 AM
Sitting Elreon is brilliant. I so wish we could pose the masters.
Can you list the items and number of them needed? Would be extremely helpful. Also, what level do you need the masters to be that sell these objects? You said a lot of favor needed for the roofing but how much is that exactly, lvl 8 master + extra farming? Played this game for around 11k hours now so making a hideout like this is the most fun thing I can think of still having to do in this game lmao. Plus I love Japanese stuff and the Leo hideout XD.
Msg me in game if u need build help :), 14k+ hours since 2014.
Can you list the items and number of them needed? Would be extremely helpful. Also, what level do you need the masters to be that sell these objects? You said a lot of favor needed for the roofing but how much is that exactly, lvl 8 master + extra farming? Played this game for around 11k hours now so making a hideout like this is the most fun thing I can think of still having to do in this game lmao. Plus I love Japanese stuff and the Leo hideout XD.

Sorry I didn't see your post until now. You can find all of the decorations from this thread. I don't know exactly what level masters you need for the decorations but you will need at least lv8 Zana (for the arch) and Vagan (for the cage). I think that I used at least 3m favor from Zana and Vagan, I believe the decorations from the other masters are much cheaper. If you do dailies for every master you wont have to worry about their favor by the time you farm enough for Zana and Vagan.

78 temple arches 32k ea
6 golden statues 19.2k ea
8 medium golden statues 36k ea
1 golden statue (bowl) 80k
1 golden arch 400k

3.4m Zana favor

9 cages 200k ea
120~ beams 240 ea
80~ stone pieces 800 ea

1.9m Vagan favor

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