[3.2] Spellomancer, facetank 95%, clear 99.9% of the game with ease. Budget, Shaper, Uber, HoGM ...
So I have been following your guide... but I'm now struggling to lvl my gems due to slight shortage of strength and dex. I'm at lvl 58 and my gems are around 40ish atm
" Yes, this is a usual problem for many builds. Just use some gear with stats(for example perandus blazon is great for this) or temporary allocate 30 dex/str nodes on tree. |
Hi again, is your most recent build from 3.2 based on the gear you wear now for scorching ray? Also, how is the passive tree for scorching ray in the build you were using? Thanks for your time and answers :)
" For tree look in the other thread. I posted new one For SR there. For the gear check the other thread also for necessary things. For the rest of the gear can check this thread, as reference. |
Compagnons francais, je vous déconseille ce build. Très mal équilibré pour leveler. Pour équilibrer les résistes et les stats (dex particulièrement) il vous faudra de bons jaunes bien gras. Je suis en cour de leveling (level 50 environ) et je doute de garder ce perso les deux premiers étant bcp plus efficaces et moins gourmand en matos. Bref un build sympathique mais à ne faire uniquement en attendant de quoi en faire un autre ou si vous êtes masochiste.