Sunder Bleed Gladiator, 500k DPS, 7.2k HP [3.0]
" Thanks, the gap between t15 and t16 is not as big as the t16 is way smaller in 3.0. Would be interesting to see how it works out with a 1h+shield. |
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" Yeah I'm sure it'll work just fine. I'm taking a small break for a few days, where I don't play PoE too much, and trying Warhammer 40k Martyr instead. But i'll report back when I get to try some T16s ^^ EDIT: So I tried Chimera with a few mods and corrupted for the atlas, just for kicks, with my current gear which sucks, and I did use all my portals on him, since I get in blind. Never done him before, but did get him down. I bet it can be done by someone more skilled than me, quite alot easier. My dmg need to be alot better though. ![]() Last edited by Leeown#6438 on Sep 1, 2017, 1:50:39 PM
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" This is how its looking: Any advice? |
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Very interesting build, I am glad to see someone made a bleed build that actually has respectable bleed DPS.
Could you post an updated POB for a 1-handed build? I'd like to see how the DPS compares to my phys brutality gladiator and play around with it. Thanks! |
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Hmm… i really like the idea of the build but i am a little bit worried about surviveabilty. Is the leech really enough to keep you alive?
And another point, isn’t the drawback of being a 2 Hand Gladiator for a 1 hand / shield optimized Ascendery class too big? Is probably Marauder Berserker the better Choice? |
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" total noob here, but after looking at the trees you could definitely do the marauder berserker ascendancy if you wanted to. It definitely seems to have more survivability than gladiator does, but i think it loses out on the aoe damage from the corpse explosions. may have better single target with that +40% damage from aspect of carnage, but i'm not sure how fun mapping would be. i definitely agree with the point about gladiator being based around 1handed, i wonder how much better a 1-handed build with shield would be? poking about the passive tree, the three wheels near the duelist start have access to "+% damage with ailments" nodes, with 2-handing and dual-wielding having +40% total, while the shield wheel only has +24%. it seems like you could use a dual-wielding build by taking the dual-wielding wheel, but you give up the kaom's in order to have a six-link. I'm a poor bastard that sucks at making money, so i think i might dual-wield axes as far as unique dual wielding weapons go, i think "flesh-eater", "jack, the axe", or "rigwald's savagery" would be good options. that reduced life leech on "jack, the axe" seems like a bad choice tho, and rigwald's savagery seems like it needs to be used with a sword to be effective...looks like it's either flesh-eater + rares or just rares for dual-wielding lol Last edited by LeFlyingSnorlax#3236 on Sep 7, 2017, 7:45:08 PM
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" One hander wont work, but a slayer is probably a better option. |
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If I wanted more life nodes what would I adjust, for the mace build?
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