I cannot get this Build past lvl 73. Cant even do maps because of the low health currently. Whenever I finally caught up and made like 15%, i die because of some weird oneshots with only like 2500 health.

Any advice how I could level this build further? Because currently Map bosses, atziri on merciless and so on completely destroy me.

Another thing I noticed is that with Cyclone and Shield Dash, my Discharge wont proc even tho I have charges available. The Crit Chance simply seems to not fire at all, sometimes for more than 5 seconds. Then I mostly die from lack of self heal because I only heal on discharges.
Last edited by Parasite#6542 on Oct 9, 2017, 12:52:28 PM
Parasite wrote:
I cannot get this Build past lvl 73. Cant even do maps because of the low health currently. Whenever I finally caught up and made like 15%, i die because of some weird oneshots with only like 2500 health.

Any advice how I could level this build further? Because currently Map bosses, atziri on merciless and so on completely destroy me.

Another thing I noticed is that with Cyclone and Shield Dash, my Discharge wont proc even tho I have charges available. The Crit Chance simply seems to not fire at all, sometimes for more than 5 seconds. Then I mostly die from lack of self heal because I only heal on discharges.

Dude u don't even have the right items.

-Without Volls amulet u rarely get endurance charges
-ur cyclone cast on crit is only 4 link without inc crit gem
-ur unset ring destroys ur EE since cyclone does lighting dmg with it so enemies gets +25% lightning res
-get fortify for ur shield charge, why u even link life leech to it when it do like 0 dmg
-no diamond flask on crit build rly?
-if u dont have money for pen vinktar u should link life leech to ur discharge in cospris since it does a lot more dmg then cyclone one

Diamond Flask gonna help a lot(almoust double ur crit chance) + changing ur ring to other one, u can only have cold or phys dmg on ring if u cant find any without it, other elements makes ur Discharge weaker.

Its hard to make Discharge work on a low budget and ur items lacks a lot. Im not an expert but thats just mine opinion.
Thanks for the hints, and yeah volls amulet is out of reach for me currently. Just spent all my chaos on inyas and yeah, im a beginner at best not sitting on hundreds of chaos and exalts. Thanks for the help though.

Getting 5 link on armor is prolly my next goal. Wish these orbs would drop more frequently.
Last edited by Parasite#6542 on Oct 9, 2017, 4:48:42 PM
Hey could I get a clear verdict on whether its worth it to use CoC + discharge in chest without the helm enchant? I see OP without the enchant and with the coc + discharge, but trying that myself I never see myself at full charges. I know last league it wasn't but I'm wondering if that's changed with inyas. If I need the helm enchant to run that setup and I don't have it, would the 5L setup be :

Cyclone - coc - firestorm - inc crit strikes - fortify/life leech

Or drop coc entirely and replace those two with something else?
Last edited by Fire309#4332 on Oct 9, 2017, 5:54:11 PM
What major pantheon should i use ?

Also, would it be a good idea to use Empower 4 instead of Life leech on 6L ? And what about HH for belt slot ?
Last edited by Alizae#7963 on Oct 9, 2017, 9:21:27 PM
Last edited by humble_genius#3222 on Jan 26, 2019, 2:55:39 PM
Decided to roll this as the last build in this league. Man turn out 230ex+ blow into it and i still fell sort and want more, specially in jewelries. Some jewelries are so good at ridiculous price but seem like they already offline. hope i can beg for them to come back and sell me their jewel.
I try both this set up and cutedog setup, and figure out that one of cutedog is better, although i fall sort in bossing with map have more boss life when my diamond ran out. with 6x% crit chance wo diamond and 5.7 aps i think i need to find another good gloves and upgrade all my jewelry to reach about 7+ aps and some more juicy multi

Hey guys, could you check out my character and tell me what kind of improvements you would make first?

I've been running shaped spider forests and vaults and it's been going alright.
Hey guys,

I tryed this build but honestly, I'm having a realy hard time since lvl 70. DPS seems to be ok until lvl 75 area. But I have 2 major problems imo :
- Leech seems to be ineffective ;
- The tankiness is a mess ;

Mapping is useless since I die more than 2 time in each map, even in T5 maps. Even leeching is not possible, I wasted 2 rota where I lost almost all my exp because of RIP.
I just succeded to pass the Merc lab. And I failed twice while beeing carried in Uber lab (thanks to awfully large cancer trap area who make it absolutly impossible at this state), even after respecting VP to have more flexibility in regen hp.

So right now, I'm almost virtualy locked.
I can not leech in rota because poorjoy is way to ripy, and beachhead would be a waste on a character level 75.
I can not do my Uber Lab and redo my tree. I can not map on my own because I'm too squishy ...
I realy have the impression of hurting myself in a wall. An impenetrable wall.

What did I did wrong ?

PS : I have a Voll Devotion, but in Std. And I think it would be a waste to buy a second one while I just have to wait few days. An while this build should be playble with Biscot, the build should work without it, I suppose.
PSS : Do not consider the "no Vaal Pact" in my tree, I respected the skill point for my try of uber lab. I still have 2 skill points in reserve.

My stuff :

Flasks :

Jewels :

Thanks lot for your help.
Last edited by LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 on Nov 22, 2017, 7:12:52 PM
still viable on 3.1 without vaal pact ?

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