The Pale Council Uniques - An Insight into the Design Process

Where these gloves designed before or after "increased skill effect duration" was uncoupled from poison?

Realistically speaking at the moment the only way to prolong poison duration is with a temporal chains curse for any elemental focus build that does not want to spend around 40 points +-(to duelist tree no less) for a measly 40% poison duration increase.(and that's going from shadow, don't even wanna mention templar and witch in that regard for which temp chains is the only viable route to counter-act the gloves downside)

I could see this as a legit unique design if it was made prior to "increased skill effect duration" being removed to work with poison.

If it was designed after this change though, it's complete rubbish accounting for the 20% to poison and the duration reduction on top.(forces a poison gem in the links and no way to scale the duration above 1.4 sec i think +- based on instinct when using temp chains)

Then again as far as i know the "chaos skill effect duration" from the council chaos mace should also no longer inter-act with poison duration, so it would be a toss up of which item got the worst end of the deal on that front.

Tried the gloves with 80% poison chance and max qaulity temp chain/blasphemy using four totems on hierophant.

Poison did nothing noticeable even with 4 totems spamming stacks.

I'm sure it would have been cool if i could add a skill effect duration cluster to the build to let the stacking ramp up a bit to actually see a noticeable degen.(feeling/seeing the gloves deliver their impact)

Really had some hopes for this, looked amazing conceptually but i put the concept in the bin for the moment might as well not use the poison component and clear at same pace and kill bosses at same pace.



edit : i guess i should mention, at least the base item is "ok". Some raw cold deeps/life/resist and what is essentially a 2%more multiplier with 0 investment in the "unique" property.

But lining it up like that just makes me blush at the last part of that sentence, a unique that mostly rewards in my opinion not building around it.

edit 2 :

Would it be possible to get a hrishi statement on this? Since this post is in fact about explaining his process.
I am pretty sure that the whole DoT/ailment system was up in the air during these designs and are still actively worked on in the background.

But it would be nice to know what information was available to him while designing these unique's.

What was his base-line when working around "poison" as a mechanic for these unique's is what i am asking.

Much appreciated if at all possible, very much like the concept's behind them but i feel the current ailment system doesn't do them justice and i think GGG is not done with the overhaul in this regard so my current concerns could be totally unjustified regarding these gloves.

I wouldn't attempt to build around them if i didn't like their unique mechanical concept/component.

As a little off-topic in that regard, would it be possible to list the ability's of unique items in the "help compendium"? Up until reading this post for example i had no idea the gaze gave
"whatever X chaos pen"

So perhaps the "help compendium" could have a "unique ability's section" providing their tags and mechanical ability's.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem#2861 on Aug 28, 2017, 6:58:41 PM
Very interesting uniques indeed!
Looking forward to test them out. Great job
Look like GGG is finally back!

welcome back!
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
can we get ANYTHING melee new...this is getting absurd.

Maybe a new bow skill too?

Lot of items for poison builds

I'm curious tho why there wasn't a single item for bleed builds in 3.0 ...
when you see shadow like that, you would think of him as someone completely different
I usually do not read popular posts again after i made a comment on it, unless it's one of my own. I wish to have a Black robed Grim Reaper micro set in game one day, grant my wish, GGG
When is the 3D models comming?
They are awesome and now we need 3D
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When will this be released!?
very beautiful

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