[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]
Poorboi looking for some advice on gear upgrades. Currently dying a lot more in high tier red maps (T14, T15) mostly in Incursions. I actually _don't_ think the issue is survivability despite deaths but rather, I'm just not killing mobs in high density zones fast enough. I'm wondering if people have suggestions on some of the cost effectiveness of gear upgrades. I looked into a 6L but it didn't seem like that much of a dmg increase and costs 7ex or so. I only have ~10ex in total right now.
1) It looks like re-adding Hatred to my build would add 20% dmg. I switched to 2x Kikazaru as keeping Curse immunity up was a pain, and I kept dying when I would forget doing so. However, doing this with Clarity reserves all my mana. Is it worth getting an Enlighten for this? 2) How important are Kaom's Roots? The lack of movespeed is pretty painful :( Currently I think a Weapon upgrade would be the best idea, some better Jewels, or maybe a helmet enchant to free up two jewel slots. Also looking into some of RushBone's suggestions above as they seem to fix some of my pain points Using 2x Long Winter, Self-Flagellation, and two jewels. Skill tree public: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUCAAOaBAcEUQSzBx4I9AmqDkgRlhZvFr8aOBzcHRQfAh8YIvQmlScvKgsqEysmLJwy0TbFOhY8BT1fQZZFR0WdSU9JUUyzTq5R-1JTU1JVS1XGWG1Y5VnzWitd8l8qYeJkM2ZUZp5oWmjyakNsC20ZcFJyD3X9f8aCm4Pbg_OEb4UyhoKJ04uMjDaOZI8aj0aP-pBVkyeUb5Uuly2XlZf0mjua4J_foS-iAKPypwiuEq6zsTa1SLb6uZO8qrzqvorAZsCawwnNFtAf0PXUQtWm2CTZ_ONq6-Tr7uv17TzvfO_r8B_w1fId96b53frS?accountName=thirdworldbeanfarmer&characterName=DidHeRyzed (amulet, and weapons are SSF lel) |
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Looking for some advice for gear upgrades. I am currently running the Kikazaru build by RushBone. Here are my gears
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Bought last two items i was missing and yay build is basically complete!(wondering if its worth slamming the belt and maybe ill slam the jewel praying rngesus i'll get a decent suffix,will see :D )
Should i leave the belt as is or what do you guys think? thanks for the eventual suggestions :D Last edited by Unstablix#0218 on Jul 17, 2018, 4:08:51 PM
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update for leveling
changes1: Freezing Pulse after some testing I am sure that Freezing Pulse is faster can be used up to Ancestral Bond, then switch to Spell totem + Arc (see below) changes2: Arc arc totems before GC are effective and fast no need for Frost Bomb even on bosses while using arc 1. We start with Templar and rush this way: www.poeurl.com/bZo7 We use any wands/sceptres from drop, all gems are Templar questline Mainskill progression: Freezing Pulse Freezing Pulse + Arcane Surge Freezing Pulse + Arcane Surge + Added Lightning Important: utilise Frost Bomb on bosses, u can kill any boss even 5 levels higher using it Utility: Flame Dash (+ Arcane Surge if you want) Advice: do the Tidal Island quest and use the Quicksilver ASAP 2. After we got Ancestral Bond, we go this way: www.poeurl.com/b0qA We continue to use anything that drops get Arc from Nessa after entering The Cavern of Wrath Mainskill: Spell Totem + Arc + Added Lightning (+ Faster Casting if you got 4L) Auras: Herald of Ice Herald of Thunder Get them ASAP in Act 2. Get to Act 3. 3. Switch to Glacial Cascade ASAP. Mainskill: Spell Totem + Glacial Cascade + Concentrated Effect + Faster Casting Aura: Hatred (poetrade 1alch). Drop heralds, no need any more. At this point we almost always have enough currency to buy The Princess. I never had problems to get currency for two of them on a fresh start (poetrade 2 alch). Get one or two Princess, look for the ones that have gain 27%+ as cold. Usually it is also not a big problem to get Hrimsorrow already at this point. Sell couple alts/alchs or an item, equip. Get Whirling Blades (poetrade 1alch). Buy Faster Attacks in Act2 to support Whirling Blades. Now you can really move, Flame Dash only for jumps. Get to Act 4, reach Crystal Veins waypoint. Do Normal Lab, take +1 totem. Tree: www.poeurl.com/b0rA tbc :) Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jul 17, 2018, 12:47:38 PM
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today I figured out that the final build does not need 5 power charges.
