[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]
" i would prefer shield and doryani's catalyst until dagger. with shimmeron you cannot use movement skill besides of flame dash which is meh. with shield and doryani's catalyst, you can use shield charge + faster attacks, it works OK. divinarius is also OK, though weaker. Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jun 30, 2018, 6:39:33 AM
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I have 2 daggers quite good for the build, I swap to Jugg so I want to sell them, pls pm me if u want to buy
Last edited by ltt26905#3878 on Jul 1, 2018, 4:16:45 AM
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Obligatory "thanks for the guide" :D
Now a question: I noticed you mentioned hypothermia and a couple other gems as alternatives for the GC setup and said they might be better in POB. My question is why did you not opt for, say, hypothermia over cold penetration as it gives a massive damage boost in the POB link you provided. I'm just wondering if there is some subtle reasoning for not going with hypothermia that I'm not understanding (as it is the biggest improvement to damage I could find). Is it hard/impossible to chill certain bosses? Any insight would be appreciated. |
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hi i`ve got a noob question
all my previous builds are warriors ( cyclone - reave - etc ) i`ve decided to go mage for once and i liked ur guide so i made it iam lv57 now and enjoying it but my noob question is that when i look into ur gear ( the incursion league gear ) i see that in ur 6l chest u dont have spell totem ? how u play like that ? dont i have to have spell totem support gem to convert my skill into a totem ? and if theres a way to not need it tell me please thanks in advance |
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"The FAQ has my rap on wands in general but shimms are less good than even a mediocre spaher wand with gain as extra mods. Try looking at the in-depth gearing section for weapons to understand why it's a useful stat for our build. Shimms can be competitive with "regular" daggers with just spell crit, multi, spell damage but on trade leagues regular daggers will cost you 1-2 chaos and Shimms are currently 3 exalts. "Basically what you mentioned. An enemy isn't chilled until you hit them so the second hit you will benefit from Hypo. In frantic fights with teleporting/invuln phases and tons of adds which causes retargeting it's rare that you can just sit with all 5 totems down in a vacuum hitting the same target over and over. My damage is large enough to chill most bosses but it will depend on your gear. "Soul Mantle has a level 20 spell totem support built in. |
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A major update of my interpretation of this build.
Maybe the final version, I will see. Got level 97 today. Headhunter works wonderful with AoE setup. Sometimes the top of the screen looks like those Windripper bois :) You can see my tree in the profile. At some point I reskilled into so-called HC version and I don't regret it. 4.9к HP while farming at 55% base movement speed, and around 6k at Uber Elder. Now the breakdown... Gear that stay always the same (farming, XP or Uber Elder)
I swap Crit Strikes and AoE to Conc Effenct and Elem Focus on elder/shaper guards, other bosses die on the farm setup. XP/MF additional setup:
Uber Elder replacement setup for the farming items above:
I kill Uber Elder absolutely safe. The build itself allows it 100% and is at the same time almost top tier for farming if you maximize movement speed and AoE like me. I tried Atziri's Reflection but sold it back, it brings not so much difference and the complete setup which requires belt and two expensive rings to compensate it costs like 50exa, not worth it unleast I get them somehow very easy in the next days, might try it once again. For now, I strictly prefer the Kikazaru rings version, no tedious flask curse removal. Thanks again thi3n! EDIT: just killed UE deathless! YEAH. Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jul 4, 2018, 2:19:25 PM
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ps. I'm selling the +2 Glacial Cascade 6L Soul Mantle, used it myself like 2 weeks, just pm :)
Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jul 4, 2018, 5:33:10 AM
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Obligatory post for this wonderful guide, Uber Elder down using these gear.
Got Uber down to 25% in the first portal, then died cause I got distracted. Died another 3 times after trying to get into the fight before finally killing him. Deathless run definitely viable. Some tips: Blood of the Karui is insane for survivability, I dropped crit flask for that. Also, for some reason my mana regen is really low at 100+, so having a curse immune mana flask pretty much makes you curse immune for 10sec. |
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" some commentary to the gear: 1. divine the daggers! Behemoth Slicer can go to 35% cold and 20% chaos - huge boost Rift Needle can go to 20% chaos (max roll chaos more important, and lightning cannot drop lower than 36%) 2. ruby ring seems to be a cheap item compared to everything else, maybe get a better one for like 1exa 3. dodge spell hits is interesting but i think the 120% crit is unbeatable 4. i would drop the taste of hate, it doesnt give u nearly as much dps as diamond, check with PoB for yourself good luck exile and gz with uber kill :) |
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As a content creator it's great to see people take the build and make it their own! You guys both have individual preferences:
For RushBone - Doesn't want to play without Kikazaru. For R3pl4y - Took a twist on the flasks with Blood of the Karui. Both of you guys got Uber Elder kills! Congrats guys! Throughout the guide and posts I see people using different helm/boot enchants, different gem/utility setups, and obviously a huge range of different rare items. If you're new and coming into these threads don't be afraid to experiment with something to make the build your own! |
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