[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]
Hi, here is my profil : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/NATSUZOR/characters -> NATSUGCTOTEM (BSC char)
I have 2-3 questions, is GC totem hiero viable for endgame boss (guardians etc. ?) because when I tryed, looks like I am missing DPS.. take an eternity to kill boss with 4 5 wipes... I have rly no problem for T15 map trash/boss, but guardians ... can someone help me to do an upgrade list priority for my gear ? I am personnaly thinking about new weapon or amulet ... PS : I am currently farming xp for gem upgrade, got soon x6 GC 20/20 to vaal. I mean I know about gems upgrade, its rly about gear. |
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" One thing I noticed is you are using two curse gems. Also, this I am not sure and did not try it but how does linking Hatred to CWDT effect the skill? If it does not effect the Hatred. do not mind me, but if it does, your conversion jewel may not be working. Last edited by Lynkeus_#6307 on Mar 13, 2018, 7:21:49 AM
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Has anyone tried scion for this? Kinda want to try Ele/Heiro or something along the lines of that.
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" I just did my first guardian this league, was phoenix. Map mod had more life/vuln/crit/some extra damage etc. I died 2 times as flasks went out. Guess the problem was also in DPS, I definitely want a 6L. That being said, if I don't die the boss should be down in 1 or 2 mins. My character is public (there is only one character in this league). Hope there would be any help. |
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" You're right about that amulet, that's definitely the next thing to upgrade. You can get a lot of damage from amulet slot, most especially a 30%+ crit multi roll. Equiping my amulet: Which honestly isn't even that good, raises your PoB DPS from 119k to 137k. After ammy, it would be good to get a proper boot enchant. 120% Crit if you haven't crit recently would be a ~5k dps bump, 10% ele pen if you haven't killed recently would be a 7k dps bump. Your weapons are kind of medium, but shaper weapons do cost a premium right now, doing significantly better than yours will cost a bit. Still I'd put that 3rd after ammy and boot enchant. There's nothing wrong with your belt, but if you're feeling the need for more DPS and willing to trade a little life in for it, there's: Which would cost you ~220 life, but gain you ~14k dps. -------------------- As to the question of whether hiero is viable, yeah, it definitely is. I've done deathless guardians and shaper already, and exodus has done uber elder. My gear isn't all that much better than yours really. Weapons and ammy are better but I only have a 5-link so actual DPS isn't all that far off (I've got about 30% more damage than you in PoB). Some ridiculously rolled 8-prop corrupted guardians are always going to have the potential to be a littly rippy though, so I wouldn't feel too bad dying there. If we're not talking corrupted, but rather regular rolls where you've made sure there's not too many boss buffing mods, then there's something wrong, because those types of guardian maps should be fairly reliably doable. I did the inquisitor version of the build last league (all content), and IMHO hierophant is pretty much superior in every way. Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Mar 13, 2018, 2:16:09 PM
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Hey there , i'm currently trying this build and i was thinking if its possible to run dual curses with Windshriek. I want to reuse some of my shaped / elder scepter's from my trickster ed starter , if i take Shriek with x2 curses i'll still have enough mana for MoM right? The curses would be ele weakness + Enfeeble / Frost bite ( more tankyness maybe) ? |
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The recommended kaom's roots don't have any mana either, so you're not missing out on any by going windshriek. You are missing out on 200 base life, though.
I'm not really sold on dual curse myself. The big bosses have 80% less curse effectiveness against them, which makes it feel like a sort of meager investment. Max level frostbite will only reduce big boss resists by another -9%. Noticeable but you can get that much resist reduction as a mod on a shaper weapon, or even as a lab enchant on a boot (10% penetration if you haven't killed recently). Enfeeble is a strong defensive curse while mapping. I run it in a CWDT setup. But I don't see much need for dual curse to go with it, because our damage is so overkill on trash that I don't actually cast ele weakness on them very often. |
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Kikazaru/Self-Flagellation = 12 curse *20% = 240% more damage is not good ?
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" Hey magicrectangle. It seems like (from your comments) you've been able to achieve a lot with your setup. I'm still early on in the build (just got to maps) but since Kikazaru's are relatively cheap, would you recommend switching to that? Or is it something I should do when I start min-maxing at endgame? This is my current setup. |
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" Kikazarus are more of a personal preference choice. I don't think they're strictly better or worse, I just don't like managing curses. The tradeoff is the rings stats themselves aren't very good (no life), though the life/sec from them is significant and nice. Self-flagellation does offer pretty good damage, but you can potentially get pretty good damage from rings and an extra jewel, too. Which is better depends how many curses you end up averaging active, for the most part. You can pretty easily start a boss fight with 12 up, and lead out of any invuln phases that boss might have with 12 up. If you're able to make the boss fights short enough (with high enough DPS) that does actually translate to averaging close to 12 curses (I'm pretty close to that on shaper). Do whichever feels better to you. The main tradeoff is convenience (kikazaru) vs life pool (flask curses). The damage difference isn't going to end up being major one way or the other. At lower gear levels (before you have shaper weapons) I do think non-kikazaru is stronger, because you can run hatred on essence worm. Hatred becomes less important as you start accumulating shaper mods. |
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