they only give 80% increased crit chance and 36% charge duration. duration is not important as we easily generate charges by spam placing totems. if you got good spellcrit daggers and boot enchant, 80% crit are not worth 4 passives. in my case, when I reskilled I got another 4-5% more dps (on 3 charges when compared to 5) and one extra passive I used to finish the scion life wheel. Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jul 18, 2018, 9:11:50 AM
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" Yeah same i had enchanted crit chance on one of the daggers i was using but found out spell power at this point actually give way more dps to me,wierd PS:Thanks for taking the time to type a levelling guide btw! Last edited by Unstablix#0218 on Jul 18, 2018, 10:59:21 AM
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" get boots with 120% increased crit |
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" Eh the Kaoms already got that enchant and im casually running lab to get it on the rare ones aswell,tbh doesn't really matter in the end since i use them for mapping and i already basically oneshot anything everywhere but yeah |
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next update for leveling
changes: added 4. and 5. added versions SC/HC more gear advices, Thousand Ribbons the most important 1. We start with Templar and rush this way: www.poeurl.com/bZo7 We use any wands/sceptres from drop, all gems are Templar questline Mainskill progression: Freezing Pulse Freezing Pulse + Arcane Surge Freezing Pulse + Arcane Surge + Added Lightning Important: utilise Frost Bomb on bosses, u can kill any boss even 5 levels higher using it Utility: Flame Dash (+ Arcane Surge if you want) Advice: do the Tidal Island quest and use the Quicksilver ASAP A huge QoL for leveling is Thousand Ribbons (with 3, later with 4 linked sockets) because of the built-in Proliferation so you are freezing everything even without AoE and high crit. They normally cost like 1alch, this armour will bring you from lvl1 directly to Soul Mantle at lvl48. 2. After we got Ancestral Bond, we go this way: www.poeurl.com/b0qA We continue to use anything that drops get Arc from Nessa after entering The Cavern of Wrath Mainskill: Spell Totem + Arc + Added Lightning (+ Faster Casting if you got 4L) Auras: Herald of Ice Herald of Thunder Get them ASAP in Act 2. Get to Act 3. 3. Switch to Glacial Cascade ASAP. Mainskill: Spell Totem + Glacial Cascade + Concentrated Effect + Faster Casting Aura: Hatred (poetrade 1alch). Drop heralds, no need any more. At this point we almost always have enough currency to buy The Princess. I never had problems to get currency for two of them on a fresh start (poetrade 2 alch). Get one or two Princess, look for the ones that have gain 27%+ as cold. Usually it is also not a big problem to get Hrimsorrow already at this point. Sell couple alts/alchs or an item, equip. Get Whirling Blades (poetrade 1alch). Buy Faster Attacks in Act2 to support Whirling Blades. Now you can really move, Flame Dash only for jumps. Get to Act 4, reach Crystal Veins waypoint. Do Normal Lab, take +1 totem. Tree: www.poeurl.com/b0rA 4. Go through Act 4 and 5 Take Lightning Golem and Increased Area of Effect as rewards Equip Lightning Golem ASAP and level it, no need to think about CWDT now Start swapping AOE and Conc Effect in your 4L, try to use Conc only on bosses Mainskill normal mobs: Spell Totem + Glacial Cascade + AOE + Faster Casting Mainskill bosses: Spell Totem + Glacial Cascade + Concentrated Effect + Faster Casting Utility1: Frost Bomb + lowlvl Arcane Surge (if you got another 3L, then + Increased AOE) Utility2: Frostbite + lowlvl Arcane Surge At this point I usually already buy 2x Kikazarus (1c each) Reasons: - you want to level up your Faster Attacks - life/mana regens start to be important - decent lightning res the tree depends on what you are aiming for. after lot of checking I go for more life/survivability which means taking Devotion and Constitution: www.poeurl.com/b0Qi Of course it is possible to focuse on DPS and do this: www.poeurl.com/b0Qj both trees are 68 passives as I am trying to do this build in HC last weeks, i take the first option actually you got more than enough DPS to proceed so I advise to go life even in SC Do Cruel Lab, take the 5th totem (while you don't need more totems atm, there comes a LOT of life/mana regen you will need very soon) 5. At lvl48 and higher, you must start to look for a cheap Soul Mantle No need for 6sockets just now so buy an unlinked unsocketed one and make a 4L this will be enough to carry you through story and white maps there you will start to farm chaos recipe sets for 2c each this will bring you to 30-40c very soon so you will be able to get 5L soul mantle the 5L one will be enough up to red maps at least, or even higher Mainskill normal mobs Soul Mantle 4L: Glacial Cascade + Cold Penetration + Increased Crit + AOE Mainskill bosses Soul Mantle 4L: Glacial Cascade + Cold Penetration + Increased Crit + Conc Effect Mainskill normal mobs Soul Mantle 5L: Glacial Cascade + Cold Penetration + Faster Casting + Increased Crit + AOE Mainskill normal mobs Soul Mantle 5L: Glacial Cascade + Cold Penetration + Faster Casting + Increased Crit + Conc Effect Utility1: Frost Bomb + lowlvl Arcane Surge + Increased AOE Utility2: Vaal Haste + Increased Duration Utility3: Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify Utility4: Cast When Damage Taken + Enfeeble + Summon Lightning Golem + Immortal Call For QoL, I strongly recommend Portal + Flame Dash + Faster Casting as soon as you can, spend 2 points for any jewel socket you can reach buy Self-Flagellation and insert there, 15-16% ones are cheap and enough to give a boost Well... at the moment you got your 5L Soul Mantle, 2x Kikazarus, Self-Flagellation and capped resists after you finished the story, you are pretty much set. You can use Controlled Destruction instead of Faster Casting, it gives more DPS but you will lose crit chance so the mobs will be not SO frozen any more. I switch to Controlled Destruction only after I got like 35-40% crit for GC. Hrimsorrow + Goldrim will be enough for yellow maps or even higher. Next gear transition is a helmet with 40% GC convert enchant + rare gloves with resists and life. Start identifying any daggers and sceptres you drop and look if they are better than The Princess. Other option is to buy a rare dagger for 2-3c which will be better than the Princess. Do Merciless lab, take the crit node (Conviction of Power) The Uber Lab is not really THAT important, just do trials and do as soon as you feel strong. tbc :) things that are still not covered: final SC and HC tree, will a little bit different from original Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jul 19, 2018, 8:14:40 PM
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Hey guys I have these two I wanna use. Do they work with totems? They are in the build, but I dont know if they work since we dont crit oursleves :S
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