[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

axedice wrote:
So my question is, will the experience get better? (with my playskill probably no =P)

Hierophant made the mana flask less good compared to inquisitor, because we have massively more mana regen and we just bounce to full mana too fast, utility flasks are the way to go. Stibnite has a naturally long duration (6 sec with quality), and if you roll +20 charges it has 5 uses.

Is it better to

a) take 2 Kikazaru's and forget about the curses with some overcapped resists (which will disable hatred due to loss of Essence Worm ring)

b) Drop soul mantle and lose a free link, which on paper sounds too much of a dps loss.

With a well rolled self flagellation, option a sounds better. I know the best way to play is to git gud but I'm not sure I can get adjusted to the flask gameplay anytime soon.

Dropping soul mantle is a massively larger damage hit than running kikas, which depending on setup aren't necessarily a damage loss at all.

I play the dual kika route, and I like it a lot. I don't find the damage difference noticeable, but I do notice having less life (no life on kika).

With my gear, self flag out-paces hatred + yellow jewel at 4-6 curses (6 if one of them is enfeeble, 4 otherwise). If I had a good hatred watcher's eye that would change of course. With an absurdly expensive crit + penetration watcher's eye, it takes 11 curses for self flag to = hatred.

Now that's assuming a stat ring. If you had a good opal ring in the hatred setup you'd probably have to add another ~2 curses to break even.

Again this is with my gear, your mileage may vary a lot - based mostly on what shaper mods you have on weapons (the more phys as extra element rolls, the smaller portion of your overall damage hatred represents).
Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Mar 20, 2018, 3:26:09 AM
axedice wrote:
Hey there need some n00b advice here

Just finished act10 yesterday and I'll do the labs and upgrade gear for mapping tonight. It's my first time with a soul mantle totem build and I'm not sure how to manage the curse immunity stuff. I mean I know the basics, I've even crafted a mana flask with 20sec duration curse immunity which sounded great in theory but half of the time I'm either capped with mana and the flask ends or I'm taking too much damage and the regen from the shitty flask is not enough. I also use a sulphur flask for full mana situations but I find it requires too much management.

Being not a great player, I choose a totem build thinking it required little management, but now I find myself trying to manage my flasks even at T1 maps not to die ( Kitava was especially difficult) and it slows me down.

So my question is, will the experience get better? (with my playskill probably no =P)

Is it better to

a) take 2 Kikazaru's and forget about the curses with some overcapped resists (which will disable hatred due to loss of Essence Worm ring)

b) Drop soul mantle and lose a free link, which on paper sounds too much of a dps loss.

With a well rolled self flagellation, option a sounds better. I know the best way to play is to git gud but I'm not sure I can get adjusted to the flask gameplay anytime soon.

Option a) has better long-term potential, because you still get 7-link totems at the end and overall your damage would not be worse than with Hatred, especially after you get insane conversion from other slots. It just requires you to change many gears to cap resist.

Option b) is much cheaper and easier to do. Tabula or a corrupted 6L armor with right color is 10-20c and you don't have to change anything else. But in the end you will want to switch to soul mantle any way. Damage loss is not significant at low level -- there is nothing that needs 5 totems to kill until guardians, then 6L armor is same as a 5L soul mantel.

As for the flask experience, a long duration flask (like stibnite), experimenter's mod, quality, belt duration mod, and some flask points will help. I see you are using a 4 sec flask without quality for it, that is just too short I am afraid.

Last edited by lostcoaster#3644 on Mar 20, 2018, 3:29:30 AM
magicrectangle wrote:
The base crit mod, with a good roll, is almost as good as an inc crit gem, which is pretty nuts for a jewel. It also costs 10 ex minimum even with trash other mods.

Whether you should run both will depend on your other gear. You should sim it in PoB. PoB lets you rank gems by damage contribution, so it is incredibly easy to pick the right one (as long as you have the appropriate flags set, such as the "chilled" flag to turn on hypothermia).

PoB doesn't automatically recognize the conflict between hypothermia and ele focus, but other than that its damage rankings can pretty much just be followed as listed.

Make sure you have the target set as guardian/shaper, because that's where the damage really matters, and if you don't it will under-value cold pen.

Sorry, i'm some what of a beginner with PoB.

How does one set the target to guardian/shaper in PoB?

Thanks in advance for the assistance!
Exodus_820 wrote:
BuDiu wrote:
juntar wrote:
Hey BuDiu,
Is the Crit chance really worth it with Hatred? I have upwards of 80-85% crit chance with my GC totems already so much so that it PoB actually suggests I replace the Increase Crit Chance Gem. I went with Cold Pen instead...



Trust me, it is INSANELY good.

You should use both the Crit Hatred Watchers Eye AND the Increase Crit Gem.

There are very few and rare sources of BASE crit for spells. This rare stat helps so much with scaling crit in general.

Since my damage is mostly cold, on PoB a 15% cold pen watchers eye gave me a bit more shaper dps than a crit watchers eye. And it was incredibly cheap. I now have 65% cold pen.

I recommend people without the currency to try going this pure cold/cold pen route with both weapons being a dagger with T1 extra cold+other normal caster mods, because it would be hard for them to get multiple gain extra fire/lightnings on weapons.

GO into configuration. On the bottom left ishhh of the settings, you will see a drop down field, change to the shaper option.

I'm not home but i think it reads "what type of enemy". or "is the enemy a boss?"
Last edited by BuDiu#0138 on Mar 20, 2018, 9:39:22 AM
hey magicrectangle

whats your average increase on self flagelation curses?

I ran a few shaper runs with 2x kikas and the jewel but found myself usually only getting around 140-160% max from it on an everyday average scenario.

And that's with spamming totems more often than usual, taking a significant mana toll for my MoM

Also curious on the HP of your build. I'm currently sitting at 6-6.2k and 2.2k mana. Depending on the helm I use.

I also use 2% regen boot enchants, I really prefer a more tanky build. Damage is already good enough to phase shaper in 2 seconds.
"Elemental Damage whit Attack skill" i think this not affect to glacial cascade because is a spell,or im wrong ?
En3ka wrote:
"Elemental Damage whit Attack skill" i think this not affect to glacial cascade because is a spell,or im wrong ?

correct elemental damage with attack skills is for ATTACK only.
BuDiu wrote:
hey magicrectangle

whats your average increase on self flagelation curses?

I ran a few shaper runs with 2x kikas and the jewel but found myself usually only getting around 140-160% max from it on an everyday average scenario.

That sounds about right. You can pre-buff up to 12 curses in invuln phases, but during a fight 6-8 curses is about where you'll hover.

You don't want to spam anyway because totems have a deployment time during which they cannot cast, so it lowers your DPS.

And that's with spamming totems more often than usual, taking a significant mana toll for my MoM

With arcane surge up totem spam can't out-pace my regen. Over 500 mana/sec.

Also curious on the HP of your build. I'm currently sitting at 6-6.2k and 2.2k mana. Depending on the helm I use.

With kaom's roots, 4.3k life, 2.5k mana. With my mapping boots, 4k life, 2.7k mana.

2x kika, and 4x unique jewels definitely takes its toll on the life, but 6.8k pool is still more than a lot of builds end up with, and I find it to be enough for all content up through shaper (haven't done uber elder yet, just spawned him finally so probably doing that this evening).

If I had gear as good as yours though, I'd probably trade down damage for life in tree.

A hat enchant would help a lot, letting me use 2 yellow jewels in place of the long winters, but I can't afford to take the resist hit of running a starkonja, and a hat enchant on a good rare is expensive.
Well I did uber elder. It wasn't exactly clean (4 deaths), but since it was my first go I don't really feel too bad about that. Damage was a non-issue, my relatively modest gear killed them long before shaper's void zones mattered.

Loot was okay. Got the hat which already sold for 3.5 ex, and got:

All 3 of those auras are used by aurabots so seems like maybe it will be worth something (though immune to frostbite isn't much of a benefit).
I'm still buzzing. I bought it to throw fuses at while I map and after 25 fuses...

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